Sea-level Rise
If all the ice melted
Sea-level Variability
Global Sea Level Rise
Timing a rise in sea level
Experiment to demostrate SLR
The puzzle of global sea-level rise
Global sea-level budget 1993-present
A quest to put SLR data in your pocket
Want to slow sea-level rise? Curb 4 pollutants
Charting ice sheet contributions to global sea level rise
Research will help policymakers plan for sea-level rise
Incorporating physical processess into SLR projections
Sea level. rise and application support coastal resilience
Sea level science and applications support coastal resiliience
Uncovering the decline in 2010-11 global mean sea level and its relation to ENSO (Oct 2012)
SLR and hydrological mass redistribution in the Earth System: variability and Anthropogenic change
Climate change and SLR:
Climate change already accelerating sea level rise
Dueling climate cycles may increase sea level swings
Significant sea-level rise in a 2-degree warming world
Long-term sea-level rise in response to warming of planet
Climate change is raising sea level - and threatening havoc
Climate scientists say they have solved riddle of rising sea levels
Two degress Celcius warming locks in SLR for thousands of years
Mapping choices: carbon, climate, and rising seas - our global legacy
Climate balancing: sea-level rise vs. surface temperature change rates
Climate seer James Hansen issues his direst forecast yet regarding SLR
Human-caused global warming, natural climate variability in vicious cycle
A 'better path' toward projecting, planning for rising seas on a warmer Earth
New Lidar-based elevation model shows global coastal flooding due to early SLR
New study documents the natural relationship between CO2 concentrations and sea level
Is SLR accelerating?:
Sea-level rise is accelerating
How ice-shelf loss leads to faster SLR
Sea surface height change 1992-2018
Ocean surface topography from space
NASA IPCC-AR6 sea level projection tool
New study finds sea level rise accelerating
Sea levels rising at fastest rate in 2000 years
Study finds sea levels rising at an unprecedented rate
The rate of sea-level rise is 'far worse than previously thought', study says
Best estimates of SLR:
SLR projection tool
Drowning in numbers
Satellites trace sea level change
200 years of measuring global sea level
Tide-gauge records may underestimate SLR
On the rocks: the challenge of predicting SLR
15' to 20' SLR possible sooner rather than later
Shrinking ice sheets lifted global sea level 14mm
Sea-level rise could exceed one metre this century
Sea level mapped from space with GPS reflections
Rising sea levels of 1.8 meters in worst case scenario
How much will Antarctica and Grenland ice raise seas?
'Best estimate' for impact of melting ice on sea level rise
A new approach to assessing sea level rise from ice sheets
Burning remaining fossil fuel could cause 60-meter sea level rise
SLR could nearly double over earlier estimates in next 100 years
Global sea-level likely to rise as much as 70' for future generations
Evidence from past suggests climate trends could yield 20' sea level rise
Each degree of global warming might ultimately raise global sea levels by more than 2m
Millennial total sea-level commitments projected with ESM of intermediate complexity LOVECLIM
Satellite programs to measure and predict SLR:
NASA SLR website
Copernicus Sentinel-6 to track SLR
Future sea-leval rise constrained by observations and long-term commitment
Jason-3 oceanography satellite produces its first map of global sea surface height
Observational requirements for long-term monitoring of the Global Mean Sea Level
New study indicates need for continuous satellite monitoring of ice-sheets to better predict sea-level rise
SLR and salinity:
Salinity matters when it comes to sea level changes
Long-term sea-level change revisited: the role of salinity
The link between Volcanoes and SLR:
Sea level and volcanoes
Volcanic eruption masked acceleration in sea level rise
The contribution of Glacial Melt to SLR:
Glacier melt helps sea level forecasts
Alaska and Canada glacier melt significant to world SLR
Alaska glaciers make large contribution to global sea level rise
World's melting glaciers making large contribution to sea-level rise
International team maps nearly 200,000 glaciers in quest of sea-level rise estimates
Contribution of Antarctic melt on SLR:
Antarctica techno-fix cannot slow rising seas
Antarctic ice sheet unstable at end of last ice age
Changing Antarctic winds create new sea level threat
Contribution of Antarctica to past and future sea-level rise
Antarctica could raise sea level faster than previously thought
Changing Antarctic waters could trigger steep rise in sea levels
Ocean eddies strongly effect global mean sea-level projections
Climate forecasts underestimate SLR impact of Antarctica thaw
Unstable East Antarctic glacier has contributed to SLR in the past
Antartic ice instability could yield rapid melting, dramatic se level rise
By mid-century, more Antarctic snowfall may help offset sea-level rise
Linear sea-level response to abrupt ocean warming of major West Antarctic ice basin
SLR and Coastal Flooding:
Sea-level rise: towards understanding local vulnerability
Doubling of coastal flooding frequency within decades due to SLR
Sea-level rise past and future: robust estimates for coastal planners
New elevation data triple estimates of global SLR and coastal flooding
Doubling of coastal flooding frequency within decades due to sea-level rise
Global probablistic projections of extreme SLR shows intensification of coastal flooding
Costructing sea-level scenarios for impact and adaptation assessment of coastal areas
A climate change adaptation planning process for low-lying communities vulnerable to sea level rise
SLR damage costs :
Adapting to sea level rise could save trillions by 2100
Rising sea levels could cost the world $14 trillion a year by 2100
Flood damage costs under the SLR with warming of 1.5C and 2.0C
A framework to investigate the economic growth impact of sea level rise
Coastal flood damage and adaptation costs under 21st century sea-level rise
Loss of cultural world heritage and currently inhabited spaces to sea-level rise
Historic sea levels:
Trigger for past rapid sea level rise discovered
What the past tells us about modern sea-level rise
New study lowers estimate of ancient sea-level rise
Study tracks global sea-levels over the last five ice ages
An ancient meltwater pulse raised sea levels by 18 meters
Climate related sea-level variations over the past two millennia
Temperature-driven global sea-level variability in the Common Era
Study links Greenland ice sheet collapse, sea level rise 400,000 years ago
Scientists discover evidence for past high-level sea-rise at current CO2 levels
Ice sheet collapse and sea-level rise at the Bolling warming 14,600 years ago
A reconciled solution of Meltwater pulse 1A sources using sea-level fingerprinting
Identifying geographical patterns of transient deformation in the geological sea level record
Enhanced basal lubrication and the contribution of the Greenland ice sheet to future sea-level rise
Can SLR be offset by increased water on land?
