Green/Circular/Low Carbon Economy

Earth's new normal

The Green Revolution

Project Drawdown roadmap

Governance for a Green Economy

How to make the next 'Green Deal' work

G20 low carbon competitiveness index 2012

The Global Cleantech Innovation Index 2014

It's not climate change - it's everything change

Offering an effective route to a low carbon economy

Towards a green economy (first video of 10 segments)

Production and consumption systems need fundamental rethink

The next convergence - why our world will never be the same again

A roadmap for moving to a competitive low carbon economy in 2050

Facing the global auction - a cut throat business case for the green economy

Spaceship Earth's odyssey to a circular economy - a century long perspective

Berkeley Lab launches new institute to build low-carbon pathways to prosperity

The great green technological transformation - World Economic and Social Survey 2011

Innovation and technology transfer: supporting low carbon development with climate finance

Facing up to climate change, repairing the system and looking forward to a bright future - Envisination

Transitions to green economy require political will and far-reaching transformations in society and economy

Green Infrastructure (GI):

The case for Green Infrastructure (GI)

Climate compatible development in the infrastructure sector

Project GreenLight: optimizing cyber-Infrastructure for a carbon-constrained world

Nature-Based Solutions (NBS):

Expertise - green resources

Davos 2013: Four simple environmental ideas to consider

Exploring nature-based solutions - the role of green infrastructure

State of finance for Nature - tripling investments in Nature-based solutions by 2030

Green products:

HydroInfra Technologies

Metal cations drive CO2's chemical reduction

Saving 70% or more of energy use in your home

A  nanophotonic comeback for incandescent bulbs

Circular by design - products in the circular economy

The growing interdependence of the Internet and climate change

Genetically evolved technology: Luke Bawazer at TEDx Warwick 2013

Researchers building stronger, greener concrete with biofuel bioproducts

Nanomaterials: the science of the small: Stefan Bon at  TEDx Warwick 2013

Machine-to-machine technologies: unlocking the potential of a one trillion dollar industry

NTU scientist develops a multi-purpose wonder material to tackle environmental challenges

Biochar as an exceptional bioresource for energy, agronomy, carbon sequestration & activated carbon



A European Green Deal

UK State of the Nation - Infrastructure report 2014

Circular economy: Europe strives to close the loop

Resource-efficient green economy and EU policies

Do we live in a green economy? New report assesses progress in Europe

Towards a green economy in Europe - EU environmental policy targets and objectives 2010-2050

The Americas:

US Green New Deal

What s the Green New Deal? A climate proposal, explained

Building business resilience in a changing climate (Canada)

Green economy and sustainable development: the Latin American scenario


The million jobs plan

Climate Change: Science and Solutions for Australia


Unveiling the Links between ICT & Climate Change in Developing Countries: A Scoping Study