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Professor Emeritus Max Wyss Emeritus Professor, University of Alaska and Seismic Hazard & Risk Consultant


Professor Emeritus Max Wyss / Bio

Max Wyss was born and raised in Zuerich, Switzerland. He earned a Diploma in geophysics at the Federal Institute of Technology, Zuerich. His MS and PhD in seismology, he obtained at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena in 1970.

After working as research scientist at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography in La Jolla, California and at the Lamont-Doherty Observatory, Palisades, New York, he joined the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences at the University of Colorado, Boulder. There he worked during the years 1973 though 1991, advancing from Assistant to Full Professor.

In 1991, he joined the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska, Fairbanks as Wadati Professor of Seismology. During 1993 to 1995, he was State Seismologist of Alaska. In 2001 Wyss accepted the Directorship of the World Agency of Planetary Monitoring and Earthquake Risk Reduction in Geneva. He is Professor Emeritus of the University of Alaska.

Max Wyss’ 200 scientific publications deal with the following topics among others: seismic source parameters, crustal deformation, stress tensor causing earthquakes, pore pressure related to earthquakes, seismicity patterns, earthquake prediction research, seismic hazard and risk, earthquake loss estimates, seismotectonics, historic earthquake catalogs, as well as seismicity related to volcanoes.

The awards he received included the Humboldt Senior Scientist award and a number of awards for specific research papers. For 15 years he served as editor of Pure and Applied Geophysics. The most important chairmanship of an international committee he held was that of the IASPEI Sub-commission on Earthquake Prediction during the years 1987-2002. As member of then European Evaluation Committee for Earthquake Prediction, Wyss was asked to criticize a false claim of a prediction method. Wyss also served on review panels of NASA, the National Science Foundation (USA), the US Geological Survey, and the German Geotechnologien program.

During his career, Wyss, worked in a number of countries and a number of institutions as visiting scientist, including the University of Tokyo, the National University of Mexico, the Tohoku University, the Federal Institute of Technology in Zuerich, the National Research Institute for Earthquake Prediction in Tsukuba, the Geoforschungszentrum in Potsdam, the University of Kiel, the University of Karlsruhe, the Seismological Observatory in Erlangen, and he collaborated with scientists in Iceland, Greece, India, the UAE, Egypt, Algeria, Romania, Italy, Spain, France, Peru, Pakistan, Nepal and Honduras.

As a member of an international external review team Max Wyss evaluated twice the national seismology program of India and twice the performance of five national research laboratories in Greece. His consulting activity included seismic hazard analyses for dam sites and oil fields in South America, Central America and Asia. Wyss served on numerous external review panels of scientific projects. Max Wyss founded the GPS consortium of American Universities, UNAVCO.

Professor Emeritus Max Wyss / Publications

A. Books Edited

1. Observation and interpretation of tectonic strain release mechanisms, Ph.D. Thesis, California Institute of Technology, 1970.

2. Earthquake prediction and rock mechanics, Contributions to Current Research inGeophysics, I, 1975 (Max Wyss, editor).

3. Stress in the earth, Contributions to Current Research in Geophysics, 3, 1977 (MaxWyss, editor).

4. Rock friction and earthquake prediction, Contributions to Current Research in Geophysics, 6, 583-991, 1978 (J. Byerlee and M. Wyss editors).

5. Earthquake prediction and seismicity patterns, Contributions to Current Research in Geophysics, 8, pp. 237, 1979. (Max Wyss editor)

6. Evaluation of Proposed Earthquake Precursors, Amer. Geophys. Union Monograph (M. Wyss, editor) pp. 94, 1991.

7. Editor of special issue of Tectonophysics on Earthquake Prediction, 193, 253-412, 1991.

8. Earthquake Prediction - State of the Art, Birkhaeuser, Basel (M. Wyss and R. Dmowska, eds.) pp. 264, 1997.

9. Seismicity patterns, their statistical significance and physical meaning Birkhaeuser, Basel (M. Wyss, K. Shimazaki and A. Ito, eds.) pp. 203-726, 1999.

B. Articles

1. The Alaska earthquake of 28 March 1964: A complex multiple rupture (M. Wyss and J. N. Brune) Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 57, 1017-1023, 1967.

2. The Borrego Mt., California, earthquake of 9 April 1968: A preliminary report (C.R. Allen, A. Grantz, J.N. Brune, M.M. Clark, R.V. Sharp, T.G. Theodore, E.W. Wolfe and M. Wyss) Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 58, 1183-1186, 1968.

3. Seismic moment, stress, and source dimensions for earthquakes in the California- Nevada region (M. Wyss and J. N. Brune) J. Geophys. Res., 73, 4681-4694, 1968.

4. Displacement on the San Andreas fault subsequent to the 1966 Parkfield earthquake (S. W. Smith and M. Wyss) Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 58, 1955-1973, 1968.

5. Seismic and aseismic slip on the San Andreas fault (C. M. Scholz, M. Wyss and S. W. Smith) J. Geophys. Res., 74, 2049-2069, 1969.

6. Stress estimates for South American shallow and deep earthquakes (M. Wyss) J. Geophys. Res., 74, 1529-1544, 1970.

7. A comparison of apparent stresses of earthquakes on ridges with earthquakes in trenches (M. Wyss) Geophys. J. Roy. astr. Soc., 19, 479-484, 1970. 8. Source dimensions of nuclear explosions and small shallow earthquakes (M. Wyss, J.N. Brune, T.C. Hanks, and B.E. Tucker) ARPA meeting on seismic discrimination, Woods Hole, 22-24 July 1970, Proceedings, 1971.

8. Source dimensions of nuclear explosions and small shallow earthquakes (M. Wyss, J.N. Brune, T.C. Hanks, and B.E. Tucker) ARPA meeting on seismic discrimination, Woods Hole, 22-24 July 1970, Proceedings, 1971

9. Comparison of P wave spectra of nuclear explosions and earthquakes (M. Wyss, T.C. Hanks and R.C. Liebermann) J. Geophys. Res., 76, 2716-2729, 1971.

10. Preliminary source parameter determination of the San Fernando earthquake (M. Wyss) U.S. Geological Survey Prof. Paper 733, 38-40, 1971.

11. Repeated surveys of small-scale figures established across surface fault ruptures following the earthquake (J.C. Lahr, M. Wyss and J.A. Hileman) U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 733, 86-88, 1971.

12. Regional variations of source parameters in southern California estimated from the ratio of short to long period amplitudes (M. Wyss and J.N. Brune) Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 61, 1153-1167, 1971.

13. The source parameters of the San Fernando Earthquake inferred from teleseismic body waves (M. Wyss and T.C. Hanks) Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 62, 591-602, 1972.

14. Efficiency, stress drop, apparent stress, effective stress and frictional stress of Denver, Colorado earthquakes (M. Wyss and P. Molnar) J. Geophys. Res., 77, 1433-1438, 1972.

15. The use of body-wave spectra in the determination of seismic source parameters (T.C. Hanks and M. Wyss) Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 62, 561-589, 1972.

16. The source parameters of the Borrego Mountain, California earthquake (M. Wyss and T.C. Hanks) U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper, 787, 24-30, 1972.

17. Displacements on the Imperial, Superstition Hills, and San Andreas faults caused by the Borrego Mountain earthquake of 7 April 1968 (C.R. Allen, M. Wyss, J.N. Brune, A. Grantz and R.E. Wallace) U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper, 787, 87-104, 1972.

18. Moments, source dimensions, and stress drops of shallow-focus earthquakes in the Tonga-Kermadec Arc (P. Molnar and M. Wyss) Phys. of the Solid Earth, 6, 263-278, 1972.

19. Source parameters of intermediate and deep focus earthquakes in the Tonga Arc (M. Wyss and P. Molnar) Physics of the Solid Earth, 6, 279-292, 1972.

20. Towards a physical understanding of the earthquake frequency distribution (M. Wyss) Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 31, 341-359, 1973.

21. The thickness of deep seismic zones (M. Wyss) Nature, 242, 255-256, 1973.

22. Derivation of rupture area and stress-drop from body wave displacement spectra and the relative material strength in deep seismic zones (M. Wyss) Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A., 274, 361-368, 1973.

23. Microearthquakes on the Mid-Atlantic plate boundary in the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland (F.W. Klein, Pall Einarsson and M. Wyss) J. Geophys. Res., 78, 5084-5099, 1973.

24. Earthquake prediction based on station residuals (M. Wyss and D.J. Holcomb) Nature, 245, 139-140, 1973.

25. Time variations of the average earthquake magnitude in Central California (M. Wyss and W.H.K. Lee) in Proceedings of the Conference on Tectonic Problems of the San Andreas Fault System, eds. R. L. Kovach, and A. Nur, Stanford University, Geol. Sci., 13, 24-42, 1973.

26. A search for teleseismic P-residual changes before large earthquakes in New Zealand (M. Wyss and A.C. Johnston) J. Geophys. Res., 79, 3283-3290, 1974.

27. Will there be a large earthquake in Central California during the next decade? (M. Wyss) Nature, 251, 126-128, 1974.

28. Source dimensions of two deep earthquakes estimated from aftershocks and spectra (M. Wyss and L.J. Shamey) Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer., 65, 403-410, 1975.

29. Time dependence of P-residuals in Luzon, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 65, 461-466, 1975 (M. Wyss).

30. Precursors to the Garm earthquake of March, 1969 (M. Wyss) J. Geophys. Res., 80, 2926-2930, 1975. 31. A search for precursors to the Sitka, 1972 earthquake, sea level, magnetic field and Presiduals (M. Wyss) Pure Appl. Geophys., 113, 297-309, 1975.

31. A search for precursors to the Sitka, 1972 earthquake, sea level, magnetic field and Presiduals (M. Wyss) Pure Appl. Geophys., 113, 297-309, 1975 

32. Mean sea level before and after some great strike-slip earthquakes (M. Wyss) Pure Appl. Geophys., 113, 107-118, 1975.

33. Magnetism of rocks and volumetric strain in uniaxial failure tests (R.J. Martin and M. Wyss) Pure Appl. Geophys., 113, 51-61, 1975.

34. Local changes of sea level before large earthquakes in South America (M. Wyss) Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer., 66, 903-914, 1976.

35. Preliminary experiments on the behavior of mice before rock failure in the laboratory, in National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, Conference I, Abnormal Animal Behavior Prior to Earthquakes I, ed. J. Evernden, US Dept. of the Interior Geological Survey, Menlo Park (W.H. Gawthrop, R. Johnson, and R.E. Habermann) 205-211, 1976.

36. Local sea level changes before and after the Hyuganda, Japan earthquakes of 1961 and 1968 (M. Wyss) J. Geophys. Res., 81, 5315-5321, 1976.

37. The Reykjanes peninsula, Iceland earthquake swarm of September 1972 and its tectonic and geothermal implications (F.W. Klein, P. Einarsson and M. Wyss) J. Geophys. Res., 82, 865-888, 1977.

38. Interpretation of the Southern California uplift in terms of the dilatancy hypothesis (M. Wyss) Nature, 266, 805-808, 1977.

