Black Holes, Quasars, Blazars

Detecting & imaging black holes:

Imaging black holes 

Overview from NASA

Explaining black holes

Einstein's rings in holography

Can we tell black holes apart?

A method to image black holes

Peering to the edge of a black hole

Mysterious alignment of black holes

A blackhole X-ray binary at ~ 100Hz

Chorus of black holes sings in X-rays

Unlocking the secrets of the Universe

The largest black holes in the universe

NASA pictures reveal deadly black hole

A black hole under the gravitational lens

Black holes hide in our cosmic backyard

Black holes might be nicer than we think

Scientists find unprecedented black hole

Revealing a mini super-massive black hole

NuSTAR catches black holes in galaxy web

Rogue black holes may roam the Milky Way

Monster black hole wakes up after 26 years

Monster black hole discovered in tiny galaxy

Astronomers find impossibly large black hole

Big black holes found in the smallest galaxies

Mini black holes zip through Earth every day?

Nearby black hole is feeble and unpredictable

Black hole hunters tackle a cosmic conundrum

Visualization shows a black hole's warped world 

I put 4 million Suns in a black hole over New York

NASA's Chandra finds youngest nearby black hole

Monster x-ray machine blasts apart black hole theory

NASA's WISE survey uncovers millions of black holes

Chandra finds supermassive black hole burping nearby

Surprise: dwarf galaxy harbors supermassive black hole

Black hole disks may be hiding in the centers of galaxies

Deepest x-ray image ever reveals black hole treasure trove

Astronomers propose a new method for detecting black holes

What the sight of a black hole means to a black hole physicist

Using supermassive black holes to measure cosmic distances

NASA's Chandra finds nearest pair of supermassive black holes

Milky Way's supermassive black hole may have 'unseen' siblings

Supermassive black holes may be lurking everywhere in the universe

Black hole paradoxes reveal a fundamental link between energy and order

After decades of effort, scientists are finally seeing black holes -or are they?

Scientists discover massive balck hole that may unlock mysteries about deep space

Super-massive and supersonic: the first black hole sudied with the Sardinia Radio Telescope

The energy spectrum of particles will help distinguish black holes from compact massive objects

Clamor of gravitational waves from Universe's merging supermassive black holes 'heard' for the first time

Formation of black holes:

Search for seeds of black holes

How black holes formed so quickly

Are black holes made of dark energy? 

Do black holes come in size Medium?

Black holes growing faster than expected 

Collapsing star gives birth to a black hole

Revealing a mini super-massive black hole

World's first glimpse at black hole launchpad 

Supermassive black holes in the early universe

When will a neutron star collapse into a black hole?

Early black holes may have grown in 'fits and spurts'

NASA's Chandra adds to black hole birth announcement 

Earliest black holes give rare glimpse of ancient universe

Where in the Universe can you find a black hole nursery?

Cosmic turbulences result in star and black hole formation

Birth of massive black holes in the early Universe revealed

Gravitational waves help understand black hole weight gain

New kind of space explosion reveals the birth of a black hole

Possible link between primordial black holes and dark matter

Two quasiperiodic oscillations form a supermassive black hole

Primordial black holes may have helped to forge heavy elements

Scientists detect the ringing of a newborn black hole for the first time

Astronomers pierce galactic clouds to shed light on black hole development

'Seeds' of masssive black holes found at the center of the Milky Way galaxy

Seeds of supermassive black holes could be revealed by gravitational waves

Spacetime ripples from dying black holes could help reveal how they were formed

Scientists reach back in time to discover some of the most power-packed galaxies

Astronomers detect vast amounts of gas and dust around black hole in early universe

A stellar explosion on the outer reaches of the of the Universe provides clues about black hole creation 

Black holes eating neighbothood stars and other materials:

Star Eater

Black holes grow big by eating stars

Clouds circling supermassive black holes

All-you-can-eat at the end of the Universe

Lucky star escapes black hole with minor damage

Black hole caught red-handed in a stellar homicide

Black holes flicker when they eat, revealing their size 

Dormant black hole eats star, becomes X-ray flashlight

Destroyed star rains onto black hole, winds blow it back

Astronomers see distant eruption as black hole destroys star

'Cry' of a shredded star heralds a new era for testing relativity

Scientists detect radio echoes of a black hole feeding on a star

First detailed observations of material orbiting close to a black hole

Treasure hunting in archive data reveals clues about black holes' diet

Do stars fall quietly into black holes, or crash into something unknown?

First detection of matter falling into a black hole at 30% of the speed of light

Scientsts get first glimpse of black hole eating star, ejecting high-speed flare

Young stars' flickering light reveals remarkable link with matter-eating black holes

Black holes could grow as large as 50 billion suns before their food crumbles into stars

Black hole collisions and mergers:

Head-on collision of two black holes

New insight found in black hole collisions

How to merge two black holes in a simple way 

Newly merged black hole eagerly dhreds stars

New black hole maths closes cosmic blind spot

Unusual light signal hints at distant black hole merger

Funky light signal from colliding black holes explained

From one collapsing star, two black holes form and fuse

Pulsing light may indicate supermassive black hole merger

Astronomers spot signs of supermassive black hole merger

Black hole jets:

How black holes power plasma jets

Black hole jets pack a powerful punch

ALMA probes mysteries of jets from giant black holes

Study reveals a remakable symmetry in black hole jets

NASA's WISE mission captures black hole's wildly flaring jet

Physicists identify the engine powering black hole energy beams

Other black hole properties & dynamics:

Black hole bull's eye

Energy from a black hole 

Do black holes have hair?

