Can Earth become a second Venus?
Can the collapse of civilization be avoided?
Could 'The Day After Tomorrow' film happen?
Global tipping point not backed by science: study
Study predicts imminent irreversible planetary collapse
Earth could reach devastating ecological tipping point by 2025
Provocative new study warns of crossing planetary boundaries
Scientists uncover evidence of impending tipping point for Earth
Tipping points for seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers under rising sea level
Researchers find the tipping point between resilience and collapse in complex systems
Climate tipping points:
Perspectives on climate tipping points
Scientists identify climate 'tipping points'
Climate science bedeviled by 'tipping points'
Tipping elements in the Earth’s climate system
Climate tipping points - too risky to bet against?
Climate tipping points: what do they mean for society
Reversibility in an Earth System model in response to CO2 concentration changes
Feedback dynamics, Sensitivity and runaway conditions in the global climate system
The topology of non-linear global carbon dynamics: from tipping points to planetary boundaries