39. The appearance rate of premonitory uplift (M. Wyss) Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 67, 1091-1098, 1977.

40. Tectonomagnetism and magnetic changes in rocks prior to failure (R.J. Martin III and M. Wyss) in National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program, Conference II, J. Evernden, editor, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California, 449-469, 1977.

41. The effect of stress cycling and inelastic volumetric strain on remnant magnetization (R.J. Martin III, R.E. Habermann and M. Wyss) J. Geophys. Res., 83, 3485-3496, 1978.

42. Precursory variation of seismicity rate in the Assam area, India (K. Khattri and M. Wyss) Geology, 6, 685-688, 1978.

43. Source parameters of the Orizaba earthquake of August 28, 1973 (S.K. Singh and M. Wyss) Geofisica International, 16, 165-184, 1976.

44. Sea level changes before large earthquakes (M. Wyss) Earthquake Information Bulletin, 10, 165-168, 1978.

45. Long term precursory seismicity fluctuations (M. Wyss, R.E. Habermann and A.C. Johnston) Proceedings of Conference VI, Methodology for identifying seismic gaps and soon-to-break seismic gaps, U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 78-943, 1978.

46. Estimating expectable maximum magnitude of earthquakes from fault dimensions (M. Wyss) Geology, 7, 336-340, 1979.

47. Seismic quiescence precursory to a past and a future Kurile island earthquake (M. Wyss and R.E. Habermann) Pure and Appl. Geophys., 117, 1195-1211, 1979.

48. The use of seismicity studies for earthquake prediction, (M. Wyss) in Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering for Protection from Natural Disasters, Bangkok, 385-400, January 1980.

49. Hawaiian rifts and recent Icelandic volcanism: Expressions of plume generated triple junctions (M. Wyss) Journal of Geophysics, 47, 19-22, 1980.

50. Upper mantle velocity heterogeneities beneath the Colorado Rocky Mountains determined from P-residuals (R. Casaceli and M. Wyss) J. Geophys. Res., 85, 1882- 1887, 1980.

51. Interpretation of postseismic deformation with a viscoelastic relaxation model (J. Wahr and M. Wyss) J. Geophys. Res., 85, 6471-6477, 1980.

52. Multiple asperity model for earthquake prediction (M. Wyss, A. C. Johnston and F. W. Klein) Nature, 289 231-234, 1981.

53. Seismic quiescence in the Western Hellenic Arc may foreshadow large earthquakes (M. Wyss and M. Baer) Nature, 289, 785-787, 1981

54. Some recent topics on earthquake prediction studies by U.S. investigators (M. Wyss) Development in Earth and Planetary Sciences, ed. T. Rikitake, 2, 81-127, 1981.

55. Precursors of the 1975 Hawaii M=7.2 earthquake (M. Wyss, A.C. Johnston, and F.W. Klein) J. Geophys. Res., 86, 3881-3900, 1981.

56. Earthquake hazard in the Hellenic arc (M. Wyss and M. Baer) in Maurice Ewing Series, ed. D.W. Simpson and P.G. Richards, Amer. Geophys. Union, 4, 153-172, 1981.

57. Some earthquake precursors and their potential use in the Balkans, in Proceedings of UNESCO seminar on Earthquake Prediction and Instrumentation, Thessaloniki, November 1981 (M. Wyss).

58. P-wave travel times: Stability and change within the source volume of a M=7.2 earthquake (A.C. Johnston, M. Wyss, R. Koyanagi and R.E. Habermann) J. Geophys. Res., 87, 6889-6905, 1982.

59. Conversion of mb to Ms for estimating the recurrence time of large earthquakes (M. Wyss and R. E. Habermann) Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer., 72, 1651-1662, 1982 

60. Precursory seismicity quiescence in the New Hebrides arc (M. Wyss, R.E. Habermann and C.L. Heiniger) Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer., 73, 219-236, 1983.

61. Large earthquakes, mean sea level and tsunamis along the Pacific coast of Mexico and Central America, (G. Cruz and M. Wyss) Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer., 73, 553-570, 1983.

62. Local seismic activity in the region of the Assam Gap, northeast India (K. Khattri, M. Wyss, V. K. Gaur, S. N. Saha, and V. K. Bansal) Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer., 73, 459- 470, 1983.

63. Crustal transit time monitoring using PKP (M. Wyss and R. Kind) PAGEOPH, 121, 269-285, 1983.

64. Vertical tectonic stability over the last 15 years, estimated from annual mean sea levels in Greece (V. Lagios and M. Wyss) PAGEOPH 121, 5/6, 869-887, 1983.

65. Earthquake triggering during preparation for great earthquakes (R.E. Habermann and M. Wyss) Geophys. Res. Letts., 11, 291-294, 1984.

66. Precursory seismicity quiescence in the Tonga-Kermadec arc, (M. Wyss, R.E. Habermann and J.C. Griesser) J. Geophys. Res., 89, 9293-9304, 1984.

67. Background seismicity rates and precursory seismic quiescence: Imperial Valley, California (R.E. Habermann and M. Wyss) Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer., 74, 1743-1755, 1984.

68. Clustering of foreshocks and preshocks in the Circum-Aegean region (K.-C. Wong and M. Wyss) Earthquake Prediction Research, 1, 121-140, 1985.

69. The detection and interpretation of hydrogen in fault gases (R.H. Ware, C. Roecken and M. Wyss) PAGEOPH, 122, 392-402, 1984/85.

70. Precursors to large earthquakes (M. Wyss) Earthquake Prediction Research, 3, 519- 543, 1985.

71. Magnetic and soil gas measurements along the surface rupture of the Borah Peak earthquake of October 28, 1983 (F. Scherbaum, C. Roecken, R.H. Ware and M. Wyss) Proc. Workshop XXVIII on the Borah Peak, Idaho, Earthquake, Vol. A, Natl. Earthquake Prediction & Hazard Programs, 3-6 Oct. 1984, R.S. Stein & R.C. Bucknam (eds.) 645-656, USGS, Menlo Park, CA, 1985.

72. Current episodes of seismic quiescence along the San Andreas Fault between San Juan Bautista and Stone Canyon, California: Possible precursors to local moderate mainshocks (M. Wyss and R.O. Burford) U.S. Geol. Survey open-file report, 85-754, 367-426, 1985.

73. The resolution of the Graefenberg array for earthquake location in the Eastern Mediterranean (R.E. Habermann, R. Kind, M. Wyss and W. Stammler) J. Geophys., 57, 3, 172-177, 1985.

74. Seismic quiescence precursor to the 1983 Kaoiki Hawaii (M Wyss) Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer., 76, 785-800, 1986.

75. Comparison of a complex rupture model with the precursor asperities of the 1975 Hawaii Ms=2 earthquake (D. Harvey and M. Wyss) PAGEOPH, 124, 957-973, 1986.

76. Regular intervals between five Hawaiian earthquakes: Implications for predicting the next event (M. Wyss) Science, 234, 726-728, 1986.

77. Stress drops and amplitude ratios of earthquakes preceding and following the 1975 Hawaii M=7.2 main shock, (F.R. Zuñiga, M. Wyss and M.W. Wilson) Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 77, 69-96, 1987.

78. Reply to "Comment on Habermann's method for detecting seismicity rate changes", by M.W. Matthews and P. Reasenberg (R.E. Habermann and M. Wyss) J. Geophys. Res., 92, 9446-9450, 1987.

79. A predicted earthquake on the San Andreas fault, California (M. Wyss and R.O. Burford) Nature, 329, 233-325, 1987.

80. On the status of seismic quiescence as a precursor (M. Wyss) in Proceedings of Earthquake Prediction - Present Status, eds. S.K. Guha and A.M. Patwardhan, Poona, India, August, 201-215, 1988.

81. Precursory quiescence before the August 1982 Stone Canyon, San Andreas fault, earthquakes (M. Wyss and R.E. Habermann) PAGEOPH, 126, 333-356, 1988.

82. A moment-magnitude relation for Hawaii (F.R. Zuñiga, M. Wyss and F. Scherbaum) Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer., 78, 370-373, 1988.

83. Precursory seismic quiescence (M. Wyss and R.E. Habermann) PAGEOPH, 126, 319-332, 1988.

84. Earthquake locations in the western Hellenic arc relative to the plate boundary (T. Papadopoulos, D.L. Schmerge and M. Wyss) Bull. Seis. Soc. Amer., 78, 1222-1231, 1988.

85. Comments on "A single force model for the 1975 Kalapana, Hawaii, earthquake", by H.K. Eissler and M. Kanamori (M. Wyss and R.L. Kovach) J. Geophys. Res., 93, 8078-8082, 1988.

86. Coda Q before the 1983 Hawaii (M Seis. Soc. Amer., 78, 1279-1296, 1988.

87. A proposed model for the great Kau, Hawaii, earthquake of 1868 (M. Wyss) Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer., 78, 1450-1462, 1988.

88. Earthquake Hazard in Hawaii (M. Wyss) Proceedings of UN Seminar on the Prediction of Earthquakes, Lisbon, Portugal, November, 1988.

89. Precursory seismic quiescence before the January 1982 Hilea, Hawaii, earthquake (M. Wyss and Z.X. Fu) Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer., 79, 756-773, 1989.

90. Surveillance of Thera Volcano (Greece) - Monitoring of the geomagnetic field (E. Lagios, A. Tzanis, S. Hailas and M. Wyss) Proceedings of International Conference "Thera and the Aegean World", September 1989.

91. Seismic quiescence at Parkfield: An independent indication of an imminent earthquake (M. Wyss, P. Bodin and R.E. Habermann) Nature, 345, 426-428, 1990.

92. Decrease in deformation rate as a possible precursor to the next Parkfield earthquake (M. Wyss, L. Slater and R.O. Burford) Nature, 345, 428-431, 1990.

93. Seismic cycle not so simple (M. Wyss) Nature, 345, 290, 1990. 94. Distribution of attenuation in the Kaoiki, Hawaii, source volume, estimated by inversion of P-wave spectra (F. Scherbaum and M. Wyss) J. Geophys. Res., 95, 12439-12448, 1990.

94. Changes of mean magnitude of Parkfield seismicity: a part of the precursory process? (M. Wyss) Geophys. Res. Letts., 17, 2429-2432, 1990.

95. Inversion of source parameters for subcrustal earthquakes in the Hellenic arc (M. Beisser, M. Wyss and R. Kind) Geophys. J. Int., 103, 439-450, 1990.

96. Increased mean depth of earthquakes at Parkfield (M. Wyss) Geophys. Res. Letts., 18, 617-620, 1991.

97. Reporting history of the central Aleutians seismograph network and the quiescence preceding the 1986 Andreanof Island earthquake (M. Wyss) Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer., 81, 1231-1254, 1991.

98. Estimates of orientation of stress and strain tensors based on fault plane solutions in the epicentral area of the great Hawaiian earthquake of 1868 (B. Liang and M. Wyss) Bull. Seis. Soc. Amer., 81, 2320-2334, 1991.

