Food Security:
The future of food
Feeding the World
Welcome to dystopia
Synthesis and review
Soil to sky Infographic
Water for wealth and food
The scary hidden stressor
More land, fewer harvests
Food Security CASE Maps
Food: how bad is the crisis?
Agriculture and disaster risk
Covid-19 & global food security
The past & future of food stocks
How food connects all the SDGs
The impacts of human responses
Water & Food in the 21st Century
Creating a sustainable food future
How do you feed 9 billion people?
FAO to prevent threats to food chain
The economic viability of agroecoogy
Solving food security with no new land
Pooled knowledge key to food security
Gender, agriculture and water insecurity
Eco-friendly wrap promises fresher food
The role of plant science in food security
World one poor harvest away from chaos
Dust to dust: a man-made Malthusian crisis
More food, low pollution effort gains traction
Blockchain and the economics of food safety
Feeding the world while protecting the planet
Pollinators vital to our food supply under threat
Urban poverty, food security and climate change
Water security and agriculture: the human factor
Impact of food contact chemicals on human health
New maps offer a clearer view of global agriculture
Biodiverse agriculture as part of a food-secure future
Food security weakening "on a scale we haven't seen"
The impact of disasters on agriculture and food security
Bumper 2011 grain harvest fails to rebuild global stocks
Assessing the evolving fragility of the global food system
How 'more food per field' could help save our wild spaces
OpenAG: a globally distributed network of food computing
Could seawater rice determine the future of food security?
New projection shows global food demand doubling by 2050
Towards food supply chain resilience to environmental shocks
Current global food production trajectory won't meet 2050 needs
Beyond calories: a holistic assessment of the global food system
Characterization of the agricultural prone areas on a global scale
Transforming food systems to deliver affordable healthy diets for all
Svalbard global seed vault protects Earth's food supply - here's how
Tackling Change: future-proofing water, agriculture and food security
Declining agricultural production in rapidly urbanizing semi-arid ragions
Feeding 10 billion people by 2050 within planetary limits may be possible
CGIAR opens agricultural data sets to the world using Amazon Web Services
New insights into the origins of agriculture could help shape the future of food
Integrated crop water management might sustainably halve the global food gap
Study suggests impact of climate change on agriculture may be underestimated
Global grain stocks dangerously low as 2012 consumption exceeded production
Despite drop from 2009 peak, agriculture land grabs still remain above pre-2005 levels
Feeding a thirsty world: challenges and opportunities for a water and food secure future
Field experiment finds a simple change that could boost agricultural productivity by 60%
Transformative transparency: harnessing the power of data for supply chain sustainability
Millions more will go hungry as world struggles to unprecedented food crises and sharply rising prices
A new understanding and evaluation of food sustainability in 6 different food systems: Kenya & Bolivia
Food waste:
Taking on food waste and fashion pollution - with fungi
Reducing waste of food: a key element in feeding billions more people
Politics & Trade in Food:
FAO Food Price Index
The era of cheap food may be over
Food: the hidden driver of global politics
Winners and losers in the global trade in food
Climate change, trade, and global food security
We're iver-freezing food. A few degrees saves a lot of CO2
Spatial decoupling of agricultural production and consumption
Cereal secrets: The world’s largest grain traders and global agriculture
Small clique of nations found to dominate global trading net of food, water
Impact of climate change on food production: options for importing countries
Market integration could help protect poor from climate-related food insecurity
From food insufficiency toward trade dependency: a historical analysis of global food availability
Dietary guidelines and GHG emissions:
Food systems are responsible for a third of global athropogenic GHG emissions
Greenhouse gas emissions associated with dietary guidelines vary between countries
Small strategic dietary changes yield surprisingly large health and environmental returns
Health and environmental impacts of plant-rich dietary patterns: a US prospective cohort study
Providing low-budget estimations of carbon sequestrations & GHG emissions in agricultural wetlands
Food systems, Climate & Weather:
Farmers and forecasts
Developing drought free crops
Averting risks to the food chain
Weather impacts on crop yields
Crop monitoring for early warning
Crop prospects and food situation
Agriculture's role in climate change
El Nino and the threat to food security
Adapting agriculture to climate change
Drought, heat take toll on global crops
Climate change rewrites world wine list
Extreme weather endangers food security
Call for action on climate-smart agriculture
Supporting climate-friendly food production
Mitigating droughts and floods in agriculture
Farmers face double trouble as world warms
Helping farmers to cope with climate change
Humus depletion induced by climate change?
