The tsunami story
Tsunami alarm system
Tsunami visualizations
Other tsunami materials
Tsunamis leave a chemical trail
Understanding tsunamis with EM fields
Breaking the rules for how tsunamis work
Magnetic fields key to better tsunami data
Virtual reality gives drivers tsunami scenario
Shallow waves may help explain tsunami power
How do tsunamis differ from other water waves?
Offshore islands might not shield coastlines from tsunami waves
Continental shelf shape leads to long-lasting tsunami edge waves
Researcher proposes novel mechanism to stop tsunamis in their tracks
The megatsunami: possible modern threat
Megatsunami: evidence of 800' wave worries experts
Signs of ancient megatsunami could portend modren hazard
A neolithic mega-tsunami event in the eastern Mediterranean
Huge global tsunami followed dinosaur-killing asteroid impact
Ancient megatsunami reached the height of Manhattan skyscraoers
Landslide triggered tsunamis:
Global warming hikes risk of landslide tsunamis
Assessing tsunami risk from from very large volcanic island landslides
Switzerland could be hit by a tsunami
Switzerland braces for Alpine lake tsunami
Early warning and preparedness:
When to cancel a tsunami warning
Streamling rapid tsunami forecasting
Ships could provide earlier tsunami warnings
Evacuation from tsunamis: getting out of harms way
Scientisis look to skies to improve tsunami detection
The fight to save thousands of lives with sea-floor sensors
Tsunamis create magnetic fields that could act as early warning systems
Global Navigation Satellite System enhancement for tsunami early warning systems
Direct comparison of thetsunami-generated magnetic field with sea level change for the 2009 Samoa and 2010 Chile tsunamis
Tsunami risk management:
The varied costs of catastrophe
Storm surge reduction by mangroves
Bioshields best defense against disasters
The role of mangroves in tsunami reduction
Reducing and managing the risk of tsunamis
Probability analysis improves hazard assessment
Maximum tsunami height prediction using pressure guage data by a guassian process
The protective benefits of tsunami mitigation parks and ramifications for their strategic design
Citizen science as a catalyst for community resilience building: a two-phased tsunami case study
Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG)
Deciphering the tsunami wave impact and associated connection forces in open-girder coastal bridges
Coastal impact of previous tsunamis:
AMCG make ancient tidal wave
Animation of 1700 Cascadia tsunami
The Great Quake and the Great Drowning
Tsunami devastated Europe 8150 years ago
The terrifying tsunami that devastated Britain
Prehistoric North Sea 'Atlantis' hit by 5m tsunami
300' megatsunami triggered by Greenland landslide
Ancient tsunami tied to volcanic flank collapse in Italy
Ancient tsunamis may explain prehistoric mass graves
Tsunamis in the Mediterranean Sea 2000BC - 2000AD
Indonesian cave reveals nearly 5,000 years of tsunamis
Massive debris pile reveals risk of huge tsunamis in Hawaii
Mystery of missing tsunamis explained by geological models
Ancient quake and tsunami in Puget Sound shake researchers
New study reconstructs mega-earthquakes timeline in Indian Ocean
Millennial paleotsunami history at Minna Island, southern Ryukyu Isands, Japan
First comprehensive paleoseismic study of the southern end of the Cascadian Subduction Zone
Palaeo- tsunami inundation distances deduced from roundness of gravel particles in tsunami deposits
Scientists say a tsunami hit China 1,999 years ago - and there's still a risk of a giant wave hitting today
Pacific Ocean:
Pacific Tsunami Warning Center
Tsunami risk management in the context of the Pacific islands
Tsunami forecast model animation: three tsunamis in one day from the Tonga-Kermadec subduction zone
Risk assessment of tsunamis along the Chinese coast due to earthquakes
How Japan is predicting tsunamis
Japan's new warning: 100-foot tsunami possible
Japan tsunami makes waves in more than just the ocean
Japanese slow earthquakes could shed light on tsunami generation
Philippines: assesment of the tsunami alert
New tsunami computer model helps Tonga handle disaster
New Zealand:
Review of tsunami hazard in New Zealand
NZ: sensor network warns of stealth tsunamis
New Zealand's tsunami tracking system aces its first test
Australia East Coast:
Eastern Australia a tsunami hotspot
The tsunami risk in Australia: making waves
Tsunami emergency planning in Australia handbook
Tsunami threat to Sydney intensifies need for increased awareness
Modeling potential & historic events: the tsunami threat to Sydney Harbour:
Community understanding of tsunami risk and and warning systems in Australia
US West Coast:
US tsunami awareness and safety
The SAFRR California tsunami scenario
Tsunami and earthquake research at the USGS
California city to build tsunami resistant harbor
US National tsunami hazard mitigation program
California maps will identify tsunami danger zones
Experts team up on tsunami resillience in California
Rising above the risk: America's first tsunami refuge
Community exposure to tsunami hazards in California
California overhauling its tsunami evacuation scenarios
Study outlines impact of tsunami on the Columbia River
Catalina Island's slow sink - and potential tsunami hazard
What would flood if a huge tsunami hits Southern California?
Oregon's tsunami risk: between the devil and the deep blue sea
Greater tsunami risk from Southern California quake, study finds
DNR releases new maps to help residents walk to tsunami safety
New images from under Alaska seafloor suggest high tsunami danger
Fast walking could spare thousands from Pacific NW tsunami, study says
A mega-tsunami in the Pacific northwest? It could be worse ethan expected
Catastrophe like Japan's could hit the US Pacific Northwest, new data show
Simulation shows tsunami 42' high hitting Seattle in minutes of major quake on the Seattle fault
Central America:
The legacy of the 1992 Nicaragua tsunami
Tsunami records show increased hazards for Chile's Central Coast
The contribution of tsunami evacuation analysis to evacuation planningin Chile: a multi-perspective view
Indian Ocean:
Indian Ocean
Capacity assessment of tsunami preparedness in the Indian ocean
Animation of the Banda Aceh tsunami
Additional animation of the Banda Aceh tsunami
Sumatra coastal cave records stunning tsunami history
Anak Krakatau volcano emergency early warning system
Indonesia's indigenous languages hold the secrets of surviving disaster
Krakatoa is still active, and we are not ready for the tsunamis that will be generated
Thailand: social perticipation and DRR behaviors in tsunami prone areas
Sri Lanka:
Sri Lanka: Tsunami study stresses preparedness
Australia West Coast:
CSIRO tsunami modelling for the Australian west coast
Age determiniation of paleotsunami sediments around Lombok Island, Indonesia
Atlantic Ocean:
Tsunami detection equipment to be placed in Atlantic
Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and connected seas (ICG/NEAMTWS
US East Coast:
Earthquakes are US East Coast's biggest tsunami threat
Innovative tsunami & flood shelter system to be funded by the crowds
How big can a tsunami be in the Caribbean?
BVI to participate in regional simulation exercise
Tsunami caused long-term ecosystem change in the Caribbean
List of tsunamis in Europe
Scientists investigate how to defend Europe against tsunamis
Tsunamis can happen along any coastline, including in Norway
Massive Portuguese earthquake 'could send a 3m high tsunami towards British submerging Isles of Scilly
Mediterranean Sea:
Mediterranean tsunami simulations
Are devastating tsunamis possible in the Mediterranean?
Tsunnami alert efficiency in the Eastern Mediterannean Sea