99. An estimate of the absolute stress tensor in Kaoiki, Hawaii (M. Wyss, D. Gillard and B. Liang) J. Geophys. Res., 97, 4763-4768, 1992.

100. Comparison of orientations of stress and strain tensor based on the fault plane solutions in Kaoiki, Hawaii (M. Wyss, B. Liang, W. R. Tanigawa and X. Wu) J. Geophys. Res., 97, 4769-4790, 1992.

101. Comment on: Precursors to the Kalapana M =2 earthquake by M. Wyss, F.W.Klein and A.C. Johnston (P.T. Delaney, M. Wyss, P.W. Lipman and A.T. Okamura) J. Geophys. Res., 97, 4839-4841, 1992.

102. A seismotectonic model for western Hawaii based on stress tensor inversion from fault plane solutions (D. Gillard, M. Wyss and J.S. Nakata) J. Geophys. Res., 97, 6629-6641, 1992.

103. Seismic gaps in Hawaii (M. Wyss and R.Y. Koyanagi) Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 82, 1373-1387, 1992. 105.

104. Shear-wave polarization alignments recorded above the Kaoiki fault zone, Hawaii (D. C. Booth, M. Wyss and D. Gillard) Geophys. Res. Letts., 19, 1141-1144, 1992.

105. The Lyman Hawaiian earthquake diary 1833-1917 (M. Wyss and R.Y. Koyanagi and D. C. Cox) U.S. Geol. Survey Bull., 2027, pp. 34, 1992.

106. Isoseismal maps, macroseismic epicenters, and estimated magnitudes of historical earthquakes in the Hawaiian islands (M. Wyss and R. Y. Koyanagi) U.S. Geological Survey Bull., 2006, pp.92, 1992.

107. Seismic quiescence: A test of the hypothesis and a precursor to the next Parkfield, California, earthquake (M. Wyss, R.E. Habermann and P. Bodin) Geophys. J. Int., 110, 518-536, 1992.

108. Great subduction earthquakes studied (M. Wyss, D. Christensen and J. Davies) EOS, 74, 148-149, 1992.

109. How much sense does earthquake prediction make? (M. Wyss) in Continental Earthquakes, eds. Ding Guoyu and Chen Zhangli, IASPEI Publication Series for the IDNDR, 3, 85-90, 1993.

110. Preliminary results from stress tensor inversion of earthquake fault planesolutions in the southern Tyrrhenien region (G. Neri and M. Wyss) Boll. Geofis. Teor. Appl., 35, 139, 349-362, 1993.

111. Aftershocks of the 13 May Shumagin Islands earthquake (Z. Lu, M. Wyss, G. Tytgat, S. Stihler, and S. McNutt) Geophys. Res. Letts., 21, 497-500, 1994.

112. Seismic quiescence before the Landers (M7.5) and Big Bear (M6.5) 1992 earthquakes (S. Wiemer and M. Wyss) Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 84, 900-916, 1994.

113. Inversion of source parameters from sparse data sets: Test of the method and application to the 1951 (M=6.9) Kona, Hawaii, earthquake (M. Beisser, D. Gillard and M. Wyss) J. Geophys. Res., 99, 19661-19678, 1994.

114. Plate boundary segmentation by stress directions: southern San Andreas fault, California (M. Wyss and Z. Lu) Geophys. Res. Letts., 22, 547-550, 1995.

115. Stress directions along the Alaska Wadati-Benioff zone from inversion of focal mechanism data (Z. Li, N. Biswas, G. Tytgat, H. Pulpan, M. Wyss) Tectonophys., 246, 163-170, 1995.

116. Precursory seismic quiescence in the Mudurnu Valley, North Anatolian fault zone (M. Wyss, M. Westerhaus, H. Berckhemer, and R. Ates) Geophys. J. Int., 123, 117- 124, 1995.

117. Inadvertant changes of magnitude reported in earthquake catalogs: Influence on bvalue estimates (R. Zuniga and M. Wyss) Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 85, 1858-1866, 1995.

118. Comparison of strain and stress tensor orientation: Application to Iran and Southern California (D. Gillard and M. Wyss) J. Geophys. Res., 100, 22197-22133, 1995.

119. Segmentation of the Aleutian main thrust zone derived from stress directions based on fault plane solutions (Z. Lu and M. Wyss) J. Geophys. Res., 101, 803-816, 1996.

120. Brief summary of some reasons why the VAN hypothesis for predicting earthquakes has to be rejected (M. Wyss) in A Critical Review of VAN, ed. Sir James Lighthill, World Scientific, London, 250-266, 1996.

121. Inacuracies in seismicity and magnitude data used by Varotsos and coworkers (M. Wyss) Geophys. Res. Letts., 23, 1299-1302, 1996.

122. Probability of chance correlations of earthquakes with predictions in areas of heterogeneous seismicity: the VAN case (M. Wyss and A. Allmann) Geophys. Res. Letts., 23, 1307-1310, 1996.

123. Type of faulting and orientation of stress and strain as a function of space and time in Kilauea’s south flank, Hawaii (D. Gillard, M. Wyss and P. Okubo) J. Geophys. Res., 101, 16025-16042, 1996.

124. Estimates of stress directions by inversion of earthquake fault plane solutions in Sicily (D. Caccamo, G. Neri, A. Sarao and M. Wyss) Geophys. J. Int., 125, 857-868, 1996.

125. Quantitative mapping of a precursory seismic quiescence to the Izu-Oshima 1990 (M6.5) earthquake, Japan (M. Wyss, N. Shimazaki and T. Urabe) Geophys. J. Int., 127, 735-743, 1996.

126. Two current seismic quiescences within 40 km of Tokyo (M. Wyss and S. Wiemer) Geophys. J. Int., 128, 459-473, 1997.

127. Second round of evaluations of proposed earthquake precursors (M. Wyss) PAGEOPH, 149, 3-16, 1997. 

128. Nomination of precursory seismic quiescence as a significant precursor (M. Wyss) PAGEOPH, 149, 79-114, 1997.

129. Was a tilt precursor observed before the 1944 (M8.1) Tonankai earthquake? (M. Wyss) PAGEOPH, 149, 17-20, 1997.

130. Seismicity rate change before the Irpinia (M=6.9) 1980 earthquake (M. Wyss, R. Console, M. Murru) Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 87, 318-326, 1997.

131. Details of stress directions in the Alaska subduction zone from fault plane solutions (Z. Lu, M. Wyss and H. Pulpan) J. Geophys. Res., 102, 5385-5402, 1997.

132. Deformation of New Trident volcano measured by ERS-1 SAR interferometry, Katmai National Park, Alaska (Z. Lu, R. Fatland, M. Wyss, S. Li, J. Eichelberger, K. Dean, and J. Freymueller) Geophys. Res. Letts., 24, 695-698, 1997.

133. Mapping the frequency-magnitude distribution in asperities: an improved technique to calculate recurrence times? (S. Wiemer and M. Wyss) J. Geophys. Res., 15115-15128, 1997.

134. Mapping active magma chambers by b-values beneath the off-Ito volcano, Japan (M. Wyss, N. Shimazaki and S. Wiemer) J. Geophys. Res., 102, 20413-20433, 1997.

135. Protection of megacities by earthquake prediction: a goal to work towards (M. Wyss) Proceedings, Earthquakes and Megacities Workshop, 1997.

136. Cannot earthquakes be predicted? (M. Wyss) Science, 278, 487-488, 1997.

137. Seismic quiescence before the M7, 1988, Spitak earthquake, Armenia (M. Wyss and A. Martyrosian) Geophys. J. Internat., 134, 329-340, 1998.

138. Spatial variations in the frequency-magnitude distribution at South Suffriere Hills volcano, Montserrat, West Indies (J. Power, M. Wyss, and J. Latchman). Geophys. Res. Letts., 25, 3653-3656, 1998.

139. Temporal and three-dimensional spatial analysis of the frequency-magnitude distribution near Long Valley caldera, California (S. Wiemer, S. R. McNutt, and M. Wyss) Geophys. J. Int., 134, 409 - 421, 1998.

140. Four contributions to the debate about the predictability of earthquakes, Nature, web-page, March-April, 1999.

141. Stress field in Friuli from fault plane solutions of activity following the 1976 main shock (D. Slejko, G. Neri, I. Orozova, G. Renner and M. Wyss). Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 89, 1037-1052, 1999.

142. How can one test the seismic gap hypothesis? The Case of repeated ruptures in the Aleutians (M. Wyss and S. Wiemer) Pageoph, 259-278, 1999.

143. Evidence for shear wave anisotropy in the mantle wedge beneath Cook Inlet, Alaska (S. Wiemer, G. Tytgat, U. Dunkel, and M. Wyss) Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 89, 1313-1322, 1999.

144. Quantitative mapping of precursory seismic quiescence before the 1989, M7.1, off-Sanriku earthquake, Japan (M. Wyss, A. Hasegawa, S. Wiemer and N. Umino) Annali di Geophysica, 42, 851-869, 1999.

145. The location of magma chambers at Mt. Etna, Italy (Murru, M., C. Montuori, M. Wyss, and E. Privitera) mapped by b-values, Geophys. Res. Letts., 26, 2553-2556, 1999.

146. Mapping asperities by minima of local recurrence time: The San Jacinto-Elsinore fault zones (Wyss, M., D. Schorlemmer, and S. Wiemer) J. Geophys. Res., 105, 7829- 7844, 2000.

147. Mapping the major asperities by minima of local recurrence time before the 1999 M7.4 Izmit earthquake (A. O. Oencel and M. Wyss) in The Izmit and Duzce Earthquakes: Preliminary Results, eds. A, Barka, O. Kozacý, S. Akyüz and E. Altunel, Istanbul Technical University, 1-4 pp, 2000.

148. Minimum magnitude of complete reporting in earthquake catalogs: examples from Alaska, the Western United States, and Japan (S. Wiemer and M. Wyss) Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 90, 859-869, 2000.

149. The major asperities of the Mw=7.4 Izmit earthquake, defined by the microseismicity of the two decades before it (A. O. Oencel and M. Wyss) Geophys. J. Int., 143, 501-506, 2000.

150. Is the background seismicity produced at a stationary Poissonian Rate? (M. Wyss and Y. Toya) Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 90, 1174-1187, 2000.

151. Change in the probability for earthquakes in Southern California due to the Landers magnitude 7.3 earthquake (Wyss, M., and S. Wiemer) Science, 290, 1334- 1338, 2000.

152. Anomalously high b-values in the south flank of Kilauea volcano, Hawaii: evidence for the distribution of magma below Kilauea’s east rift zone (M. Wyss, F. W. Klein, K. Nagamine, and S. Wiemer) J. Volc. Geotherm. Res., 106, 23-37, 2001.

153. The source and path of magma for volcanoes in the subduction zone of northeastern Japan (M. Wyss, A. Hasegawa and J. Nakajima) Geophys. Res. Letts., 28, 1819-1822, 2001.