Climate change will affect farmers' bottom line
Adapting to climate change in the food industry
How will climate change transform agriculture?
Climate change creates new geography of food
Tackling climate change: a coffee farmer's view
Climate change to deal blow to fruits, nuts: study
Farmers struggle to adopt climate-smart methods
French wines show hot dry years are now normal
FAO-EC project to promote climate-smart farming
Farmers and scientists divided over climate change
Achieving food security in the face of climate change
Climate experts estimate risk of rapid crop slowdown
IFAD attracts businesses to climate smart investments
Climate change growing threat to food and biodiversity
Crop breeding is not keeping pace with climate change
Impacts of climate change on farming and food security
Enhancing climate resilience and food & nutrition security
Extreme weather and resilience of the global food system
Coping with climate change: the roles of genetic resources
Improving crop yields in a world of extreme weather events
Addressing uncertainty in adaptation planning for agriculture
Climate change impacts on global agriculture land availability
Impacts of climate mitigation for future agricultural production
Climate change increases the risk of ozone damage to plants
The global effect of extreme weather events on nutrient supply
32 countries where global warming could make violence worse
Planning and costing agriculture’s adaptation to climate change
Supporting grass-roots efforts key to climate change adaptation
A risky proposition: crop insurance in the face of climate change
Implications of climate mitigation for future agricultural production
Shock waves: managing the impact of climate change on poverty
Climate extremes explain 18%-43% of global crop yield variations
Massive global crop yield variations explained by climate extremes
Climate adaptation as mitigation: the case of agricultural investments
After the flood: a beginning farmer on the front lines of extreme weather
Tried and tested: learning from farmers on adaptation to climate change
Building drought resilience in agriculture: partnerships and public outreach
Research shows that genomics can match plant variety to climate stresses
Understanding the drought impact of El Nino on the global agricultural areas
Global crop exposure to critical high temperatures in the reproductive period
Multilevel stakeholder influence mapping in climate change adaptation regimes
The potential for agroecology to build climate resilient livlihoods and food systems
Weather phenomenon such as El Nino affect up to two-thirds of the world's harvests
New study addresses trade-offs between food security and climate change mitigation
Stepping up tp the challenge - 6 issues facing global climate change and food security
Water, agriculture and climate change - a global computable general equilibrium analysis
Taking action to deliver agriculture growth, jobs and food security in the face of climate change
In the crosshairs of hunger and climate change: new ILRI-CCAFS study maps the global hotspots
Evergreen agriculture can build resilience and increase food security in the face of climate change
Human-wrought environmental changes impacting crops and pollinators could harm health of millions
Climate change and food systems: global assessments and implications for for food secruty and trade
Space survellance of agriculture drought worldwide using FAO-Agriculture Stress Index System (ASIS)
Recalibrating food production in developing world: global warming will change more than just the climate
Variation in abiotic stress and climate change responses in Arabidopsis: implications for 21C agriculture
Weather/Climate forecasting and insurance:
Weather insurance builds resilience for farmers
Climate forecasts shown to warn of crop failures
Why Monsanto is betting the farm on smarter forecasts
Weather Index-based Insurance in agricultural development
Climate model predictions are telling a consistent story re crop yield
Agricultural GHG emissions:
Understanding food's carbon footprint
Agriculture's greenhouse emissions on the rise
Protein risk for millions from rising CO2 emissions
Rising CO2's uneven impact on our cropping future
Advancing agriculture greenhouse gas quantification
Rising CO2 poses significant threat to human nutrition
Field study shows why food quality will suffer with rising CO2
Why curbing agriculture's climate impacts is a growing challenge
The FAOSTAT database for greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture
Agriculture and food production contribute up to 29% of global GHG emissions
Agriculture and air pollution:
Research clarifies health costs of air pollution from agriculture
Climate change and air pollution will combine to curb food supplies
Meat production leads to thousands of air-quality related deaths annually
Significant atmospheric aerosol pollution caused by world food cultivation
Smallholder farming households:
This tiny nation feeds the world
Small-scale farmers and climate change
Small-scale agriculture threatens the rain forest
Smallholder farmers are more than climate victims
First-ever map of farming households across world
A laandmark study delivers a clear verdict for diversified farmlands
Overcoming the risk of inaction from emissions uncertainty in small-holder agriculture
The adaptation advantage: the economic benefits of preparing small-scale farmers to climate change
Soil Health:
Soil & soil dynamics
Biodegradable or not?
