Disaster Risk Reduction

Disasters have become serial killers of humanity, and with the growth of population, mankind is becoming increasingly vulnerable. Disasters are a true litmus test of good governance


Natural Hazards, UnNatural Disasters

Peril classification and hazard glossary

Hazard definition and classification review

Is there such a thing as a 'natural disaster'?

Lost for words amongst disaster risk science vocabulary?

A dilemma of language: 'natural disasters' in academic literature

Cascading disasters:

Cascading disasters - definition and discussion

Interconnected risks, cascading disasters and disaster management policy - a gap analysis

Dealing with cascading multi-hazard risks in National Risk Assessment: the case of Natech accidents

Cascading disasters triggered by tsunami hazards: perspective of critical infrastructure resilience and DRR

Mapping & measuring disaster:

Mapping for DRR (MapDRR)

World atlas of natural disaster risk

The human cost of natural disasters

UN cities decline in deaths from disasters

Global Human Settlement analysis for DRR

DRR talks split on ways of tracking progress

Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction - Atlas

A Global Human Settlement layer from optical HR/VHR RS data

A non-monetary global measure of the direct impact of natural disasters

A global comprehensive measure of the impact of natural hazards and disasters

Mapping global mortality and affected population risks for multiple natural hazards

Reporting disaster (by year):

GFDRR Annual Report 2016

Index for Risk Management - results 2015

Poverty & Death: disaster mortality 1996-2015

World Disaster Report 2015: focus on local actors, the key to humanitarian effectiveness

IRDR Annual Report 2014

Integrated Research for Disaster Risk (IRDR) Annual Report 2013

UNISDR Annual Report 2012

Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2011

Understanding disasters:


Natural Disasters

Understanding risk

DRR - what and why

WMO - united in science

Seven myths about disasters

IRDR working paper series - Vol 1

Urban risk reduction and resilience

Why is disaster risk so hard to grasp?

Data gaps hamper disaster risk reduction

Humanitarian assistance and disaster relief

Paradoxes and Perceptions: 4 essays on disaster

Understanding the root causes of natural disasters

World heading for catastrophe over natural disasters

Guide to assessing integrated research on disaster risk

The FORIN project: understanding the causes of disaster

Preparing for disaster pays by saving lives, cutting losses 

Reducing risks of future disasters: priorities for decision makers

Torqaid disaster risk management framework - seven key diagrams

Integrated strategic environmental assessments in post-crisis countries

Disaster Through a Different Lens - behind every effect, there is a cause

Disaster and disadvantage - social vulnerability in emergency management

The world's 10 riskiest cities: earthquakes, hurricanes, cyclones and tsunamis

A comparative analysis of disaster risk, vulnerability and resilience composite indicators

The good, the bad, and the ugly: Disaster Risk Reduaction versus Disaster Risk Creation

Forensic Investigations of Disaster (FORIN): toward the understanding of root causes of disaste

Opportunities to improve strategic decision making in emergency and and disaster management

System-focused risk identification and assessment for disaster preparedness: dynamic threat analysis

Is "Fear Itself" the only thing we have to fear? Ppsychology in perceptions of the vulnerability of others

Application of behavioral theories to disaster and emergency health preparedness: a systematic review

When disasters and conflicts collide: improving links between disaster resilience and conflict prevention

Planning and preparing ahead for disasters:

Think Hazard 

The audit of DRR

Incentives for DRM

30 innovations for DRR

How to survive a disaster

Tsunamis & tsunami hazards

How to survive a natural disaster

Saving lives today and tomorrow

Disaster Risk Managament for all

Reducing risks of future disasters

DRR recommendations & actions

Predicting the fallout from disasters 

Do we need a global approach to DRR?

Working together - partnerships for DRR

Break down barriers to tackle disaster risk

DRR etched into global development deal

Crisis response and disaster resilience 2030

Global status of early-warning systems: Target G

How can the world prepare for natural disasters?