154. Why is earthquake prediction not progressing faster? (M. Wyss) Tectonophys., 338, 217-223, 2001.

155. Most and least likely locations of large to great earthquakes along the Pacific Coast of Mexico, estimated from local recurrence times based on b-values (R. F. Zuniga and M. Wyss) Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer., 91, 1717-1728, 2001.

156. Locked and Creeping Patches Along the Hayward Fault, California (M. Wyss) Geophys. Res. Letts., 28, 3537-3540, 2001.

157. Correlating variations of b values and crustal deformations during the 1990s may have pinpointed the rupture initiation of the Mw=7.4 Izmit earthquake of 1999 August 17 (M. Westerhaus, M. Wyss, R. Yilmaz, and J. Zschau) Geophysical Journal International, 148, 139-152, 2002.

158. Spatial and temporal variability of the b-value in seismogenic volumes: An overview (S. Wiemer and M. Wyss) Advances in Geophysics, 45, 259-302, 2002.

159. Most likely locations of large earthquakes in the Kanto area, Japan, estimated based on local recurrence time (M. Wyss and S. Matsumura) Phys. Earth Planet. Interiors, 131, 173-184, 2002.

160. Reply to the comments by Rydelek and Sacks on “Minimum magnitude of complete reporting in earthquake catalogs: examples from Alaska, the Western United States, and Japan” (S. Wiemer and M. Wyss) Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 1868- 1871, 2003.

161. Temporal-spatial variations of stress at Redoubt volcano, Alaska, inferred from inversion of fault plane solutions (J. J. Sanchez, M. Wyss and S. R. McNutt) J. Volcan. Geotherm. Res., 130, 1-29, 2004.

162. Spatial variations in the frequency-magnitude distribution of earthquakes at Mount Pinatubo volcano (Sanchez, J. J., S. R. McNutt, J. A. Power, and M. Wyss) Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 94, 430-438, 2004.Deschamps, and G. Patau) Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, doi:10.1029/2007GL031057, 2008.25(3) 665-685, 2009., 101, 3, 1152-1161, 2011., DOI 10.1007/s11069-012-0177-6, 2012.

163. Comparison Between Seismicity on Creeping and Locked Patches of the San Andreas Fault Near Parkfield, CA: Fractal Dimension and b-value (M. Wyss, C. Sammis, B. Nadeau and S. Wiemer) Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer., 94. 410-421, 2004.

164. Seismic Risk in the United Arab Emirates, an Approximate Estimate (M. Wyss and Azm Al-Homoud), Natural Hazards, 32, 371-389, 2004.

165. Seismic quiescence precursors to two M7 Earthquakes on Sakhalin Island, Measured by Two Methods (M. Wyss, G. Sobolev and J. D. Clippard) Earth Planets and Space, 56, 725-740, 2004.

166. Real-time prediction of earthquake casualties (M. Wyss) in Proceedings, Disasters and Society – From Hazard Assessment to Risk Reduction, eds. D. Malzahn and T. Plapp, Logos Publishers, Internat. Conference, Univ. Karlsruhe, 26-27 July, 165-173, 2004.

167. Earthquake loss estimates in real-time begin to assist rescue teams, worldwide (M. Wyss) EOS, 85, 52, 565-567, 2004.

168. Earthquake statistics at Parkfield I: Stationarity of b-values, (Schorlemmer, D., S. Wiemer, and M. Wyss) J. Geophys. Res., 109, B123234, 10.1029/2004JB003234, 2004.

169. Earthquake statistics at Parkfiled II: Probabilistic forcasting and testing (D. Schorlemmer, S. Wiemer, M. Wyss and D. D. Jackson) J. Geophys. Res., 109, B12308, 10.1029/2004JB003235, 2004.

170. Human losses expected in Himalayan earthquakes (M. Wyss) Natural Hazards, 34, 305-314, (DOI: 10.1007/s11069-004-2073-1) 2005.

171. Earthquake loss estimates applied in real time and to megacity risk assessment (M. Wyss) Proceedings of the Second International ISCRAM Conference (Eds. B. Carle and B. Van de Walle), 297-299, Brussels, Belgium, April 2005.

172. Variations in earthquake-size distribution across different stress regimes (D. Schorlemmer, S. Wiemer and M. Wyss) Nature, 437, 539-542, 2005.

173. Verification of our previous definition of preferred earthquake nucleation areas in Kanto-Tokai, Japan (M. Wyss and S. Matsumura) Tectonophys., 417, 81-84, 2005.

174. Nucleation points of recent main shocks in southern Iceland, mapped by b-values (M. Wyss and R. Stefansson) Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 96: 599-608, 2006.

175. The Kashmir M7.6 shock of 8 October 2005 calibrates estimates of losses in future Himalayan earthquakes (M. Wyss) Proceedings of the Third International ISCRAM Conference, (Eds. B. Van de Walle and M. Turoff,) Newark, NJ (USA), May, 2006.

176. How can we Persuade Governments to Mitigate Looming Earthquake Disasters? (M. Wyss), Proceedings of International Disaster Reduction Conference, Davos (Switzerland), 2006.

177. Instability of Loss Estimates After Earthquakes: Bam, 26 December 2003 (M. Wyss, R. Wang, J. Zschau, and Y. Xia) EOS, 87, 44, 477-478, 2006.

178. Mean magnitude variations of earthquakes as a function of depth show different crustal stress distribution depending on tectonic setting, (Wyss, M., F. Pacchiani, A.

179. Estimated human losses in future earthquakes in central Myanmar (M. Wyss) Seismological Research Letter, 79, 520-525, 2008.

180. Delay Times of worldwide teleseismic earthquake alerts (M. Wyss and M. Zibzibadze} Natural Hazards, DOI 10.1007/s1 1069-009-9344-9, 2009.

181. Constructing city models to estimate losses due to earthquakes worldwide: Application to Bucharest, Romania (Trendafiloski, G., M. Wyss, P. Rosset, and G. Marmureanu) Earthquake Spectra,

182. Predicting the Human Losses Implied by Predictions of Earthquakes: Southern Sumatra and Central Chile (M. Wyss), PAGEOPH, 10.1007/s00024-010-0090-4, 2009.

183. Loss Estimates in Near-Real-Time After the Wenchuan Earthquake of May 12, 2008 (Wyss, M., Rosset. Ph., Trendafiloski G.) . in International Disaster and Risk Conference, pp. 381-391, eds Ning, L., Wang, S. & Tang, G. Qunyan Press, Chengdu, China, 2009.

184. Loss estimation module in the second generation software QLARM (Trendafiloski, G., Wyss, M. & Rosset, P.) in Human Casualties in Natural Disasters: Progress in Modeling and Mitigation, eds Spence, R., So, E. & Scawthorn, C., Cambridge, UK, 381-391, 2011.

185. Trends in the casualty ratio of injured to fatalities in earthquakes (Wyss, M. & Trendafiloski, G.) in Human Casualties in Natural Disasters: Progress in Modeling and Mitigation, eds Spence, R., So, E. & Scawthorn, C., Cambridge, UK, 267-274, 2011.

186. Uncertainties in teleseismic epicenter estimates: implications for real-time loss estimate (Wyss, M., Elashvili, M., Jorjiashvili, N. & Javakhishvili, Z.) Bull. Seism. Soc. Am.

187. The Earthquake Closet: Rendering Early-Warning Useful (Wyss, M.) Natural Hazards

188. Errors in expected human losses due to incorrect seismic hazard estimates (Wyss, M. Nekrasova, N., & Kossobokov, V.) pp. 1-15, Natural Hazards, 62, 927-935, DOI 10.1007/s11069-012-0125-5, 2012.

189. Mapping seismic risk: the current crisis (Wyss M. and Ph. Rosset) Nat. Hazards, DOI 10.1007/s11069-012-0256-8.

190. How Useful is Early Warning and Can It Be Made More Effective? (Wyss, M., F. Wenzel & J. Daniell), in Early Warning for Geological Disasters, Advanced Technologies in Earth Sciences, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-12233-0 2013.

191. Catalog Artifacts and Quality Control, Section IV - Understanding Seismicity Catalogs and Their Problems, (L. Gulia, S. Wiemer, and M. Wyss) Community Online Resource for Statistical Seismicity Analysis, doi:10.5078/corssa-. Available at  http://www.corssa.org.

192. How many lives were saved by the evacuation before the M7.3 Haicheng earthquake of 1975? (Wyss M. & Z.L. Wu) 85,1,126-129, 2014. 

193. Do Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Maps Address the Need of the Population? (Wyss, M.) Wyss, M. & Peppoloni, S. Elsevier, Waltham, Massachusetts. In press, 2014.

194. Earthquake Hazard, Risk, and Disasters, Elsevier, London (ed. Wyss, M.) in press, 2014.

195. Shortcuts in Seismic Hazard Assessments for Nuclear Power Plants are not Acceptable. (Wyss, M.) Science

196. Ten years of real-time earthquake loss alerts. (Wyss, M.) Risk, and Disasters

197. Geoethics: Ethical Challenges And Case in Studies Earth Science (eds. Wyss, M. & Peppoloni, S.) Elsevier, Waltham, Massachusets, 2014.

198. Geoscientists' participation in the stewardship of our Planet. (Wyss, M. & Peppoloni, S.) eds. Wyss, M. & Peppoloni, S. Elsevier, Waltham, Massachusetts. 2014.

199. On the Vulnerability of the Indigenous and low Income Population of Mexico to Natural Hazards. A Case Study: State Of Guerrero. (Zúñiga, F.R., Merlo, J. & Wyss, M.) M. & Peppoloni, S. Elsevier, Waltham, Massachusetts. 2014.

200. The vulnerability to earthquakes: Urban versus rural populations, (Wyss, M.) Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am.

IBD Major Reports

1. Refraktionsmessungen im Schweizerischen Mittelland (with G. Schneider) Geotech Ag. Bern, 1963.

2. Magnetische Messungen Nord-Westlich von Brissago in der Gesteinszone von Ivrea, Diplomarbeit, ETH, Zurich, 1964.

3. Earthquake Prediction (with C. Kisslinger) U.S. National Report 1971-1974, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, 298-300, 1975.

4. Projecto Hidroelectrico El Cajon Analysis del Riesgo Sismico (with J.P. Blanc and T.R. Schneider) Motorcolumbus, Baden, Switzerland, 1978.

5. Teleseismic P-residuals at Fort Tejon, California (with E.R. Engdahl) U.S.G.S., Summaries of Technical Reports, 5, 1978.

6. The orientation of crustal stress at El Cajon, Honduras (with R.A. Flores) Motorcolumbus, Baden, Switzerland, 1978.

7. Review of the Report "Seismicity and Design Earthquake" for the Alicura, Argentina Dam Site, Electrowatt, Zurich, Switzerland, 1979.

