Great East Japan 2011 Earthquake & Tsunami

Tecnical description:

Tohoku Research 1

GEO Tohoku supersite

March 11, 2011 Honshu tsunami propagation

The 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake - felt from space

Massive sea-floor shove triggered Japan's tsunami

Record of 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake/Tsunami

Years-long 'silent quake' unleashed Fukushima tsunami

Tohoku earthquake and tsunami focus of BSSA special issue

Japan's megaquake and killer tsunami: How did this happen?

New study pinpoints stress factor of mega-earthquake off Japan

Listening to the 2011 magnitude 9.0 Tohoku-Oki, Japan, earthquake

Preliminary static fault model of March 2011 quake based on GPS data

Animations and sonifications of the Tohoku earthquake and aftershocks

Slippery fault unleashed destructive Tohoku-Oki earthquake and tsunami

Tohoku earthquake in 2011 precursors uncovered by natural time analysis

Unusual earthquake gave Japan tsunami extra punch, Stanford scientists say

Research reveals cause of huge 2011 Japan tsunami , may improve forecasting

Precursors to the 2011 Tohoku M9 earthquake uncovered by natural time analysis 

HFA IRIDeS review preliminary report focusing on 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake

Rupture to the trench: Dynamic rupture simulations of the 11 March 2011 Tohoku Earthquake

Numerical simulation of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami based on a new transient FEM co-seismic source

Crustal dynamics: unified understanding of geodynamic processes at different time and length scales

Structural, mechanical & thermal charcteristics of shallow plate boundary fault: 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake 

After effects on Nature:

Camera boat records tsunami coast

Earth's gravity scarred by earthquake

Fukushima world's radiation nightmare

Japan quake 'heard at the edge of space'

Mapping Japan's changed landscape from space

Subduction zone movement and following tsunami 

Japan earthquake has raised pressure below Mt. Fuji  

NASA finds 'merging tsunami' doubled Japan destruction

Tohoku-Oki earthquake displacements measured by GPS

After the tsunami, Japan's sea creatures crossed an ocean

Stress change from 2011 Japan quake from seafloor boreholes

Seafloor changes above the Tohoku-Oki earthquake rupture zone

Japanese tsunami debri washes up on US West Coast after 9 months

Deadly Japan quake and tsunami spurred global warming, ozone loss

The seismic cycle in the area of the 2011 M9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake

This chemical could protect plants from radioactive fallout at Fukushima

Volcanic subsidence triggerd by the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku earthquake, Japan

NASA 'sees' Tohoku-Oki earthquake and tsunami in Earth's upper atmosphere

Evidence of viscoelastic deformation revealed from seafloor geodetic observation

Propagation of an earthqauke triggering front from the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake 

Japan's 2011 megaquake left a scar at the bottom of th sea. Scientsts finally explored it.

Recovery of coastal fauna after the 2011 tsunami - bimonthly visual censuses conducted over 5 years  

Atmosphere-ionosphere response to the earthquake revealed by joined satellite and ground observations

Lessons to be learned:

Learning from mega disasters

Lessons from the 2011 Japan quake

Key lessons for the education sector

Policy lessons for Japanese disaster reponses

A decade of lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake

History repeats itself - the 869 Jogan Sanriku quake & tsunami

Shaken beliefs: seismic lessons from Japan's Tohoku earthquake

The Great East Japan Earthquake 2011: important lessons from old dirt

The link between Tohoku and Cascadia - the 1700 earthquake and tsunami

One year later: lessons from recovery after the Great East Japan Earthquake

Learning from megadisasters: lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake

Lessons from the Tohoku earthquake: natural disasters, natural selection, and firm exit 

Lessons and recommendations from Japanese Civil Society for the Post 2015 DDR Framework

Social Impact issues:

Arigato from Japan!

Japan's unfolding disaster

Tsunami city 'starts from zero'

Managing post-disaster debris

Disaster recovery drone network

Mega-disaster in a resilient society

'Business as usual' vital to recovery

Updated damage and property report

East Japan Earthquake picture project

Tsunami debri includes toxic chemicals

Refections: disaster recovery from the heart

Insights from the Great 2011 Japan Earthquake

Better planning needed in Japan coastal rebuild

Japan revives a sea barrier that failed to hold

Towards reconstruction: hope beyond the disaster

Japan Women's Network perspective on the Tohoku events

Japan earthquake - white paper on disaster management 2011

Propogation of positive effects of postdisaster policies through supply chains

3 years on from Japan's tsunami: older people and the impact of displacement

Japanese mapping project tracks the last moments of the victims of 2011 tsunami

Reconstruction of East Japan devastated by 2011 disasters - viewpoints from Rikuzentakata

Disaster recovery and reconstruction following the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake & Tusnami

Improving cooperation re business continuity plan (BCP) and business continuity management (BCM)

Recovery curves for housing reconstruction from 2011 and comparison with other post-disaster processes

Legal matters:

High court ups damages for child deaths in March 2011 tsunami


Tohoku earthquake seismograph art