Nepal Earthquake 2015

Earthquake details:

UNOSAT live map

Pokhara satellite image

Earthquake overview map 

Nepal earthquake on the radar 

Earthquake intenity map by district

Himalayan 'drop after Nepal quake'

Catastrophic earthquakes in Nepal

Satellites dissect Nepal earthquake 

Trajectory map of 25 April earthquake

Nepal earthquake displacement image

The science behind Nepal earthquakes

Unsettled Earth continues to rattle Nepal 

Nepal earthquake was less intense than feared

Gorkha earthquake DRR situation report June 2, 2015

Scientists shed new light on the Gorka 2015 earthquake

Geoscientist tracked risks from deadly Nepal earthquake

Satellite images reveal destruction from Nepal earthquake

CEDIM Nepal earthquake report (Forensic disaster group)

Nepal earthquake severity index (Version 2, 27 April 2015)

M7.8 Ghorka, Nepal earthquake and its aftershocks - EERI report

Mt. Everest shifts 3 cm.south-west after shock of Nepal earthquake

QLARM estimates of losses after the M7.8 earthquake of 25 April 2015

Government released fatalities by district, as of 28 April 2015 (10:30am)

Persistence of severity patterns over time - a case of two estimates in Nepal

Fact sheet concerning losses due to the Nepalese earthquake of 25 April 2015 

Scientists pinpoint section of Nepal fault line and show why Himalayas keep growing

Slip pulse and resonance of Kathmandu basin during the 2015 Mw 7.5 Ghorka earthquake

Crustal deformation & rupture of 2015 Ghorka earthquake from ScanSAR-based interferograms of ALOS-2 

Recovery after 2015 Nepal earthquake:

Kathmandu living labs

Nepal open source mapping

Rebuilding Nepal: 3 years on 

Post disaster needs assessment

IDP shelter locations in Kathmandu

Nepal post disaster recovery framework

Response and early recovery case study

Rebuilding Nepal by implementing SFDRR

Humanitarian action after the Nepal earthquake

Children remain vulnerable in post-quake Nepal

Nepal earthquake recovery monitoring assessment

Disaster Management Institution and System in Nepal

Manual for post-earthquake rebuilding in Nepalese valleys

Rebuilding houses and livlihoods in post-earthquake Nepal 

Joint assessment of food security, livelihoods and early recovery

Four months after Nepal quake: migration issues impact recovery 

Building back right: ensuring equality in land rights and reconstruction in Nepal

Landslide propability may depend more on riverside steepness than on hillside above

Nepal earthquake reconstruction won't succeed until the vulnerability of survivors is addressed

Five years on from the earthquake in Bhaktapur, Nepal, heritage-led recovery is uniting community

Housing, land & property issues and their consequences for te post-earthquake reconstruction process

Lessons from the 2015 Nepal earthquake:

Waiting for the complete rupture

WHO: the value of preparedness 

Mounting tension in the Himalaya

Nepal quake could have been worse

Lessons from Nepal's earthquake tragedy

Bigger earthquakes may be coming to Nepal 

Lessons from Nepal and other recent disasters

Risk of future Nepal-India earthquake increases

Killer landslides: the lasting legacy of Nepal's quake

Seismically active Kathmandu region in store for larger earthquake

Landslides, mudslides likely to remain a significant threat in Nepal for months

Disaster risk profile and existing legal framework of Nepal: floods and landslides

Strategic framework for resilient livelihoods in earthquake-affected areas of Nepal 

Integrated research on great earthquakes and disaster mitigation in Nepal Himalaya

Integrating aftershock forecasting into humanitarian decision-making: lessons from Nepal 

Assessment of existing and potential landslide hazards resulting from the 2015 Ghorka earthquake

Socio-economic factors:

DRR knowledge of local people in Nepal

UNESCO begins response to Nepal earthquake

Voluntary movement of people in high risk areas

Population displacement data from mobile phones

Nepal national populatiom and housing census 2011 

Earthquake science in DRR policy and practice in Nepal 

Agricultural livlihood impact appraisal in 6 most affected districts

Nepal population by ecological belt and terrain from census 2011

Guidance note: environment in the emergency education response

OCHA website (UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) 

Crisis mapping in Nepal spurs extraordinary spatial industry collaboration

Vulnerable populations - percent of population with disability by district 2012