User-centered design for disaster risk visualisation

DEPP preparedness - disaster & emergency guide

Could targets make DRR something to brag about?

Formulation of a district disaster management plan

Searching for the human factor in deadly avalanches

Guide to assessing integrated research on disaster risk

A Diagramatic Framework for Disaster Risk Management

Getting it right: a new framework for reducing disaster risk

Antecedents of disaster preparation in risk prone locations

Dull Disasters? How planning ahead will make a difference 

Towards the next generation of risk reduction and resilience

Basics of Capacity Development for Disaster Risk Reduction

Is it time to devise a faster response to slow onset disasters?

Global platform on DRR: we need a drastic change of course

Valuing what works: success factors in disaster preparedness

Global disaster alert and coordination system guidelines 2014

Global status of multi-hazard early warning systems: Target G

Inclusive DRM - a framework and toolkit for DRM practitioners

Awareness and preparedness for emergencies  at a local level

Disaster management & risk reduction: strategy & coordination

Preparing for disasters in global cities: an international comparison

These disaster machines could help humanity prepare for cataclysms

Accelerating and mainstreaming DRR efforts - an intensified approach

Extreme geohazards: reducing the disaster risk and increasing resilience

Extreme geohazards: reducing the disaster risk and increasing resilience

Disaster targets and indicators for the post-2015 development framework

What does it take to mainstream disaster risk management in key sectors

Improving the assessment of disaster risks to strengthen financial resilience

Preparing for High-impact, Low-probability Events - Lessons from Eyjafjallajokal

Concern Universal: Making our community ready: DRR advocacy strategy 2012~2015l

The vulnerability sourcebook: concepts and guidelines for standardised vulnerability assessment

Hurricanes, heatwaves, fire, floods: Hospitals build defenses as climate change stirs the weather

Hazagora: surviving the next disaster? A serious game to raise awareness about geohazards and DRR

Post disaster recovery:

Hazard mitigation in disaster recovery

Guide to developing disaster recovery frameworks

Post disaster governance, complexity and network theory

Disaster recovery: the governance, economics and social impacts

Disaster interventions and humanitarian aid guidelines, toolkits and manuals

Can major post-event inquires and reviews contribute to lessons management?

Financing disaster preparation and recovery:

Disaster risk assessment and risk financing 

Finance for emergency preparedness: links to resilience

A guidebook for National Development Banks on climate risk  

The role of Nature in DRR:

Man versus Mother Nature

A landscape approach for DRR

The ECO-DRR instructor's manual

Outsmarting Nature during disasters 

Natural defence against un-natural disasters

Nature-based solutions: do we know how to do it?

Protected areas protecting people - a tool for DRR

Nature-based solutions for hydro-meteorological risk reduction

The eco-system based DRR case study and exercise source book

Helping nature help us: conserve ecosystems, reduce risk of disasters

Harnessing nature to protect our communities: natural defenses in action

Helping nature help us: transforming DRR through ecosystem management

The natural environment as a disaster hazard - the growing global health threat

The role of weather and climate in DRR:

Climare risk and response

Climate change and DRR

Climate change is key driver of disasters    

Global increase in climate-related disasters

Majority of natural disasters climate related

Minimum standards for local climate-smart DRR

Cyclone evacuation to become a global example

Climate change and the Sendia framework of DRR

Caritas: Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction

The human cost of weather related disasters 1995-2015

Building resilience in a changing climate - GFDRR programs

New study links climate change to mounting natural disasters

Disasters linked to climate can increase risk of armed conflict    

Principles on investment and financing for water-related DRRc

Initiatives of indigineous peoples in climate change adaptation and DRR

Extreme weather loss and damage estimation using a hybrid simulation technique

The amazing decline in deaths from extreme weather in an era of global warming, 1900–2010

WMO atlas of mortality and economic losses from weather, climate and water extremes (1970-2019) 

Towards the development & implementation of effective policies for DRR & climate change adaptation

Learning from the history of disaster vulnerability and resilience research and proactice for climate change

The role of the UN in DRR:

DRR in the UN    

DRR across the UN system 

UNISDR updated terminology

UN STAG platform and network survey

UN plan of action on DRR for resilience

2017 global platform for DRR proceedings

UN backs accountability on disaster losses

Unique opportunity to improve DRM and benefit

Global platform for DRR - chair's summary report

Disaster Risk Reduction in international cooperation

UN special thematic debate on Disaster Risk Reduction

Linking DRR, climate change, and sustainable development goals

UNISDR and partners plan for major advance in global disaster risk modelling

Closing statement of UNISDR science & technology conference, Geneva, January 27-29, 2016

DRR and the SDGs:

DRR and Development    

Disaster-proof development 

DRR and sustainable development   

Transformative development and DRM

Promoting use of disaster risk information in land-use planning

Sendai framework:

Sendai framework for DRR 2015-2030

Post 2015 UNISDR framework adopted

UNISDR strategic framework 2016-2021

Analyzing the Sendai framework for DRR

The Sendai framework for DRR and persons with disabilities

Proceedings of 3rd UN world conference on DRR - Sendai, Japan

From Yokohama to Sendai: approaches to international DRR frameworks

Video of prep meeting for UN ISDR 3rd world conference in Sendai March 2014

UN sets the stage for adoption of a new global agreement on disaster risk in 2015

Technical guidance for monitoring and reporting on progress the gobal targets of Sendai DRR

Hyogo framework:

The Post Hyogo Framework: What's next for DRR?

Replacement of Hyogo Framework raised at UN committee    

In-depth study of UN contribution to the implementation of the Hyogo framework for action

Reducing vulnerability to natural hazards top international priority says General Assembly President

The role of governance & government in DRR:

Governance in DRM

Leading in disaster recovery

Mainstreaming multi-risk approaches into policy

Local government – accounting for natural disasters: a guide    

Connecting grassroots to government for disaster management 

DRR and science should be the core to sustainable development

Strategic research into national and local capacity building for DRM 

Study identifies political leadership as No. 1 issue in managing disaster risk 

Evaluating partnerships to enhance DRM using muti-criteria analysis: application at the pan-European level

The role of knowledge in DRR:

The role of knowledge in DRR   

Indigenous knowledge key for DRR

Online disaster preparation courses

Education and the global platform for DRR

The role of indigenous knowledges in DRR 

Disaster is Nature telling us how to live resiliently    

Indigenous knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction

DRR in school curricula: case studies in 30 countries

Share Japan's knowledge and skills on disaster preparedness  

Local wisdom: indigenous practices for mitigating disaster loss   

Unmaking disasters: education as a tool for disaster response and DRR

Public awareness and public education for disaster risk reduction: a guide

The disaster-knowledge matrix: reframing and evaluating the knowledge challenges in DRR

The role of science & technology, early warning systems, and after-recovery in DRR:

Science for DRR   

Using science for DRR 

Science is driving new plans for DRR

The new science of disaster prediction

Science for DRR - JRC thematic report 

7 things science teaches us about DRR

Science bodies set to join push to cut disaster risk

10 ways technology is changing disaster response

Don't  count on technology to save you in a disaster

Which technology to use for disaster management?

Technological hazards: from risk reduction to recovery

Scientists begin building highly accurate Digital Twin of the planet 

Reflections on a science and technology agenda for 21st century DRR

Integrative risk management - the role of science, technology & practice

Digital Twin driven intelligence disaster prevention and mitigation for infrastructure

Integrated risk governance: science plan and case studies of large-scale disasters

World Disasters Report 2013: focus on technology and the future of humanitarian action

Leveraging technology and innovation for disaster risk management management and financing

Connecting emergency management organizations with digitally enabled emergent volunteering 

Design for impact framework - integrating open data and risk communication for decision making

Moving forward after Sendai: how countries want to use science, evidence and technology for DRM


Saving lives with satellites

Space: the final frontier of DRR  

Space technologies key to risk reduction

Satellite earth observations in support of DRR

JAXA international charter: space and major disasters

NOAA satellites aid in the rescue of 207 people in 2011 

UNOSAT encourages the DRR community to use technology to build resilience


Flying robots: using UAVs to understand disaster risk


Disaster relief ICTs SDG enabler

Innovative apps for DRR win global attention

How can ICT halp in disaster preparedness and response?