8. Seismic Risk in the Assam Gap, India, Open File Report No. 80-2011, 1981.

9. Crustal Dynamics of the Eastern Mediterranean, Plans for the Turkish and Greek parts of the Project, NASA, 1982.

10. Earthquake Prediction, U.S. National Report, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, 1982.

11. Strong ground motion simulations at the Colorado SSC-site due to a possible large earthquake in Colorado (with F. Scherbaum) State of Colorado, 1987.1993 (M6.1) Latur Earthquake and the Earthquake Potential in Peninsular India (A. C. Johnston, M. Wyss and K. Mogi) February 28, 1994.

12. Geological stability, seismic hazard and ground vibrations at the Colorado SSC site (with W.P. Rogers) State of Colorado, 1987.

13. The Inadequacy of PG&E's Seismic Hazard Evaluation for the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, TURN (Toward Utility Rate Normalisation, California) October, 1988.

14. Report to the Geophysical Institute Advisory Consulting Board and Five Year Plan for the Seismology Group, internal GIUAF, February, 1992.

15. Review of the Seismic Hazard Assessment for the Shahid Radjaee Dam Site in NE Iran, Mahab Godss-Stucki-Electrowatt, Iran and Switzerland, February, 1993.

16. Review of the Seismic Hazard Assessment for the Ghir Dam Site in SW Iran, a Preliminary Report, Mahab Godss-Electrowatt, Iran and Switzerland, February, 1993.

17. Report of the United Nations Development Program Foreign Advisory Team, on the

18. Report of the United Nations Development Program Foreign Advisory Team, on the Indian National Program for Improved Earthquake Hazard Assessment (M. Wyss, A. C. Johnston and K. Mogi) February 28, 1994.

19. Was a tilt precursor observed before the 1944 (M8.1) Tonankai earthquake? (M. Wyss) Pageoph, 149, 17-20, 1997.

20. The IASPEI procedure for the evaluation of earthquake precursors (M. Wyss and D. C. Booth) Geophys. J. Int., 131, 423-424, 1997.

21. Early warning capabilities for geological hazards (M. Wyss member of working group on earthquake hazards, R. M. Hamilton, chair) in IDNDR Early Warning Programme, Reports on Early Warning, Potsdam, Germany, A2-A36, 1999.

22. Seismicity patterns, their statistical significance and physical meaning (M. Wyss, K. Shimazaki and A. Ito) Pageoph, 155, 203-205, 1999.

23. The seismic hazard at Morro de Arica, Capillucas and Platanal, Peru (M. Wyss and S. Wiemer) January 2000.

24. Three dimensional mapping of volumes with high crack density or pore pressure at the Coso geothermal field (M. Wyss) Final Project Report to U.S. Navy, pp.35, July 2000.

25. The Response to the Bhuj Earthquake of January 26, 2001 (Mw7.6) and Mitigation of Seismic Risk in India (together with S. K. Singh and M. Campillo) pp. 22, 15 April, 2001.

26. Testing the hypothesis that asperities of subduction earthquakes may be mapped based on minima in local recurrence time: Examples from Mexico and the Kanto- Tokai areas, Japan (M. Wyss, F. R. Zúñiga and S. Matsumura) Tohoku Journal of Geophysics, 2001.

27. New agency to promote natural hazards risk reduction worldwide (M. Wyss) EOS, 82, 40, 456, 2001.

28. Earthquake monitoring in the Sakhalin Island Area (M. Wyss and A. Koerner) Sakhalin Energy Investment Co., pp. 27, 2002.

29. Seismic Quiescence Precursors to Two M7 Earthquakes on Sakhalin Island, Measured by Two Methods (M. Wyss and G. Sobolev) Sakhalin Energy Investment Co., pp. 36, 2003.

30. Near real-time loss estimates after earthquakes worldwide (M. Wyss) Humanitarian Aid of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Annual Report, pp. 3, 2004.

31. Estimates of regional losses in case of a repeat of the 1357 Basel earthquake (M. Wyss and Ph. Kaestli) Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, pp. 10, 2007.

32. Loss estimates for possible future earthquakes near Lima, Peru (M. Wyss, Ph. Rosset, G. Trendafiloski, B. Wyss), pp. 35, 2009.

33. Frühwarnsystem für den Fall eines starken Erdbebens in Basel-Stadt und Umgebung (M. Wyss und G. Trendafiloski), pp. 16, 2010.

34. Approximate estimates of uncertainties in calculations of human losses in earthquakes due to input errors. (Wyss, M. & Rosset, P.) pp. 1-15, internal report, WAPMERR.



in Geoethics: Ethical Challenges And Case Studies In Earth Science, eds.in Geoethics: Ethical Challenges And Case Studies In Earth, eds. Wyss, M. & Peppoloni, S. Elsevier, Waltham, Massachusetts. 2014.in Earthquake Hazard,, pp. in press, (ed. Wyss, M.) Elsevier, London. 2014.in Geoethics: Ethical Challenges And Case Studies in Earth Science,in Geoethics: Ethical Challenges And Case Studies In Earth Science, eds. Wyss,, in preparation, 2014.D.

1. Wyss, M., J.N. Brune, and C.R. Allen, Slippage on the Superstition Hills, Imperial,  Banning-Mission-Creek and Coyote Creek faults associated with the Borrego Mountain earthquake of 9 April 1968, EOS, 49, 714, 1968.

2. Wyss, M., J.N. Brune, and C.R. Allen, Slippage on the Superstition Hills, Imperial, Banning-Mission-Creek and Coyote Creek faults associated with the Borrego Mountain earthquake of 9 April 1968, EOS, 50, 252, 1969.

3. Wyss, M. and J.N. Brune, Shear stresses associated with earthquakes between 0 and 700 km depth, EOS, 50, 237, 1969.

4. Wyss, M. and J.N. Brune, Moments, energies, and dimensions of earthquakes with magnitudes from 1 to 3, EOS, 51, 357, 1970.

5. Wyss, M. and P. Molnar, Efficiency of a Denver, Colorado earthquake, EOS, 52, 276, 1971.

6. Hanks, T.C. and M. Wyss, The use of body wave spectra in the determination of seismic source parameters, EOS, 52, 276, 1971.

7. Wyss, M., Towards a physical understanding of the earthquake frequency distribution, EOS, 53, 1047, 1972.

8. Wyss, M. and L.J. Shamey, Source dimensions from spectra compared to deep aftershock areas, Seismological Society of America Meeting, Golden, May, 1973.

9. Wyss, M. and W. Dillinger, Resolution of S into SH and SV for determining moment and source dimension, Seismological Society of America Meeting, Golden, May, 1973.

10. Wyss, M. and D.J. Holcomb, Earthquake prediction based on station residuals, EOS, 54, 1135, 1973.

11. Wyss, M., Earthquake Prediction, keynote lecture presented at the Geophysical Society of Germany annual meeting, Stuttgart, 1975.

12. Wyss, M., Crustal uplift before major earthquakes deduced from sea level subsidence, EOS, 56, 1019, 1975.

13. Strelitz and M. Wyss, A deep multiple rupture earthquake in Peru, Fall Annual Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, 1975.

14. Gawthrop, M. Wyss, R. Johnson and R.E. Habermann, Preliminary experiments on the behavior of mice before rock failure in the laboratory, in National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, Conference I, Abnormal Animal Behavior Prior to Earthquakes I, ed. J. Evernden, U.S. Dept. of the Interior Geological Survey, Menlo Park, 205-211, 1976  15. Martin, R.J., R.E. Habermann and M. Wyss, The effect of stress on remanent magnetization during cyclic loading, EOS, 58, 502, 1977.

16. Wyss, M. and E.R. Engdahl, Relative teleseismic P-wave residuals from 1953 to 1971 at Fort Tejon and Pasadena, EOS, 58, 1121, 1977.

17. Habermann, R.E. and M. Wyss, Seismicity patterns before five major earthquakes, EOS, 58, 1194, 1977.

18. Khattri, K. and M. Wyss, Precursory variation of seismicity rate in the Assam area, India, EOS, 58, 1194-1195, 1977.

19. Wyss, M., Estimating expectable maximum magnitude of earthquakes from fault length, EOS, 59, 1125-1126, 1978.

20. Casaceli, W. and M. Wyss, Upper mantle heterogeneities beneath the eastern Rocky Mountains determined from P-residuals, EOS, 59, 1142, 1978.

21. Wyss, M., Estimating expectable maximum magnitude of earthquakes from fault dimensions, Proceedings, Sixth Symposium on Earthq. Eng., October 1978.

22. Wyss, M. and R.E. Habermann, Seismic quiescence precursory to a past and a future Kurile Island earthquake, EOS, 60, 589, 1979.

23. Wyss, M., and R.E. Habermann, Long term seismicity precursors, EOS, 60, 589, 1979.

24. Wyss, M., A.C. Johnston and S.M. Ihnen, Precursors to the 1975 Hawaii earthquake, EOS, 60, 589, 1979.

25. Wyss, M., Hawaiian rifts and recent Icelandic volcanism: Expressions of plume generated triple junctions, EOS, 60, 610, 1979.

26. Casaceli, R. and M. Wyss, Upper mantle velocity heterogeneities beneath the Colorado Rocky Mountains determined from P-residuals, Seism. Soc. Amer. Annual meeting, Golden, CO, 1979.

27. Wyss, M. and M. Baer, Seismic hazard in the Hellenic island arc, Annual meeting, European Geophysical Society, Budapest, 1980.

28. Wyss, M., Seismic hazard in the Hellenic island arc, Fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, 1980.

29. Johnston, A.C., M. Wyss, and R. Koyanagi, Stability and change of P-wave travel time in the crust, EOS, 62, 964, 1981.

30. Wyss, M. and R.E. Habermann, Seismicity patterns in the New Hebrides island arc, EOS, 62, 946, 1981.

31. Wilson, M.E. and M. Wyss, Stress drops and amplitude ratios of small earthquakes preceding the 1975 Hawaii M=7.2 mainshock, EOS, 62, 963, 1981.

32. Wyss, M. and R.E. Habermann, Partial asperity failure in the New Hebrides, AGU Ann. Fall Meet., December 1982.

33. Wyss, M., Laser ranging and earthquake hazard in the eastern Mediterranean, EGS Ann. Meet. Abstr., 79, 1982.

34. Wyss, M. and R.E. Habermann, Precursory seismic quiescence, EGS Ann. Meet. Abstr., 55, 1982.

35. R. Zuniga, M. Wyss and R.E. Habermann, Are earthquake stress drop observations useful for prediction?, EGS Ann. Meet. Abstr., 55, 1982.

36. Harvey, D. and M. Wyss, A detailed source model for the multiple 1975 Hawaii rupture, M=7.2, Earthq. Notes, 53, 52, 1982.

37. Wilson, M.E., R. Zuniga and M. Wyss, Stress drops of M=3.5 earthquakes preceding and following the 1975 Hawaii mainshock, Earthq. Notes, 53, 51, 1982.

38. Habermann, R.E., M. Wyss, W. McCann, and B. Perin, Precursory seismicity patterns: Triggering and tectonic control, EOS, 64, 761, 1983.

39. Zuniga, R., M. Wyss, M. Wilson, and J. Wahr, Stress drops of earthquakes in the source volume of the Kalapana earthquake and finite element modeling of the build up process, EOS, 64, 901, 1983.

