Environmental Science, Ecological Systems & Nature-based Solutions

Nature is where the truth lies!

Tht biomass distribution on Earth

Can humans and Nature co-exist?

Environmenatal psychology and logic

Human intelligence and the environment

Long-term study shows impact of humans on land

Healthy ecosystems, healthy Earth, healthy people

Just 3% of world's ecosystems remain in tact, study

Stressors reveal ecosystems' hidden characteristics

Where we might find ecologically intact communities

Ecosystems as complex networks - and their collapse

Ancient DNA yields snapshots of vanished ecosystems

Fluctuating environment may have driven human evolution

'Pristine' landscapes haven't existed for thousands of years

When it comes to the environment, education affects our actions

Knowledge-based environmental research infrastructure: moving beyond data

Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Sevices in preparation

Measuring progress towards achieving the environmental dimensions of the SDGs

Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: visions of future systems and how to get there 

IPBES to launch first Global Assessment Report on biodiversity and ecosystem services since 2005

Mapping environments, ecosystems & biomes:

Explore a tapestry of world ecosystems

Mapping habitats to describe ecosystems

Explore the ecological tapestry of the world

Carnegie debuts revolutionary biosphere mapping capability

New satellite-based maps to aid in climate/environment forecasts

Putting a price on Nature:

Nature valued from space

Ecosystem valuation toolkit 

The state of finance for Nature in the G20 report

Does it help conservation to put a price on nature?  

Little evidence conservation organizaions respond to economic signals

Using gross ecosystem product (GEP) to value Nature in decision making

The future value of ecosystem services: global scenarios and national implications

A framework to quantify ecological links between an environmenatal stressor & final ecosystem services

Policies and legal issues for eco-solutions:

Do we need a law against ecocide?

Adoption of 'novel ecosystems' by policymakers criticized

Biogeochemistry of Ecosystems, Biomes:

Urban biogeochemistry

Deepwater Horizon and the rise of omics

Microbes hitch a ride inland on coastal fog

Assay test with fish cells replaces animal experiments

DNA of bacteria crucial to the ecosystem defies explanation

Earth's transition from winter to summer as seen by satellite

Molecular microbiology methods for environmental diagnosis

Estimating the environmental impacts of 57,000 food products   

Which are the most important functional genes in an ecosystem?

The emergence of environmental homeostasis in complex ecosystems 

Indirect effects of rising CO2 levels on ecosystems more important than previously thought

Humans strengthen bottom-up effects and weaken trophic cascades in a terrestrial food web

The phenomenon of ecosystem collapse:

Scientific foundations for an IUCN 'red list' of ecosystems

Environmental 'tipping points' key to predicting extinctions

Scientists pioneer method to predict environmental collapse 

Climate Change impact on ecosystems:

Climate change and the ecology of fear

Metabolism predicts ecological response to warming

Climate changes the distribution of plants and animals

Critical impacts of global warming on land ecosystems

Ancient global cooling gave rise to modern ecosystems

Ecological sensitivity: a biospheric view of climate change

Quantifying the impact of climate on ecosystems worldwide

Risk of severe climate change impact on the terrestrial biosphere

Dam construction to reduce greenhouse gases causes ecosystem disruption

Long-term research reveals how climate change is playing out in real ecosystems

Synergistic ecoclimate teleconnections from forest loss structure global ecological responses

DRR and ecosystems:

Investing in ecosytems for DRR: nature for lives 

The role of ecosystems in disaster risk reduction

How ecosystems protect communities against natural hazards

Promoting ecosystems for DRR and climate change adaptation

Countries turn to ecosystems to reduce risk amid concerns over more disasters

Mainstreaming ecosystem services into DRR: navigating complexity through knowledge coproduction

Ecosystem monitoring & management: 

Landscape migration

Global environmental monitoring

Carnegie Airborne Observatory - AToMS

New scientific field looks at the big picture

Approaches to study terrestrial ecosystems

Ecosystem biodiversity a key climate change buffer

Early warning signal for ecosystem collapse revealed

Biological field stations: keeping a pulse on our planet

Benefits of silicon carbide sensors in harsh environments

Biodiversity stabilizes ecosystems during climate extremes

Study unlocks faster way to assess ocean ecosystem health

Global environment outlook GEO-6 summary for policy makers

Global environment outlook GEO-6 Healthy Planet, Healthy People

Brilliant ecosystem visualizations - Greg Asner - ecology from the air

The global Landsat imagery database for the FAO FRA remote sensing survey

New cheap method of surveying landscapes can capture environmental change

Assessing confidence in management adaptation approaches for climate-sensitive ecosystems

Regeneration, restoration, conservation & Nature-based Solutions:

Ecosystem-based adaptation

Community conservation resilience initiative

Integrating ecosystems in resilience practice

Finding solutions in Nature for climate change

Eco-solutions: can Nature solve our problems?

The UN decade of ecosystem restoration 2021-2030

Scientists call for a paradigm shift in restoration projects

Global hotspots for coastal ecosystem-based adaptation

Two vital buffers against climate change are just offshore

Making the economic case for ecosystem-based adaptation

Going green: are ecosystem-based adaptation solutions gaining ground?