Infographic: mobile telecoms and humanitarian agencies

Global health and natural disaster alerts: preparing mobile phones to endure the unthinkable


How GIS can help communities prepare for disaster

New tools in mapping for disasters and development

Challenges of GIS and remote sensing in DRR governance

Social media:

INFORM tool kit

Introducing Facebook's 'Safety Check' 

How Facebook and Twitter changes natural disaster coverage

Algorithm discerns where Tweets came from to track disasters

Twitter as a potential DRR tool: Part 1    Part 2     Part 3     Part 4

Comparative review of social media analysis tools for preparedness

Can social media predict disaster damage better than relief agencies?

Using ICT and social media in disasters: opportunities and risks for government

Early warning systems:

IASC alert, early warning and readiness report

Anticipating the world's most expensive natural disaster

Early warning, early action: mechanisms for rapid decision making

Alert and warning frameworks in the context of early warning systems

Learning from experience:a summarised view of early warning systems

Early warning systems - a state of the art analysis and future directions

From top-down to community-centric approaches to early warning systems

Japan's DOCOMO develops prototype multilingual app  for disaster warnings

The role of business, the private sector and NGOs in DRR:


Business and DRR 

DRR and livelihoods

 Business and disaster preparedness

Triple test for public-privare partnerships

Guidance note on recovery: private sector 

The state of disaster resilience of small business

Is business continuity management a misnomer?

What role can business play in dealing with disasters 

Business engagement in humanitarian response and DRM

UN to private sector: change mindset on disaster resilience

Bringing climate change disaster planning into the boardroom

Assessing and managing climate change risks in supply chains

Harnessing the full potential of multi-sectoral partnerships in DRM

Examining linkages between Disaster Risk Reduction and livelihoods

What role does the private sector have in supporting disaster recovery? 

ENGAGED: Enable Non-Govermental Agencies to Get Engaged in Disasters

UNDRR launches quick risk estimation tool for small businesses in Asia Pacific

Global business leaders call for reporting of natural disaster risk in company disclosures

New research examines why some firms prepare for natural disasters while others don't

Unified front: business partnerships for for effective disaster preparedness, response & recovery

As natural disaster threats around the world increase, so do risks to businesses' customers, supplies    

Industrial accidents and DRR:

UNECE COP For industrial accidents

Chemical releases caused by natural hazard events and disasters

Why transboundary cooperation matters in preventing industrial accidents

The global responsibility to prepare for intersecting climate and nuclear risks 

Guidance on adhoc rapid risk assessment of serious cross-border health threats  

The role of resilience in DRR:


Crisis and disaster resilience

DRR and community resilience

Disaster resilience: topic guide

Disaster resilience measurements

Hurricane disaster resilience study

Managing disaster risks for a resilient future

Can we measure the ability to 'bounce back' from disasters? 

The Inverse Resonse Law: theory and relevance to the aftermath of disasters           

From event analysis to global lessons: disaster forensics for building resilience

'Resilience': a stalwart of the post-2015 development agenda or just unhelpful jargon       

The role of housing, building codes and engineering in DRR:

Safe havens

Prepared is protected

Earthquake reconstruction

NZ: strengthening your house 

Toward safer school construction  

Low cost, low tech, disaster proof shelter 

How new homes can stand up to disaster

The urbanization of disaster management

New ISO standard to help assess fire risks 

'Holistic engineering' in the wake of disaster

Assessing wind disaster damage to structures

Chernobyl's leggacy imperils many thousands

CIB: Research roadmap report for building and  construction       

Japan: levitating homes are possible solution to 'natural' disasters

Disaster resilience scorecard for industrial and commercial buildings       

Bangaladesh tragedy underlines how deficient building codes can fuel disasters

The role of insurance, finance, philanthropy & development in DRR:

US disaster philantrophy practices

Assessing the real cost of disasters

DRR - Spending where it should count

Guidelines on measuring losses from disasters

Measuring the state of disaster philanthropy in 2015 

Finance for reducing disaster risk: 10 things to know

Insuring countries against natural disasters: pool rules    

To reduce disaster risk, finance sustainable development

Climate change earns a place at development finance table

Disaster Risk Management in post-2015 development goals

Financing DRR: towards a coherent and comprehensive approach

A community financing mechanism for DRR: the bio-rights approach

Integrating natural disaster risks & resilience into the financial system

Transforming DRR for more inclusive, equitable and sustainable development 

Towards disaster-risk sensitive investments: the disaster risk-integrated operational risk model  

Reviewing the estimates of the economic efficiency of DRM: pros & cons of risk-based cost-benefit analysis

The role of history in DRR:

On the meaning of impact in DRR

Analysis of the top 10 hydrogeomorphical disasters disaster events in Portugal, 1865-2015


Regional issues in DRR

Neglected displacement

Views From the Frontline

DRM at the national level

ACP compendium of risk knowledge

The growing role of regional organizations in DRR

Cost benefit studies on DRR in developing countries

Regional outcomes and priorities for DRR 2012-2013 

Why is there a blind spot for disasters in fragile states

At-risk countries need shared climate solutions - experts

A cost-effective solution to reduce disaster losses in developing countries

Catastrophe risk models for evaluating DRR investments in developing countries

Climate change and lack of food security multiply risks of conflict and civil unrest in 32 countries


The state of children in Asian cities

Towards climate smart DRR in Asia

Climate-related disasters in Asia Pacific

Asia: Engaging the private sector in DRR 

Asia Pacific: most vulnerable to catastrophe

Ecosystem-based DRR and biodiversity in Asia

Roles of Paciific regional organizations in DRM

Disaster risk management in Asia by the numbers

Millions of Asians exposed to big climate disasters

Disaster response and climate change in the Pacific

APEC backs incentives for business disaster planning

Disaster-prone APEC economies step up risk-reduction

Strong, safe and resilient: DRM in East Asia and te Pacific

UN official calls on Asia-Pacific region to reduce disaster risks

WHO - enargencies & disasters in the Western Pacific Region

Intense climate-related natural disasters in Asia and the Pacific

Asia-Pacific underscores disaster prevention and climate action 

Asia most exposed to disaster risk but Africa likely to suffer more

Building back better: resilience and mental health perspective in Asia

APEC efforts to support emergency and disaster preparedness, recovery and resilience

At the crossroads climate change adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia and the Pacific


In China, lessons in DRM lead to regional cooperation

Can disaster risk reduction lessons be learned from China?

UN-SPIDER sets up office in Beijing to promote disaster management cooperation

China reports progress in natural disasters monitoring, emergency relief technologies


Ecosystem-based DRR in Japan

Japan: toward mainstreaming DRR 

Tokyo disaster preparedness handbook

Toward the reconstruction for sound and unwavering Japan

Tokyo 'has 70% chance of powerful earthquake within four years'    

Good practices in DRR in Japan - private sector strengths applied

Tokyo's disaster prevention manual enjoys extraordinary popularity

Japan's government to enhance tsunami measures, panel doubles quake focal area

Mainstreaming DRM in dveloping countries - Japan World Bank Annual Report 2014-15

Building community resilience to disaster: legacy of the great Hanshin-Awaji earthquake

The long-run socio-economic consequences of alarge disaster: the1995 Kobe earthquake

ASEAN Countries:

PNG: Indigenous knowledge for DRR

A framework for DRR in South-East Asia

Indonesia: the disaster laboratory country

Thailand: towards resilient business community

Indonesia: geological hazard and risk assesment 

Philippines: climate & disaster exposure data base

Singapore not safe from natural disasters: scientist

Indonesia: the role of satellite information to help rebuild after a disaster

Civil society roles in governing DR at national and local levels in Indonesia

Strengthening regional and national capacity for DRM:  the case of ASEAN

Localising the humanitarian toolkit: lessons from recent Philippines disasters

Optimisation of decentralisation for effective DRR through the case study of Indonesia

After the Palu and Lombok disasters: a new chapter of disaster governanace in Indonesia?