40. Wilson, M. and M. Wyss, Temporal attenuation changes in the Koae fault system, Hawaii, EOS, 64, 761, 1983.

41. Kind, R. and M. Wyss, Crustal transit time monitoring using PKP, EOS, 64, 762, 1983.

42. Wyss, M., The Hawaii M=7.2 earthquake, IUGG Assembly, Hamburg, Germany, August, 1983.

43. Wyss, M. and R.E. Habermann, Precursory seismic quiescence shows similar patterns for thrust, normal and strikeslip earthquakes along plate boundaries and elsewhere, EOS, 65, 987, 1984.

44. Habermann, R.E. and M. Wyss, Seismic quiescence and earthquake prediction on the Calaveras fault, California, EOS, 65, 988, 1984.

45. Wyss, M., Asperities of the 1975 Hawaii (M=7.2) earthquake: Their identification by seismicity patterns and stress-drops, and their influence on precursory anomalies, IASPEI Regional Assembly, Hyderabad, Proceedings, 73, 1984.

46. Wyss, M., Sea level changes related to earthquakes, IASPEI meeting, August 1985, Honolulu, abstract published in proceedings.

47. Wyss, M., Earthquake Prediction, IASPEI assembly, India, Nov. 1984.

48. Wyss, M. and R.O. Burford, Possible correlation of seismic quiescence and fault creep retardation along the San Andreas fault between San Juan Bautista and Stone Canyon, California, EOS, 66, 970, 1985.

49. Burford, R.O. and M. Wyss, A successful earthquake prediction on the San Andreas fault, California, EOS, 67, 1087, 1986.

50. Wyss, M. and R.E. Habermann, Seismic quiescence before a past and a future San Andreas fault earthquake, EOS, 67, 1087, 1986.

51. Wyss, M., Prediction of mainshocks on the creeping segment of the San Andreas fault, Monterey, CA, November, 1986.

52. Wyss, M. and R.E. Habermann, Precursory seismic quiescence, USGS redbook conference on Medium Range Precursors, Monterey, CA, November, 1986.

53. Kazi W., F. Scherbaum and M. Wyss, Synthetization of strong motion records from the November 16, 1983 Kaoiki earthquake, Hawaii, EOS, 68, 361, 1987.

54. Kazi, W., F. Scherbaum and M. Wyss, Study of source complexities of the November 16, 1983, Kaoiki earthquake (M=6.6) Hawaii, IUGG meeting, Vancouver, August, 1987.

55. Papadopoulos T., M. Wyss and D. Schmerge, Earthquake locations in the western Hellenic arc relative to the plate boundary, EOS, 68, 1352-1353, 1987.

56. Wyss, M., A proposed source model for the great Kau Hawaii earthquake of 1868, EOS, 68, 1353, 1987.

57. Scherbaum, F. and M. Wyss, Spectral analysis of microearthquakes preceding the 1983 Kaoiki, Hawaii, earthquake, Seis. Res. Letts., 59, 30, 1988.

58. Wyss, M., Seismic gaps in Hawaii, Seis. Res. Letts., 59, 33, 1988.

59. Reasenberg, P.A., M.V. Matthews, and M. Wyss, Re-examination of seismicity rate fluctuations before the 1983 Kaoiki, Hawaii (M6) earthquake, Seis. Res. Letts., 59, 18, 1988.

60. Wyss, M. and R.Y. Koyanagi, Magnitudes of historic Hawaiian earthquakes estimated from macroseismic maps, Seis. Res. Letts., 59, 18, 1988.

61. Wyss, M. and Z. Fu, Precursory seismic quiescence before the 1982 Hilea, Hawaii, earthquake, EOS, 69, 1988.

62. Wyss, M. and D. Gillard, Major crustal earthquakes in Hawaii, EOS, 69, 566, 1988.

63. Wyss, M. and R.E. Habermann, The characteristics of precursory seismic quiescence, EOS, 69, 566, 1988.

64. Scherbaum, F. and M. Wyss, Strong ground motion simulations for eastern Colorado due to a possible large earthquake in the Arkansas Valley, Colorado, EOS, 69, 568, 1988.

65. Beisser, M., R. Kind and M. Wyss, Inversion of source parameters for subcrustal earthquakes in Greece and Turkey, EOS, 70, 307-308, 1989.

66. Bodin, P., M. Wyss and R.E. Habermann, The tempo of Parkfield seismicity: Allegro ma non troppo?, EOS, 70, 1230, 1989.

67. Wyss, M. and C. Kisslinger, Possible reasons for differences in the aftershock decay rates, EOS, 70, 1207, 1989.

68. Wyss, M., Seismic quiescence: New case histories and old ones reexamined, IASPEI, 25th General Assembly, Istanbul, August-September, p. 338, 1989.

69. Liang, B. and M. Wyss, Understanding the seismotectonics of the Kaoiki source volume for refining the prediction of the next M=6 General Assembly, Istanbul, August-September, 359, 1989.

70. Wyss, M., Increased mean depth of earthquakes: A proposed precursor at Parkfield, EOS, 71, 1474, 1990.

71. Bodin, P., M. Wyss and R.E. Habermann, Seismic quiescence: A test of the hypothesis and a precursor of the next Parkfield, California, earthquake, EOS, 71, 1474, 1990.

72. Liang, B., M. Wyss and X. Wu, Comparison between the orientations of stress and strain tensors based on the fault plane solutions in Kaoiki, Hawaii, EOS, 71, 1561, 1990.

73. Intermediate term precursors at Parkfield, International Symposium on Earthquake Source Physics and Earthquake Precursors, Extended Abstracts, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, 177-180, 1990.

74. M. Beisser, D. Gillard and M. Wyss, Historic earthquakes in the Hawaiian islands, EOS, 72, 189, 1991.

75. M. Wyss, D. Gillard and B. Liang, An estimate of the absolute stress tensor in Kaoiki, Hawaii, IUGG, Vienna, IASPEI Proceedings, p139, August, 1991.

76. M. Wyss, Artificial and natural seismic quiescences in the Adak seismic catalog, IUGG, Vienna, IASPEI Proceedings, p286, August, 1991.

77. M. Wyss, Evaluation of earthquake precursors, IUGG, Vienna, August, 1991. ±0.5 mainshock, IASPEI, 25th

78. Gillard, M. Beisser and M. Wyss, A seismotectonic model for western Hawaii based on stress tensor inversion from fault plane solutions and inversion of source parameters of the August 21, 1951, M=6.9, earthquake, IUGG, Vienna, IASPEI Proceedings, p104, August, 1991.

79. Evaluating claims of earthquake precursors (M. Wyss) Earthquake Prediction - State of the Art, Strasbourg, October, 1991.

80. Examples of an artificial and a precursory seismic quiescence (M. Wyss) Earthquake Prediction - State of the Art, Strasbourg, October, 1991.

81. What does microseismicity tell us about fault creep? (P. Bodin and M. Wyss) EOS, 72, 291, 1991.

82. Evaluation of proposed earthquake precursors (M. Wyss) EOS, 72, 321, 1991.

83. Criteria for evaluating claims of precursor observations (M. Wyss) Proceedings of Electrical precursors to earthquakes: Fact or fiction? Riverside, CA, June, 1992.

84. Seismic quiescence at Parkfield: An error in tha data, Conference on the Parkfield experiment, Santa Cruz, CA (M. Wyss) June, 1992.

85. Stress tensor orientation in the Alaska subduction zone estimated from earthquake focal mechanisms (H. Pulpan and M. Wyss) Wadati Conference on Great Subduction Earthquakes, Fairbanks, AK, Proceedings, 18, 1992.

86. Precursor reports in subduction zones (M. Wyss) Wadati Conference on Great Subduction Earthquakes, Fairbanks, AK, Proceedings, 114, 1992.

87. Seismic quiescence before the Landers 1992 earthquake (M. Wyss) EOS, 73, 373, 1992.

88. The role of normal faulting in large earthquakes along Hawaii's southeast coast (M. Wyss and D. Gillard) EOS, 73, 506, 1992.

89. Stress tensor orientation in the south flank of Kilauea, Hawaii, estimated from fault plane solutions (D. Gillard, M. Wyss and P. Okubo) EOS, 73, 506, 1992.

90. Stress tensor orientation in the Alaska subduction zone (H. Pulpan and M. Wyss) EOS, 73, 527, 1992.

91. Inversione del tensore degli sforzi dalle soluzioni a faglia piana dei terremoti Tirreno meridionale (G. Neri and M. Wyss) Atti dell' 11 Convegno Annuale del Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra Solida, Roma, 159-162, 1992.

92. Rupture area of the Shumagin Island earthquake of 13 May 1993 (M6.9) estimated from aftershock distribution (Z. Lu, M. Wyss, G. Tytgat, S. McNutt and C. A. Rowe) added poster at Baltimore AGU, May, 1993.

93. The verification of earthquake precursors (M. Wyss) Proceedings, International Workshop on Electromagnetic Phenomena Related to Earthquake Prediction, Univ. of Electrocommunications, Chofu Tokyo, Japan, p.1, 1993.

94. Stress tensor orientation in the Alaska subduction zone (H. Petersen, M. Wyss and H. Pulpan) EOS, 74, 95, 1993.

95. Comparison of stress and strain tensor orientations in Iran and southern California, (D. Gillard and M. Wyss) EOS, 74, 612, 1993.

96. Seismicity rate changes in earthquake catalogs: Natural or artificial (M. Wyss and S. Wiemer) EOS, 74, 440, 1993.

97. Seismic quiescence as a precursor: Progress and problems (M. Wyss and S. Wiemer) IASPEI Proceedings, S6.1, 1994.

98. Stress tensor orientation in the descending Pacific plate beneath Alaska (H. Pulpanand M. Wyss) IASPEI Proceedings, W5.35, 1994.

99. Preliminary analysis of macroseismic observations of strong earthquakes in Alaska (M. Wyss and Z. Lu) Seis. Res. Letts., 65, 32, 1994.

100. Seismicity rate variations and systematic changes in magnitude in the Italian catalog (R. Console, F. Mele, M. Murru and M. Wyss) Proceedings of XXIV General Assembly ESC, Athens, September, 1994.

101. Evaluating the probability that predictions correlate by chance with earthquakes: Examples from Greece (M. Wyss and A. Allmann) EOS, 75, 454, 1994.

102. Segmentation of the Aleutian main thrust zone derived from stress directions estimated based on fault plane solutions (Z. Lu and M. Wyss) EOS, 75, 479 1994.

103. The hypothesis of precursory seismic quiescence (M. Wyss and S. Wiemer) EOS, 75, 454, 1994.

104. S-wave anisotropy in northern Cook inlet, Alaska (G. Tytgaat and M. Wyss) EOS, 75, 450, 1994.

105. Seismicity rate change before the Irpinia (M=6.9) 1980 earthquake (M. Murru, R. Console, F. Mele and M. Wyss) EOS, 75, 461, 1994.

