Drastic desertification
Watershed re-engineering
Desertification and the international policy imperative
From grasses to shrubs: how plants reinforce desertification
New world atlas of desetification shows unprecedented pressure on the planet's natural resources
Desert greening:
Greening the desert
The great green wall of Africa
Deserts 'greening' from rising CO2
UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
Using Earth observations data to restore barren lands
Tiny termites can hold back deserts by creating oases of plant life
France's external action against land degradation and desertification
EU and FAO step up action against desrtification in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific
Madagascar: reversing the red sand tide - a call for new solutions to land degradation
Dirt mounds made by termites in Africa, South America, Asia could prevent spread of deserts
impact of CO2 fretilization on maximum foilage cover across the globe's warm, arid environments