Indonesia: climate vulnerability and adaptation in the Semarang a spatial and demographic analysis   

SAARC Countries:


India disaster report 2011

India disaster report 2012

India: people led disaster management

India - an ecosystem approach to DRR

India: Do's and dont's for common disasters

India: ecosystem based disaster management planning 

Uttarakhand: development and ecological sustainability

Building back better: a more resilient Sikkim post 2011 earthquake

Urgency to strengthen science-informed decision mking in DRM in India

Unpacking mainstreaming DRR-CCA in the sub-national development planning: insights from 3 India states


Disaster resilient habitat, Bangaladesh

When preparedness works: case of cyclone Phailin


Community managed DRR in high altitude regions

Nepal risk reduction consortium - flagship programmes

Himalayan 'tsunami' shows need for science in disaster plans

Sri Lanka:

UNDAC disaster response preparedness assessment mission to Sri Lanka

Central Asia:

Mongolia: disaster risk management handbook

Country risk profiles for Europe and Central Asia

An international response to Central Asia’s severe disaster risks  

Effects of a M7 earthquake on Aizawl, Mizoram and recommendations to reduce losses


People in disasters

AUS: From disaster to renewal 

National emergency risk guidelines

QLD: Natural disaster management

Insurance industry reviewing risks in ANZ

Updating the cost of disasters in Australia

Australian Systemic Disaster Risk handbook 

The growing risk of natural perils in Australia

Australian disaster resilience knowledge hub

Australia Report 2011: risks and opportunities

Supplier risk management: time to take control

Towards a more resilient and safer Victoria (Australia)

AusAID: 2009-2010 progress report for the Disaster Risk

Australia: National risk assessment guidelines - practice guide 

Working as one: a road map to disaster resilience for Australia

Queensland review of cyclone & storm tide sheltering arrangements

Australia: the economic cost of the social impact of natural disasters

Helping remote northern Australian communities face natural hazards

Natural disaster management:collaborative communities for safer futures

Australia: new approach to data and reaearch critical to protecting lives and property

Quantification of production losses due to livestock deaths from disasters in Australia

The alignment of Australia's national construction code and the Sendai framework for DRR 

Risk perceptions & responses to climate change & natural disasters in Australia, 2010 and 2011

New Zealand:

Action required to protect NZ from natural hazards impact

Managing natural hazard risk in New Zealand - towards more resilient communities

Community-based climate vulnerability assessment & adaptation planning: Cook Islands pilot project

New Zealand: visually modelling collaborative research into innovative community disaster resiience practice, strategy and governance  



Canada: natural hazards - walking into tragedy

Addressing the new normal:  21st Century disaster management in British Columbia


US: the cost of natural disasters

Caught between climate and Congress

US: hazard mitigation assistance guidance 

FEMA: suvey of hazard mitigation planning

Achieving disaster resilient US communities

US: National preparedness report card - States at risk

The White House strategy to improve disaster resilience

US: an evaluation of State climate and water preparedness planning

Hurricanes, floods and volcanoes bring Americas together to tackle risk

US survey of national emotional response to emergencies and disasters

NOAA tool now brings disaster risk, vulnerability down to community level

Managing the escalating risks of natural catastrophes in the United States

Nature-based solutions can prevent $50 billioan in US Gulf Coast damages

US FEMA: national strategy recommendations - future disaster preparedness

US: developing pre-disaster resilience based on public and private incentivization

Geology for a whanging World 2010–2020: Implementing the U.S. Geological Survey

East Coast:

After Sandy, more in NYC could face storm evacuations

Hurricane Andrew disaster brought statewide system of building codes

Gulf Coast:

Why Houston fears the next big storm

Comparing the cost effectiveness of nature-based and coastal adaptation: a case study from US Gulf Coast

West Coast:

Strengthening Southern California

San Francisco emergency dashboard      

California tests natural disaster early warning system

Pacific Northwest:

FEMA models catastrophic disasters for Cascadia 

Latin America:  

DRM for small cities in Latin America

Living in the heart of 'Hurricane Alley' in Cuba

Social vulnerability to natural hazards in Brazil

Reducing vulnerability in the Greater Caribbean

In Rio de Janeiro, thousands at risk from disasters

Institutionalising DRM: Latin America's system approach

Ecosystem-based DRR and biodiversity in South America

The Brazilian development agenda driving Amazon devastation 

Ecosystem-based DRR and biodiversity in Mesoamerica and the Caribbean 

Weathering storms: understanding the impact of natural disasters on the poor in Central America 

Scaling private sector uptake for climate-resilience infrastructure in Latin America and the Caribbean

Grenada: assessing vulnerability - an integrated approach for mapping adaptive capacity & exposure 

Assessing social vulnerability to natural hazards in Nova Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro Mountain Region, Brazil


How does Europe link DDR and CCA?

Europe: ecosystems approach to DRR

Disasters lead to new Europe housing strategy

Country risk profiles for Europe and Central Asia

Implementing the Hyogo Framework for action in Europe

ENHANCE: multi-sectoral partnerships and risk information

UNECE: resilience to disasters for sustainable development

Disasters in Europe: more frequent and causing more damage

Winter storms in Europe: messages from forgotten catastrophes

Mitigation of urban vulnerability through a spatial multicriteria approach

Recording disaster losses - recommendations for a European approach

Mapping the impacts of natural hazards and technological accidents in Europe

Strengthening Europe's preparedness against natural and man-made disasters

A risk society? Environmental hazards, risk and resilience in the later Middle Ages in Europe

South-East Europe, Balkans & Turkey:

DRR in the South-East Europe    

Building DRR in West Balkans and Turkey

Strengthening multi-hazard early warning systems and risk assessment in the Western Balkan and Turkey


Alpine hazards in South Tyrol (Italy) and Grison (Switzerland)

Italy earthquake: modern buldings, not ancient ones, pose biggest threat


Paris: simualtion using AI for training and validating contingency plans


Zurich launches innovative natural hazard radar

Basel (Switzerland): preparing for a seismic disaster

Disasters and emergencies Switzerland - Risk report 2012

Switzerland's position on the post-2015 framework for DRR

Preventing and managing large-scale disasters in Swiss cities

A method for risk analysis of disasters and emergencies in Switzerland


UK recovery handbook for biological incidents 2015

UK: Insurance fears for houses in areas with high flooding risk 

UK DFID's approach to building resilience and responding to humanitarian crises


Sweden: a study of risk areas and scenario analyses 2012-2015

Africa & Middle East:

Disaster Reduction in Africa

The national risk atlas of Rwanda

Toolkit for national platforms for DRR in Africa

Natural disasters in the Middle East and North Africa

Indigenous knowledge for DRR: an African perspective

Conflict management and DRR: a case study of Kenya

Freetown's mudslides and the slippery slope of urban risk in Africa

Ecosystem-based DRR and biodiversity in West and Central Africa

Ecosystem-based DRR and biodiversity in Eastern and Southern Africa 

Africa: Is marrying indigenous and scientific knowledge the missing link?

Middle East:

Overview of DRR in the Arab Region

DRR efforts in the Greater Horn of Africa

Horn of Africa: humanitarian implementation plan 

Managing disasters and conflicts in OIC countries

Regional analysis of disaster loss databases in Arab States

Israelis, Jordanians, Palestiniians find a common enemy: natural  disasters

An overview of environment and Disaster Risk Reduction in the Arab Region