Harnessing Nature: an eco-system approach to climate change preparedness

UN officials call for restoration of ecosystems to reduce climate change disasters

Introduction to ecosystem-based adaptation: a nature-based response to climate change

The role of landscape connectivity in planning and implementing conservation and restoration priorities

Subterrainean ecosystems:

Subterrainean Ecosystems

New microbe found thriving deep in the Earth

Ventilation of subterranean CO2 and Eddy covariance incongruities

New centipede on top of the food chain in the sulphorous-soaked caves of Movile, Romania

Arid ecosystems:



Arid but full of Life

Dryland Ecosystems

Driest place on Earth hosts life

Researchers find microbial heat islands in the desert

Barren deserts can host complex ecosystems in their soils 

Forest ecosystems:  

150 years of biology overturned

Behold the surreal magic and mysery of slime molds

This sacred valley could become America's next national monument

Tropical ecosystems:

The state of the tropics report

World faces 'seismic shift' towards the tropics 

Tracking movement of the tropics 800 years into the past

Alpine ecosystems:

Alpine ecosystems

Coincidence of the alpine–nival ecotone with the summer snowline    

Cryospheric ecosystems:

Decline in snow cover spells trouble for many plants, animals

Cryospheric ecosystems: a synthesis of snowpack and glacial research

Coastal ecosystems:

Bizarre mangrove forest far from the coast offers clues to future sea level rise

Hydrospheric Ecosystems:


Lake Ecosystems

How wolves change rivers

More on Freshwater Ecosystems

Freshwater Ecosystems of the World

Fish as proxies for ecological and environmental change

Energy from the interior of the Earth supports life in a global ecosystem 

Study shows streams are reliable indicators of a region's environmental health              

Environmental factors that influence cyanobacteria and geosmin in reservoirs 

From wing to wing: the persistence of long ecological interaction chains in less-disturbed ecosystems

Ocean Ecosystems:


Tidal Pools

Longhurst Code


Marine ecosystem_services

Exploring ecological marine units (EMUs)

Existing mangroves  could fall to sea level rise by 2050

The value of seagrasses to the environment and to people

Loss of intertidal ecosystem exposes coastal communities

How machine learning redraws the map of ocean ecosystems

Modelling & Simluation:


Modeling all life?

The Madingley Model

James Lovelock at age 101

Maths experts question key ecological theory

Economic significance of improved environmental forecasting

Finding generality in ecology: a model for globally distributed experiments

Modeling the interplay between land use, bioenergy production and climate change

A model estimate on the effect of anthropogenic land cover change on the climate of the last millennium

Regional Issues:


Western Pacific Warm Pool

The Coral Triangle Initiative

The Northwestrn Hawaiian Islands

Pacific Regional Environment Programme: strategic plan 2011-2015   


Pollution 'devastating' China's vital ecosystem

Unsustainable ecological decline in rural China

Huge Underground "Ocean" Found Beneath Asia

Vast forest fires in Indonesia spawn ecological disaster

Mainstreaming ecosystem-based adaptation in Vietnam

Watershed protection  schemes growing: China takes lead

Environmental Statistics in Central Asia: Progress and Prospects

Understanding the coupled natural and human systems in Dryland East Asia

Unbearable legacies: the  politics of envvironmental degradation in North Korea

UNDP-supported- ecosystem-based adaptation project in Lao PDR moves forward

New ways of monitoring environmental impact could help save rural communities of China


Australia's environment in 2019

Biogeography of the Australian monsoon tropics

Humans caused historic Great Barrier Reef collapse

Repairing a Nation's Environment: Australia - a case study

Australia establishes International Partnership for Blue Carbon

Ecosystems across Australia are collapsing under climate change

AUS: managing species and natural ecosystems in a  changing climate

The implications of climate change for Australia's biodiversity conservation and protected areas

North America:

Value of Nature in the Puget Sound basin

The value of British Columbia's nearshore

BC: the cavernous world under the woods

The value of restoring the Mississippi delta

US National Ecological Obervatory Network (NEON)

Sustaining environmental capital: US President's report

Economic impact of metro parks Tacoma ecosystem services

US assessment of ecosystem carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas fluxes

US: ecosystem-service assessment - research needs for coastal green infrastructure

Projected evolution of California's San Francisco Bay-delta-river system in a century of climate change

South & Central America:

Into the Paramos

Ecuador: ITT Yasuni Initiative

Environmental research in Brazil   

Dangerous Climate Change in Brazil 

Atacama Desert's unprecedented rains are lethal to microbes

Scientists question rush to build controversial Nicaragua canal

Latin Americam & Caribbean Atlas of Our Changing Environment

An explicit GIS-based river basin framework for aquatic ecosystem conservation in the Amazon

Network structure beyond food webs: mapping non-tropic and tropic interactions on Chile's rocky shores


Digest of EEA indicators 2014

Digitising Yokshire's savannah past

Environmental footprints of Switzerland

Delivering data for environmental protection

Overfishing leaves swaths of Mediterranean barren

The European environment - state and outlook 2015

The European Environment - State and Outlook 2010

 Climate Change and European Marine Ecosystem Research

Protected areas have increased to cover 20% of Europe's land 

Europe's Seas: a valuable asset that must be used sustainably

An experimental framework for ecosystem capital accounting in Europe

New mapping method for 'green infrastructure', Europe's vital natural areas

Competing demands on Europe's environment undermining human well-being

Climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean Basin - current situation & future risks  

Ecosystem approach for natural hazard mitigation of volcanic tephra in Iceland: building resilience

Evaluating transdisciplinary science to open research-implementation spaces in European social-ecology 

Making headway in climate policy mainstreaming and ecosystem-based adaptation - Germany and Sweden

Africa & Middle East:

Transboundary environmental issues 

'Mixed success' for protected areas in East Africa

Arab Region: atlas of our changing environmment

Environmental destruction in Africa raises questions

A new map of standardized terrestrial ecosystems of Africa

New ecosystems classification system for Africa being developed

Rainbow-coloured hydrothermal systems of Ethiopia show spectrum of extreme life on Earth

Modelling land use regimes in semi-arid Morocco - Assessment of perspectives in a changing environment 

Arctic ecosystems:

Arctic Roamers: The Move of Southern Species into Far North