106. Positive aspects of precursory seismic quiescence (M. Wyss) IUGG, XXI General Assembly, Proceedings, A400, 1995.

107. Radial stresses from volcanoes generate large earthquakes (M. Wyss) IUGG, XXI General Assembly, Proceedings, A457, 1995.

108. Magnitude distribution anomalies in the WBZ below Japan (M. Wyss, S. Wiemer and S. Tsuboi) EOS, 77, W91, 1996.

109. Seismic quiescence occurs as a precursor after all (M. Wyss, S. Wiemer and W. J. Arabasz) EOS, 77, W92, 1996.

110. Details of stress directions in the Alaska subduction zone from fault plane solutions (Z. Lu, M. Wyss and H. Pulpan) EOS, 77, W113, 1996.

111. Mapping active magma chambers by b-values (M. Wyss, K. Shimazaki, Y. L. Zhao and S. Wiemer) EOS, 77, W131, 1996.

112. Significant precursory seismic quiescences in the extensional Wasatch front region, Utah (W. J. Arabasz and M. Wyss) EOS, 77, F455, 1996.

113. New evidence for and against precursory seismic quiescence (M. Wyss and S. Wiemer) EOS, 77, F455-F456, 1996.

114. Mapping the frequency-magnitude distribution in asperities: an improved technique to calculate recurrence times? (S. Wiemer and M. Wyss) EOS, 77, F504, 1996.

115. Earthquake prediction has made slow progress (M. Wyss) EOS, 77, F53, 1996.

116. Earthquake prediction research - state of the art (M. Wyss) Proceedings Earthquake Research in Turkey, Ankara, 2, 1996.

117. Mapping asperities and magma chambers by b-values (S. Wiemer and M. Wyss) Proceedings Earthquake Source and Fault Plane Solutions, Messina, 1997.

118. Details of stress directions in the Alaska subduction zone from inversion of fault plane solutions (Z. Lu, M. Wyss and H. Pulpan) Proceedings Earthquake Source and Fault Plane Solutions, Messina, 1997.

119. b-value tomography: defining asperities and magma chambers (S. Wiemer and M. Wyss) IASPEI Proceedings, 402, 1997.

120. Seismic quiescence before the M7, 1988, Spitak earthquake, Armenia (M. Wyss and A. Martyrosian) IASPEI Proceedings, 347, 1997.

121. Hypothesis: The seismicity rate is constant except when a change in process occurs (M. Wyss) EOS, 78, F483, 1997.

122. Shear-wave anisotropy in the mantle wedge beneath Cook Inlet, Alaska (U. Duenkel, G. Tytgat, S. Wiemer, M. Wyss) EOS, 78, F488, 1997.

123. Does diffusion of meteoric water change effective stress? (B. G. Luehr, M. Westerhaus, J. Zschau, M. Wyss) EOS, 78, F491, 1997.

124. Evidence for magma at intermediate crustal depth below Kilauea's east rift, Hawaii, based on anomalously high b-values in Kilauea's south flank (M. Wyss, K. Nagamine, S. Wiemer, F. Klein) EOS, 78, F828, 1997.

125. The frequency-magnitude distribution in volcanic areas (S. Wiemer, M. Wysss and S. McNutt) Japanese Geophys. Soc. Proceed., May, 1998

126. Earthquakes are predictable (M. Wyss) Geosciences 98, Keele University, England, April, 1998.

127. b-values for estimating recurrence times: average or asperity values? (S. Wiemer and M. Wyss) European Geophysical Society, 23 General Assembly, Nice, France, April, 1998.

128. Seismic quiescence is similar to fore- and aftershocks (M. Wyss and S. Wiemer) European Geophysical Society, 23 General Assembly, Nice, France, April, 1998.

129. Correlation of anomalously high b-values with magmatic activity (S. Wiemer and M. Wyss) European Geophysical Society, 23 General Assembly, Nice, France, April, 1998.

130. Local recurrence time in seismically active areas may be the most important estimate of seismic hazard (M. Wyss and S. Wiemer) EOS, 79, F644, 1998.

131. Temporal and three-dimensional spatial analysis of the frequency magnitude distribution near Long Valley caldera, California (S. Wiemer, S. R. Mc Nutt and M. Wyss) EOS, 79, FF962, 1998.

132. Real-time internet transmission of waveforms of microearthquakes from Japan to U.S.A. and to Russia (K. Katsumata, T. Urabe, M. Wyss, R. Hansen, A. Ivashchenko and M. Kasahara) EOS, 79, F567, 1998.

133. The stationary Poisson rate at which intermediate depth earthquakes are produced contrasts sharply with pre-and post-main shock quiescence (M. Wyss, Y. Toya and S. Wiemer) IUGG, Birmingham, abstracts A 137, 1999.

134. Local probability of a major earthquake: an alternative method to estimate local seismic hazard, the example of Greece (G. Chouliaras, M. Wyss, S. Wiemer, G. Stavrakakis and G. Drakatos) IUGG, Birmingham, abstracts A 150, 1999.

135. Local recurrence time, a new concept in earthquake hazard assessment (M. Wyss and S. Wiemer) IUGG, Birmingham, abstracts B 182, 1999.

136. Evidence for magma at intermediate crustal depth below Kilauea’s east rift, Hawaii, based on anomalously high b-values in Kilauea’s south flank (M. Wyss, K. Nagamine, S. Wiemer and F. Klein) IUGG, Birmingham, abstracts B 154, 1999.

137. Temporal and three-dimensional spatial analysis of the frequency magnitude distribution near Long Valley caldera, California (S. R. McNutt, S. Wiemer and M. Wyss) IUGG, Birmingham, abstracts AB 101, 1999.

138. Seismicity and Crustal Deformations Along Plate Boundaries: Asperities and Boundary Segmentation (M. Wyss) Workshop on Plate Boundary Observatory, Snowbird, Utah, October 3-5, 1999.

139. Preparing a real-time test for the hypothesis that minima in local recurrence times map asperities (M. Wyss and S. Wiemer) EOS, 80, 679, 1999.

140. Most and least likely locations of large to great earthquakes along the Pacific coast of Mexico, estimated from local recurrence times based on b-values (R. F. Zuniga and M. Wyss) EOS, 80, F651, 1999.

141. Analyzing seismicity rate changes: potential problems and pitfalls (M. Baer, S. Wiemer and M. Wyss) EOS, 80, F651, 1999.

142. Spatially-varying b-values in coal-mining seismicity in Utah: inferred influence of heterogeneity and stress differences on local mean magnitude (W. J. Arabasz and M. Wyss) EOS, 80, F651, 1999.

143. The major asperity of the M7.4 Izmit earthquake, defined by the microseismicity of the last decade (A. O. Oncel and M. Wyss) EOS, 80, F669, 1999.

144. Variations of the b-value in space and time and the state of deformation prior to the M=7.4 Izmit earthquake of Aug. 17, 1999 (M. Westerhaus, M. Wyss, R. Yilmaz and J. Zschau) EOS, 80, F663, 1999.

145. Main shocks causing long term change in seismicity rate defined by Coulomb stress changes. Three examples: Landers, Coso and Loma Prieta (D. Marriott, S. Hreinsdottir and M. Wyss) EOS, 81, S307, 2000.

146. The major asperities of the 1999 M microseismicity and GPS measurements of the two decades before it (M. Wyss, M. Westerhaus, S. Wiemer and A. O. Öncel) 23nd International Conference On Mathematical Geophysics, Nice, June18-23, 2000.

147. Testing the hypothesis that asperities of subduction earthquakes may be mapped based on minima in local recurrence time: Examples from Mexico and the Kanto- Tokai areas, Japan (M. Wyss, F. R. Zúñiga and S. Matsumura) International Conference on Global Change: Connection to the Arctic, Tohoku University, 20, 2000.

148. Comparison of Seismicity on Locked and Creeping Segments of the San Andreas Fault near Parkfield, California (C.G. Sammis, M. Wyss, S. Wiemer and R.M. Nadeau) Annual SCEC meeting, September, 2000.

149. Combined mapping of the earthquake size distribution and stress tensor orientation offers new insight into properties of faults (S. Wiemer, and M. Wyss) EOS, 81, F1213, 2000.

150. The change in the probabilistic earthquake hazard in Southern California due to the Landers M7.3 earthquake of 1992 (Wyss, M., and S. Wiemer) EOS, 81, F859, 2000.

151. Most likely locations of large earthquakes in the Kanto area, Japan, estimated based on local recurrence time, (M. Wyss and S. Matsumura) EOS, 81, F1245, 2000.

152. A candidate for the source and path of magma for volcanoes in the subduction zone of the northeastern Japan arc (J. Nakajima, M. Wyss and A. Hirasawa) EOS, 81, F926, 2000.

153. Stress tensor inversions from earthquakes beneath Redoubt volcano, Alaska (J. Sanchez, M. Wyss, S. McNutt) EOS, F1252, 2000. w7.4 Izmit earthquake, defined by the

154. The World Agency of Planetary Monitoring and Earthquake Risk Reduction (M. Wyss) 12th Civil Defence World Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 25-27 June 2001.

155. Competing Earthquake Forecasts Test Relationship Between Small and Large Earthquakes: Application to California (Schorlemmer, D., Jackson, D. D., Wiemer, S., Wyss, M., Giardini, D.) Eos Trans. AGU, 83(47) Fall Meet. Suppl., S51D-08, 2002.

156. b-value: What about focal mechanisms? (Wyss, M., Schorlemmer, D., Koerner, A., Wiemer, S., Giardini, D) Eos Trans. AGU, 83(47) Fall Meet. Suppl., S72E-02TI, 2002.

157. Consequences for communities around the Marmara Sea due to possible future earthquakes near Istanbul (UM. WyssU, J. Zschau. V. Larionov) EGU conference, Nice April, 2003.

158. An approximate estimate of the earthquake risk in the United Arab Emirates (Azm S. Al-Homoud and M. Wyss) EGU conference, Nice April, 2003.

159. Seismic Quiescence Precursors to Two M7 Earthquakes on Sakhalin Island, Measured by Two Methods (M. Wyss, G. Sobolev and J. D. Clippard) IUGG Assembly, Sapporo, July, 2003.

160. Seismic Risk in the United Arab Emirates, an Approximate Estimate (M. Wyss and Azm S. Al-Homoud) IUGG Assembly, Sapporo, July, 2003.

161. Can Asperities be Mapped by Seismicity Patterns?, Workshop on Seismic Activity and Probabilities of Major Earthquakes in the Kanto and Tokai area, central Japan (M. Wyss), Tsukuba, March, 2004.

162. Verifying the validity of human loss estimates due to earthquakes, using Quakeloss (M. Wyss) EGU, Nice, April, 2004.

163. Human losses expected in Himalayan earthquakes (M. Wyss) EGU, Nice, April, 2004.

164. Nucleation Points of Main Shocks in Southern Iceland, Mapped by Wyss) EGU, Nice, April, 2004.

165. Real-time prediction of earthquake casualties (M. Wyss) Internat. Conf. on Disasters and Society – From Hazard Assessment to Risk Reduction, Univ. Karlsruhe, 26-27 July, p. 28, 2004.

