Watching Earth burn
The language of wildfires
Wildfire: what's in that toxic smoke?
Rating fire danger from the ground up
Wildfires kill 339,000 people per year: study
US study finds temperature predicts wildfires
Fight fire with indigenous knowledge, reearchers say
New technology could help track firefighters for safety
'Dragon' drones: the flame throwers fighting wildfires with fire
The science of firescapes: achieving fire-resilient communities
What do you get when you cross a thunderstorm with a wildfire?
New global wildfire analysis indicates humans need to coexist and adapt
Wildfires & land management:
Forest fire disaster management
Straight talk about wildfire and logging
Prescribed fire science: a case for a research agenda
Economic vulnerability of timber resources to forest fires
Uncertainty and risk in wildland fire management: A review
Better landscape management needed to prevent forest fires
Land Management Practices Associated with House Loss in Wildfires
Wildfires in the US West are inevitable, but this strategy can help control them
Reducing wildfire risk in the Wildland-Urban-Interface: policy, trends & solutions
Wildfire & climate change:
Climate change and wildfire
Wildfire expected to spread like well, wildfire
Large wildfires create weather that favors more fire
Climate change and disruptions to global fire activity
'Smoke waves' will affect millions in coming decades
Driving forces of global wildfires over the past millennium and the forthcoming century
Wildfire on warming planet requires adaptive capacity at local, national, and international scales
Localized winds, fire tornadoes:
Fire tornadoes
Fanning the flames of megafires
Extreme wildfires can create their own dangerous weather, including fire tornadoes
CO2 release from wildfires:
Wildfires pollute much more than previously thought
Drying Intensifying Wildfires, Carbon Release Ninefold, Study Finds
Wildland fire emissions, carbon and climate: characterizing wildland fuels
Wildfires may contribute more to global warming than previously predicted
Emissions, carbon and climate: a cross scale assessment of wildfire and carbon dynamics
Satellite-based fire monitoring & early warning:
Fighting wildfires with data
Rapid detection of wildfires with satellites
Global Fire Observations and MODIS NDVI
Satellite, drones system for wildfire detection
Satellite data record shows climate change's impact on fires
Space-based applications driving fire early warning and monitoring systems
Historical background and current developments for mapping burned area from EO sats
Mapping combined wildfire and heat stress hazards to improve evidence-based decision making
Widfire modelling, simulation & safety:
Simulating firefighting operations on a PC
Paleofires and models illuminate future fire scenarios
VR technology puts people through 'searing' bushfire scenario
Mapping a wildfire's next move is getting easier, thanks to computers
Whole-house fire blanket protection from wildland-urban interface fires
Global wildland fire emission modeling for atmospheric chemistry studies
After effects of wildfire:
Reclaiming the Land After a Forest Fire
Wildfires can burn hot without ruining soil
DamageMap: a post-wildfire damaged building classifier
Wildfires affect water resources long after te smoke clears
Wildfire caused widespread drinking water disttribution network contamination
Postfire Debris Flow:
Predicting postfire debris flows saves lives
Improvement in quantifying debri flow risk for post-wildfire emergency response
Dry sediment loading of headwater channels fuels post-wildfire debris flows in bedrock landscapes
Peat Fires:
Peat fires are a legacy of carbon up in smoke
Coal Seam Fires:
Coal Seam fires burn beneath communities in Zimbabwe
Warming temperatures are redefining Arctic wildfires
Greenland fires ignite climate change fears
Rapid rise in wildfires in large parts of Canada?
CAMS monitors unprecedented wildfires in the Arctic
New wildfire early warning system could prevent spring blazes
Predicting extreme fire weather using artificial intelligence in Canada
Risk reduction status of homes reconstructed following wildfire disasters in Canada
Integrating traditional ecological knowledge and world renewal ceremonies into fire adaptation
Fires in Southeastern USA
US approach to wildfire forecasting
We've entered the era of 'fire tsunamis'
Climate and wildfire risk in the US: Swiss Re
The race to stay ahead of Californian wildfires
Wildfire risk shifts from Texas to Mountain West
Wildfires expected to worsen with climate change
Climate models project increase in US wildfire risk
Scientists find causes of firenado in deadly Carr Fire
Slave Lake shows need for national wildfire strategy
Yosemite forest fire example of possible things to come
New era of US wildfire modeling begins with risk modeler
US fires quadrupled in size, tripled in frequency in 20 years
Drought creates a perfect storm for wildfires in the US West
Climate-driven wildfires consume US Forest Service budget
Wildfires, naturally occurring forest fires and climate change
Mitigating the risk of wildfires in the wildland-urban interface
Wildfire and an example of its important link to the ecosystem
Resilience of Yellowstone's forests tested by unprecedented fire
Can 'big data' help to fight big fires? Firefighters are betting on it
USDA: The role of conservation programs in drought risk adaptation
US Forest Service: Millions of acres are now more resilient to wildfires
Climate change causing US wildfire season to last longer, Congress told
Scientists say US must choose: Planned fires or more unchecked wildfires
California lawmakers ratify efforts at wildfire prevention and assessing who is responsible
Modeling very large-fire occurrences over the continental USA from weather and climate forcing
US West Coast:
The age of western wildfires
The Camp Fire, and thus it began
Photos of US West Coast wildfires
Climate and wildfire in the western United States
Widespread wildfire as a proxy for resource strain
For western wildfires, the immediate past is prologue
Iconic palms add to fire danger in Southern California
New technology projects to combat California wildfires
Airborne measurements of Western US wildfire emissions
Blazes pose hidden threat to the US West's drinking water
California: Fire severity change with distance into fuel treatment
How will climate change affect wildland fire severity in the western US?