The double life of black holes

How black holes change gears

Biggest black hole blast discovered

Extreme power of black hole revealed

What's on the surface of a black hole?

New light on super-massive black holes

This black hole blew a hole in the cosmos

Black holes stunt growth of dwarf galaxies

Black holes may not be dead-ends after all

Black holes banish matter into cosmic voids

Black hole makes material wobble around it

Black holes affect their local galactic 'climate'

Super star takes on black holes in jet contest

A remarkable outburst from an old black hole

Ultrafast winds near supermassive black hole

Direct measurement of distant black hole's spin 

How black holes clear galaxies of star-making gas

How often do giant black holes become hyperactive?

Chandra finds eveidence for serial black hole eruptions

ALMA meaures mass of black hole with extreme precision

Rapid changes point to origin of ultra-fast black hole 'burps'

A close-up look at the whirlpool around a gigantic black-hole

Surprisingly strong magnetic fields challenge black holes' pull

Negative-energy particles may extract energy from black holes

New knowledge about the remarkable properties of black holes

Scientists observe supermassive black hole feeding on cold gas

Ultra-fast outflows help monster black holes shape their galaxies

Spinning black hole sprays light-speed plasma clouds into space

Black hole thermodynamics - a look beyond the horizon of events

Temperature swings of black hole winds measured for the first time

Magnetism combines with gravity to shape black hole's environment

Capturing orbital motion around a black hole in unprecedented clarity

Astronomers reveal a supermassive black hole's intense magnetic field

Surprising black hole discovery changes picture of globular star clusters

Clocking the rotation rate of a supermassive black hole with high accuracy

Event Horizon telescope reveals magnetic fields at Milky Way's central black hole

VLBA distance measurement Is key to producing first "complete description" of a black hole

Modelling & simulating black holes:

What sonic black holes say about real ones

Plugging the hole in Hawking's black hole theory 

Philosophers debate new 'sonic black hole' discovery'

Supercomputers advance understanding of black holes

Stephen Hawking's black hole paradox keeps physicists puzzled

Black holes cannot actually exist, according to mathematical proof?

Math formula gives new glimpse into the magical mind of Ramanujan

Most-detailed-ever simulations of black hole solve long standing mystery 

New model explains appearance of supermassive blackholes in early universe

Researshers propose new holographic method to simulate black holes with tabletop experiment

General relativistic simulations of magnetized plasmas around merging supermassive black holes

Janna Levin   HPC at the Albert Einstein Institute 


Most Distant Quasar Found

Galactic crashes fuel quasars

Extremely rare triple quasar found

Mysterious quasar sequence explained   

Reverse cosmic lens advances quasar studies

Black hole on a diet creates 'changing look' quasar

New research shows quasars slowed star formation

Active galaxies point to new physics of cosmic expansion

First microquasar in neighbor galaxy, tantalizing scientists

Hubble finds nearsest quasar powered by a double black hole

Milky Way gas cloud causes multiple images of distant quasar

Baryon acoustic oscillations in the Lya forest of BOSS quasars

Quasars may answer how starburst galaxies were extinguished

The SDSS Quasar Lens Search - constraints on dark energy and the evolution of massive galaxies

Will new quasar discovery fast-track our understanding of the origins of galaxies & gargantuan black holes?


Blazars explained

What we talk about when we talk about blazars

The cosmological impact of luminous blazars I

The cosmological impact of luminous blazars II

The cosmological impact of luminous blazars III

The Lyman-a forest in a blazar heated Universe

NASA's WISE mission sees skies abalaze with blazars

Other intense energy phenomena:

How the brightest lights in the universe 'flicker' 

A new technique to gauge the distant universe

Physicists discover new kind of celestial bodies

Stellar partnership doomed to end in catastrophe

Fermi space telescope explores new energy extremes

Scientists resolve the nature of powerful cosmic objects

Shedding new light on the brightest objects in the universe

On the hunt for X-ray signals from the extragalactic universe

3D observations of the outflow from an active galactic nucleus 

Researchers combine quantum mechanics and Einstein's TSR to clear up puzzles in plasma physics

Cosmic radio bursts:

A fast radio burst's extragalactic home

How sailing aliens could have caused FRBs

Cosmic radio bursts point to cataclysmic origins       

Homing in on source of mysterious cosmic radio bursts           

Fast radio burst tied to distant dwarf galaxy and, perhaps, magnetar 

New Fast Radio Burst (FRB) discovery finds 'missing matter' in the Universe

Gamma-ray bursts:

Fermi, Swift see 'shockingly bright' burst

Unravelling the mystery of gamma ray bursts

A black widow's tango mortale in gamma-ray light

Monster gamma-ray bursts in our cosmic neighbourhood

Gamma rays from galaxy halway across the visible universe

Radio telescopes unravel mystery of nova emitted gamma rays

Fermi's Latest Gamma-ray Census Highlights Cosmic Mysteries

Ultra-bright gamma-ray burst shakes up theories if light production