Thirsty continents are slowing down SLR
Rising seas slowed by inceasing water on land
Global sea level rise dampened by Australia floods
Groundwater pumping leads to sea level rise, cancels out effect of dams
Impact of SLR on Infrastructure:
Runways underwater: maps show where rising seas threaten 80 airports around the world
Impact of SLR on Cities:
Global cities impact
Rising tides, sinking cities
The 3 degrees world: the cities that will be drowned by global warming
Regional impacts:
Lands that will flood in our lifetime
North America:
Surging seas USA
Global and regional SLR for the US
The threat of sea level rise to the US
Coastal cities prepare for rising sea levels
US sea level rise adaptation in the public sector
Sea level rise and coastal flooding impacts viewer
Underwater: impact on US coastal real estate values
Rising seas will affect major US coastal cities by 2100
2019 state of US high tide flooding with a 2020 outlook
US: Just 20 inches could make a disasterous difference
SLR threatens hundreds of wastewater treatment plants
NOAA establishes 'tipping points' for sea level rise related flooding
Modelling sea-level rise impacts on storm surges along US coasts
High-tide flood risk is accelerating, putting coastal economis at risk
Americans back preparation for extreme weather and sea-level rise
New US regional SLR scenarios help communities prepare for risks
Carbon choices determine US cities committed to futures below sea level
Study provides new look at anciient coastline, pathways for early Americans
Preparing for the flood: Visualizations help communities prepare for sea-level rise
Patterns and projections of high tide flooding along US coastline using a common impact threshold
From the extreme to the mean: acceleration and tipping points of coastal inundation from sea level rise
Tidally adjusted estimates of vulnerability to sea level rise and flooding for the contiguous United States
Gulf of Mexico:
Living with SLR on the Upper Texas coast
Simulations of SLR on Gulf of Mexico coastal marshes and forests in Waccasassa Bay, Florida
Eastern seaboard:
Norfolk VA: a case study in SLR
Encroaching US East Coast tides
Boston: preparing for the rising tide
Future SLR and the New Jersey coast
Miami may not survive climate-driven SLR
US East Coast's rapidly rising seas explained
As Florida Keys flood, property worries seep in
Virginia fishing village threatened by rising sea level
84,000 lives threatened by sea level rise in New England
Sea level along Maryland's shoreline could rise 2' by 2050
Scientists warn US east coast over accelerated sea-level rise
Miami condo-collapse highlights urgent need to adapt to rising seas
Climate study predicts a watery future for New York, Boston and Miami
Sea-level rise, not stronger storm surge, will cause future NYC flooding
A geological perspective on sea-level rise and its impact along the US mid-Atlantic coast
LLNL scientist finds topography of Eastern seaboard muddles ancient sea level changes
Waet Coast:
California rising
US Mission Creek: SLR adaptation studies
How an atlas of San Francisco Bay is helping deal with SLR
Destruction from SLR in California could exceed worst wildfires and earthquakes
What the US West Coast could look like if climate change continues
The surprisingly difficult task of measuring SLR around India
Pacific Countries:
Sea-level rise drives shoreline retreat in Hawaii
Indonesia to build $263M sea wall to protect capital
The Australian baseline sea level monitoring project
Pacific sea level predicts global temperature changes
Australia: Rising seas may put $300b of property at risk
Australia's coastal living is at risk from SLR, but it's happened before
Rising sea levels, storm suges pose risks for Hong Kong's artificial island project
Is There Evidence Yet of Acceleration in Mean Sea Level Rise around Mainland Australia?
Aboriginal memories of inundation of the Australian coast dating more than 7000 years ago
DRR strategies in EU coastal areas
Risk of major sea level rise in Northern Europe
Almost 7,000 UK properties to be sacrificed to rising seas
Travel back in time to a paradise lost under the North Sea
Copenhagen: Quantifying the effect of SLR and flood defence
Sea level rise projections for Northern Europe under RCP8.5
Holland is relocating homes to make more room for high water
The sources of sea-level changes in the Mediterranean Sea since 1960
The Northern European Enclosure Dam (NEED) - if climate change mitigation fails
As sea levels rise, Rotterdam floats to the top aas an example of how to live with water
Living with sea-level rise in North-West Europe: science-policy challenges across scales
Atmospheric forcing of decadal Baltic Sea level variability in the last 200 years: A statistical analysis
Long-term measurements document SLR in the Arctic
Arctic Ocean sea level record from the complete radar altimetry era: 1991-2018