166. Real-time loss estimates after earthquakes (M. Wyss) Conference on Applications and Challenges of Rapid Global Earthquake Impact Assessment, US Geological Survey, Golden ,Colorado, 30/31 Aug. 2004.

167. Problems with real-time loss estimates after earthquakes (M. Wyss) Conference on Applications and Challenges of Rapid Global Earthquake Impact Assessment, US Geological Survey, Golden ,Colorado, 30/31 Aug. 2004.

168. Real-time loss estimates after earthquakes with a calibrated data set and loss scenarios (M. Wyss) 5 Yerevan, Armenia, October 18-21, 2004.

169. Linking Earthquake Size Distribution to Stress (D. Schorlemmer, S. Wiemer, M. Wyss) Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet., 2004.

170. Quantitative Estimates of the Numbers of Casualties to be Expected due to Major Earthquakes Near Megacities (M. Wyss and F. Wenzel) Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet., 2004. b-Values (M.th Asian Seismological Commission, General Assembly 2004

171. Errors and problems associated with real time loss estimates, after earthquakes in developing countries (M. Wyss) SSA, Annual Meeting, Reno, April, 2005.

172. Earthquake Loss Estimates in the Maghreb and Information about Building Stock from Satellite Images (M. Wyss) International Workshop on Improving the Earthquake Safety of Public Buildings in the Maghreb Region, Algiers, 22-24 May, 2005.

173. Applications of Satellite Images for Earthquake and Tsunami Risk Estimates (M. Wyss) Workshop on the Use of Remote Sensing Techniques for Monitoring Volcanoes and Seismogenic Areas, Napoli, 23-24 June, 2005.

174. Real time loss estimates after earthquakes, worldwide (M. Wyss) paper presented at International Disaster management, Prague, 2005.

175. Near real-time source parameters for earthquake loss estimates: Bam, 26 December 2003 (M. Wyss, R. Wang, J. Zschau, and Y. Xia) paper presented at Seismological Society of America, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 2005.

176. Earthquake Loss Estimates: Real-time and Scenario Mode (M. Wyss) paper presented at Seismological Society of America, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 2005.

177. An earthquake disaster assessment center involving civil defense officials in developing countries prone to earthquakes (M. Wyss and D. Khidasheli) paper presented at 14th Civil Defence World Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 2006.

178. Real Time Identification of Major Earthquake Disasters Worldwide From Algeria M6.7, 2003 to Kashmir M7.6, 2005 (M. Wyss) paper presented at First European Conference in Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, 2006.

179. A new Tool for Estimating Losses due to Earthquakes: QUAKELOSS2, (Kaestli, P., M. Wyss, C. Bonjour, S. Wiemer and B. M. Wyss.) AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2007.

180. 3D Models of Major Cities for Estimating Losses due to Earthquakes (Khidasheli, D. and M. Wyss) AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2007.

181. Modelling transmission properties for seismic waves near important cities worldwide for loss estimates in real-time after earthquakes (Rosset, P. and M. Wyss) AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2007.

182. Elements for improving loss estimates in real-time: microzonation of soil conditions in important cities worldwide (Rosset, P., M. Wyss, P. Kaestli and S. Wiemer) 5th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Geneva 2007, Geneva, 2007.

183. Likely Human Losses in Future Earthquakes in Central Myanmar, Beyond the Northern end of the M9.3 Sumatra Rupture of 2004 (Wyss, B. M. and M. Wyss) AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2007.

184. The loss estimating tool QUAKELOSS2: The new open-source version (Wyss, M.) NERIES-SAFER Meeting, Oslo, 2007.

185. Estimates of regional losses in case of a repeat of the 1356 Basel earthquake (Wyss, M. and P. Kaestli) 5th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Geneva 2007, Geneva, 2007.

186. Loss estimates in scenario mode may help to harden those in real-time: Repeat of the 1356 Basel Earthquake as an example (Wyss, M. and P. Kästli.) AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2007.

187. New evidence that b-values inversely correlate with stress: Dips of normal fault planes in the Corinth Rift (Wyss, M. and F. Pacchiani) EGU, Vienna, 2007.

188. Use of seismic wave propagation data for loss estimates in QUAKELOSS2: from regional to local (Rosset, P., G. Trendafiloski and M. Wyss) European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, Vienna, 2008.

189. Building a unified GIS database for integrating and disseminating tsunami-related data in Europe: a TRANSFER project experience (Tinti, S., S. Gallazzi, A. Armigliato, M. Elashvili, D. Pantosti, A. Patera and M. Wyss) European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, 2008.

190. New loss estimation module implemented in QUAKELOSS2: Case study M6.6 Bam earthquake (Trendafiloski Union, General Assembly, Vienna, 2008.

191. Earthquake Prediction: A Third Round of Precursor Evaluation and Discussion (Wyss, M. and D. Schorlemmer) Seismological Society of America 2008 annual Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2008.

192. Delay times of worldwide teleseismic earthquake alerts (Zibzibadze, M. and M. Wyss) EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2008.

193. The new loss estimation software QUAKELOSS2 (Trendafiloski, G., C. Bonjour, M. Wyss, P. Rosset, P. Kaestli, S. Wiemer, B. Wyss, and J. Bourquin) paper presented at 31st General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, 7-12 September, 2008.

194. Estimating ground shaking intensity for real-time loss estimation (Rosset, P., G. Cua, C. Bonjour, G. Trendafiloski, and M. Wyss) paper presented at General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, 7-12 September, 2008.

195. Expected Human Losses, if TIPs in Sumatra or Chile Should Produce Earthquakes (Wyss, M.) paper presented at 31st General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, 7-12 September, 2008.

196. QLARM – Software and data architecture of the new loss estimation tool (Bonjour, C., P. Kästli, P. Rosset, G. Trendafiloski, S. Wiemer, und M. Wyss) paper presented at the ESC General Assembly, Hersonissos, 7-12 September, 2008.

197. Seismic risk reduction worldwide: Real time loss estimates after earthquakes (Wyss M.) paper presented at the International Conference in Memory of the 1908 Great Messina Earthquake, Messina, Italy, 18 October, 2008.

198. Testing precursory quiescence within CSEP (Wyss M.) paper presented at CSEP workshop, INGV Roma, Italy, 28 October 2008.

199. Current status of earthquake loss estimates in real-time and scenario mode (Wyss., M., G. Trendafiloski, and P. Rosset) paper presented at Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting, Monterey, California, 8-10 April, 2009.

200. Qlarm, a new tool for estimation of losses due to earthquakes worldwide (Trendafiloski, G., P. Rosset, M. Wyss, C. Bonjour, S. Wiemer, and S. Hurter) paper presented at Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting, Monterey, California, 8-10 April, 2009.

201. Earthquake risk and loss estimates: New directions (Rosset, P., G. Trendafiloski, K. Yelles, F. Semmane, and M. Wyss) paper presented at European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, April, 2009. , G., M. Wyss and P. Rosset) European Geosciences

202. The ratio of injured to fatalities in earthquakes, estimated from intensity and building properties (Wyss M., and G. Trendafiloski) paper presented at European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, April, 2009.

203. Testing precursory seismic quiescence within CSEP (Wyss M., and J. Zschau) paper presented at Workshop on Statistical Seismology, Lake Tahoe, California, April 19, 2009.

204. Formulating and testing the hypothesis of precursory quiescence in the framework of the European CSEP center (Wyss M., S. Wiemer, W. Marzocchi, and D. Schorlemmer) paper presented at the International workshop on Earthquake Prediction, Lisboa, Portugal, 27 April, 2009.

205. Real time loss estimates after earthquakes: What is needed to improve them? (Wyss, M.) paper presented at International Workshop on Earthquake Prediction, Bejing, China, 20 April 2009.

206. Loss Estimates in Near-Real-Time After the Wenchuan Earthquake of May 12,

2008 (Wyss, M., Rosset. Ph., Trendafiloski G.) paper presented at International Disaster and Risk Conference, Chengdu, China, 12 May 2009.

207. QLARM - a software framework for rapid post-event loss assessment and earthquake scenarios (P. Kästli, C. Bonjour, P. Rosset, G. Trendafiloski, T. van Stiphout, S. Wiemer, M. Wyss) paper presented at European Seismological Commission General Assembly, Montpellier, France, September 8, 2010.

208. Predicting human losses in future earthquakes: The case of the Assam seismic gap (Wyss M.) International Seminar on Earthquake Precursors, NGRI, Hyderabad, India, November 26, 2010.

209. The mapping of teleseismic epicenter errors into errors in estimating casualties in real time due to earthquakes worldwide (Wyss M.) paper presented at European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, April, 2011.

210. Wyss, M., Nekrasova, A. & Kossobokov, V.G., Errors in Expected Human Losses Due to Incorrect Seismic Hazard Estimates. in American Geopysical Union pp. NH12A-04, San Francisco, Dec. 9-15, 2011.

211. Estimated damage and losses scenarios for future major earthquakes in Luzon (Pacchiani, F. & Wyss, M.) Philippines. in European Geophysical Union Annual Assembly, Vienna, Apr. 22-27, 2012.

212. Estimating losses due to earthquakes for rescue and mitigation worldwide and in Myanmar (Wyss, M) in Geomyanmar 2012, Yangon, 2012, Mar. 1-2, 2012.

213. Is the routine seismic hazard assessment useful for people? (Wyss, M., Nekrasova, A. & Kossobokov, V.G.) in 33rd General assembly of the European Seismological Commission Moscow, Aug. 19-24, 2012.

214. Who Is Responsible For Human Suffering Due To Earthquakes? (Wyss. M.), American Geophysical Union, Fall Assembly, U44B late session, San Francisco, Dec. 6, 2012.

215. Origin of Human Losses due to the Emilia Romagna, Italy, M5.9 Earthquake of 20 May 2012 and Their Estimate in Real Time, or Whose Legal Responsibility is Seismic Safety? (Wyss M.) American Geophysical Union, Fall Assembly, Dec. 6, 2012.

216. Lessons from the conviction of the L'Aquila seven: The standard probabilistic earthquake hazard and risk assessment is ineffective, European Geosciences Union, EGU2013-3402, Vienna, 9 April 2013.

217. Fatalities in Greek earthquakes, past and future (Wyss, M). Society of America Annual Meeting

218. World population data not so simple (Wyss, M., Rosset, P. & DeBono, A.) Second European Conference on Earthquake engineering and Seismology August, 2014.

219. Estimated casualties in a possible great earthquake along the Pacific coast of Mexico (Zuniga, R.F. & Wyss, M.,) engineering and Seismology in Seismological, 3 May, Anchorage, Alaska, 2014.in, Istanbul,in Second European Conference on Earthquake, Istanbul, August, 2014.

























































E. Abstracts Published and Some Invited Talks (This list is incomplete)

Professor Emeritus Max Wyss / Awards

Humboldt Senior Scientist Award