Rapidly processed drone imagery improves California wildfire response
Land use planning to reduce US wildfire risk - lessons from 5 westren cities
Color-coded radar maps reveal a patchwork of California wildfire destruction
Bringing tech innovation to wildfires: 4 recommendations as megafires menace the US
Ancient tree-ring records from southwest US suggest today's megafires are truly unusual
Continued warming could transform Greater Yellowstone fire regimes by mid-21st century
Impact of CA fires on local & regional air quality: low-cost sensor networks and satellite observations
California wildfire smoke contributes to a positive atmospheric temperature anomoly over Western USA
Projections of wildfire activity & carbonaceous aerosol concentrations over western US mid-21st century
South America:
The Amazon;
Climate conditions determine Amazon fire risk
Forging fire resilience on Amazon forest fringes in Peru
Ocean Temperatures Can Predict Amazon Fire Season Severity
An imported tree fuels Patagonia's terrifying summer fires
Fires in Australia
Australia burning
Anatomy of a mega-blaze
Bushfire emergency in Australia
Australia: Bushfire CRC website
Fire weather patterns in Southeast Australia
Australian bushfire plume sets height records
The drivers behind Australia's bushfire season
Living with bushfires on the urban-bush interface
Recent Australian wildfires made worse by logging
The southwest Tasmania fires of summer 2018-2019
Satellites to help show when the bush is ready to burn
What caused Australia's disastrous wildfires? It's complicated
Aboriginal peoples must be restored as custodians of Country
This is not normal: climate change and escalating bushfire risk
Unusual weather events identified during Black Saturday bushfires
Responding to bushfire risk: the need for transformative adaptation
The scientist who predicted the bushfire emergency 4 decades ago
Bushfires in Australia: a serious health emergency under climate change
Widespread phytoplankton blooms triggered by 2019-2020 Australia wildfires
These bushfires are a historic event. Here is what we should learnn from them
Positive Indian Ocean Dipole events precondition southeast Australia bushfires
Integrating scientific knowledge into bushfire risk mitigation in southwest Victoria
Big data integration shows Australian bushfire frequency is increasing significantly
Aboriginal fire management: part of the solution to destructive Australian bushfires
Enhanced Australian carbon sink despite increased wildfire during the 21st century
Helping fire-impacted families in rebuilding: toward enhanced community resilience
Black summer bushfires triggered Southern ocean algal blooms bigger than Australia
Who decides where to conduct fuel reduction burns and what goes into their planning
Ten years after the Black Saturday fires, what have we learnt from post-fire research?
Bushfire-proof houses are affordable and look good - so why aren't we building more?
New policies and preparedness initiatives developed from Australian bushfire case study
Formaldehyde and nitrogen dioxide in smoke plumes from Australia's Black Saturday fires
From smoke going around the world to aerosol levels, NASA observes Austalia's bushfires
Helping fire-impacted families in rebuilding: toward enhanced community resilience outcomes
Cold front made Ash Wednesday bushfires worse and changed focus of research around them
Savanna fire management and bushfire and natural hazard scenario planning for North Australia
An approach to understanding the role of anthropogenic fire in the desert grasslands of Australia
An assessment of the viability of prescribed burning as a management tool under a changing climate
Changes in climatic water balance determine potential for transformational shifts in Australia fire regime
Australia had more supersized bushfires creating their own storms last summer than in previous 30 years
100-years of preventing debris flow in Japan
South Korea: local knowledge reduces wildfire risk
Indonesia's forest fires: everything you need to know
Indonesian Forest and Peat Fires: Emissions, Air Quality,and Human Health
Forest fires in the Alps
Sparking firesmart policies in the EU
Modelling the furure risk of large fires in Europe
Forest fires in Europe, Middle East and North Africa 2017
Fires in Europe fuelled by urbanisation and climate change
Forest fire danger extremes in Europe under climate change
EU establishes initial firefighting fleet for next forst fire season
How to live with mega-fires? Portugals's feral forests may hold the secret
Wildfire map reveals European countries most at risk of catastrophic fire damage
Mega fire emissions in Siberia: potential supply of bioavailable iron from forests to the ocean
Chernobyl scientists warn that radiation can be unleashed by climate change-induced wildfires
A 192,000-year record of northwest Africa fire history