Mapping salty waters
Definition from Wikipedia
Introduction to ocean gyres
The THC and Gulf Stream explained
Shutdown of thermohaline circulation
Mark Serreze video interview of NSIDC
The cause of ocean currents and jet streams
Dramatic ocean circulation changes revealed
Study of Earth's deep past leads to look into the future
Bomb fall-out U236 as a global oceanic tracer using an anually resolved coral core
Changes in ocean 'conveyor belt' foretold abrupt climate changes by four centuries
Observations from space:
Visual simulation from NASA of the THC
SMOS: the global success story continues
NASA finds new way to track ocean currents from space
Large-scale circulation:
Tidal mixing and large-scale circulation
Middle Miocene climate evolution: The role of large-scale ocean circulation and ocean gateways
Ocean currents and climate:
Deglaciation secrets no longer on ice
Unforced variations vs forced responses
Study finds early warning signals of abrupt climate change
Ocean circulation implicated in past abrupt climate changes
Indian Ocean warming could be stabilizing Atlantic circulation
Major wind-driven ocean currents are shifting towards the poles
Intensification and poleward shift of oceanics boundary currents
North Atlantic signalled Ice Age thaw 1,000 years before it happened
Global ocean circulation appears to be collapsing due to a warming planet
Changes in ocean 'Conveyor Belt' fortold abrupt climate changes by four centuries
Slowdown of Atlantic overturning circulation caused by changes in southern hemisphere
How ocean currents affect global climate is a question oceanographer may be close to answering
Super-slow circulation allowed world's oceans to store large amounts of carbon during the last ice age
Meridonial Overturning Circulations (MOC):
Surface conditions and projections of 21st century Meridional Overturning Circulations
Eastern-boundary baroclinic variability and the Meridional Overturning Circulation at 26.5
Atlantic Ocean currents:
Assessing the predictability of AMOC
Low frequency variability of the AMOC
Atlantic 'Conveyor Belt' not slowing, new study finds
Atlantic current decline could be good news for British summer
Unstable Atlantic deep ocean circulation under future climate conditions
Multi-year prediction of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation at 26.5 °N possible
Estimation of variability of upper-ocean heat content over tropical Atlantic Ocean with multi-ocean reanalysis
North Atlantic Current:
The North Atlantic Current
High winds stir ocean currents in North Atlantic
North Atlantic circulation patterns reveal seas of change
Deep-water circulation changes led Nortth Atlantic climate during deglaciation
Why some scientists are worried about a surprisingly cold 'blob' in the North Atlantic Ocean
Multidecadel North Atlantic SST and Atlantic MOC variability in CMIP5 historical simulations
Gulf Stream:
The Gulf Stream
Resolving eddies in the Gulf Stream
Breathing space for the Gulf Stream
What is the future of the Gulf Stream circulation?
Arctic sea ice influenced force of the Gulf Stream
Scientists uncover diversion of Gulf Stream path in late 2011
Gulf stream slowdown to spare Europe from worst of climate change
Gulf stream ring water intrudes onto continental shelf like 'Pinocchio's Nose'
Florida Current:
The Florida Current
Loop Current
The Loop Current
Understanding and predicting the Gulf of Mexico Loop Current
A 'scientific forced marriage' takes on the mysteries of the Loop Current
Caribbean Current
The Caribbean Current
Yucatan Current:
The Yucatan Current
Brazil Current:
The Brazil Current
Can the North Brazil Current help us understand Atlantic water flow?
South Atlantic Current:
The South Atlantic Current
Angola Current:
The Angola Current
First detailed study of circulation off Angola
Canary Current:
The Canary Current
Portugal Current Syetem:
The Portugal Current System
Azores Current:
The Azores Current
Arctic Ocean currents:
Labrador Current
The Labrador Current
Loss of Arctic sea ice impacting Atlantic Ocean water circulation system
Anomously weak Labrador Sea convection and Atlantic Overturning during the past 150 years
Temporary shutdown of deep convection in Labrador Sea: lessons from Great Salinity Anomoly 1968~1971
Pacific Ocean currents:
10 main currents in the Pacific Ocean
A journey down the East Australian Current
Topographically induced upwelling off Eastern Australia
The far-reaching effects of ocean floors on the sea surface
Formation of coastal sea ice in North Pacific drives ocean circulation and climate
Intense deep-ocean turbulence in equatorial Pacific could help drive global circulation
Low ocean-floor rises regulate subpolar sea surface temperature by formng baroclinic jets
Kuroshio Current:
Artery of life
Oyashio & Kuroshio
Probing the Black Current
The Kuroshio and Oyashio currents
Physical, biogeochemical, and ecosystem dynamics
Climate forcing and the Kuroshio/Oyashio ecosystem
Kuroshio current may be responsible for climatic discomfort in Tokyo
Evidence found: Kuroshio current strengthening due to intensifying tropical cyclones
Applying the adjoint-free 4dVAR assimilation to modeling the Kuroshio south of Japan
Oyashio Curent:
Metabase explorer
One shared ocean
Bloom in the Parent Stream
Oyashio current, subarctic waters
Indian Ocean currents:
Evolution of the Great Whirl using an altimetry-based eddy tracking algorithm
Agulhas Current:
The Agulhas Current
Scientists discover new ocean current off Madagascar
Ocean currents respond to climate change in unexpected ways
Southern Ocean currents:
The Antarctic Coastal Current
Debut of the global mix-master
The Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC)
Wind-blown Antarctic sea ice helps drive ocean circuation
Underwater mountains help ocean waters rise from abyss