Why crop rotation works
Saving soil for better crops
Living soil - the biology of soil
We'll rise or fall on the quality of our soil
Soil and human security in the 21st Century
Human security at risk as depletion of soil accelerates
How soil symbionts could unlock climate-smart agriculture
Study identifies way to enhance the sustainability of manufactured soils
World losing 2,000 hectares of farm soil daily to salt-induced degradation
Soil crisis brought about by climate change may hit global food production
Rethinking connection between soil as a carbon reservoir and global warming
Soil-loving plants may be the key to global efforts for sustainable food production
Bomb Cs137 in modern honey reveals a regional soil control on pollutant cycling by plants
Resilience, Sustainability and Land Use in Agriculture:
The green revolution is wilting
Sustainable agriculture explained
Existing cropland could feed 4 billion more
Feeding the world while protecting the planet
Global land use implications of dietary trends
Land use and food security in 2050: a narrow road
Sustainable food systems for food security and nutrition
Toward a whole-landscape approach for sustainable land
Can we continue to feed the world while doing less harm?
Carbon farming schemes should consider multiple co-benefits
Tomatoes watered by the sea: sprouting a new way of farming
Can we grow more food on less land? We'll have to, a new study finds
Resilient livlihoods: disaster risk reduction for food and nutrition security
Agrivoltaics proves mutually beneficial across food, water, energy nexus
Vulnerability to climate change: adaptation strategy & layers of resilience
The other inconvenient truth: how agriculture is changing the face of our planet
The future of food and farming: challenges and choices for global sustainability
Agriculture, forestry and other land use emissions by sources and removals by sinks
Didactic toolkit for the design, management and assessmentof resilient farming systems
Guidance and tool to support farmers in taking aware decisions on ecological focus areas
Changes in agriculture could cut sector non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions by up to 50%
Building resilience: bridging food security, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction
Effects of land cover change on moisture availability and potential crop yield in the world's breadbaskets
Study offers new hope for increasing global food production, reducing environmental impact of agriculture
Pests, Pesticides & Pollinators:
Locust Forecasting
Crop monitor for early warning
An innovative tool for crop pest control
The locust invasions devastating Niger
Warming helps crop pests spread north
Opening a window to vector-borne viruses
New study charts the global invasion of crop pests
Pesticides and pollinators: a socioecological synthesis
Preventing desert locust plagues: optimizing management
Common crop chemical leaves bees susceptible to deadly viruses
Spread of crop pests threatens global food security as Earth warms
Issues associated with 'least toxic pesticides' applied as a last resort
Pesticide residues remaining in soils from previous growing seasons
Distribution of glyphosate and AMPA in agricultural topsoils of the EU
Selection of pesticides to reduce human & environmental health risks
How changes in weather patterns could lead to more insect invasions
Farmers look to FAO to help resolve the worsening pest outbreak issue
Radar shows millions of locusts a mile deep in the air over New Mexico
Natural habitat can help farmers control pests, but not always a win-win
Crop pests outwit climate change predictions en route to new destinations
The prediction of swarming in honeybee colonies using vibrational spectra
Why gigantic locust swarms are challennging governments and researchers
The effect of farmers' decisions on pest control with Bt crops: a billion dollar game of strategy
Finding the bees knees: A conceptual framework and systematic review of the pollinator mechanisms
Self-driving farm robot uses lasers to kill 100,000 weeds/hour, saving land & farmers from toxic herbacides
Other Risks to Food Chain:
Global Food: want not, waste not
Managing heat in agricultural work
Study highlights food risk highlights
Managing famine risk - linking early warning to early action
Averting risks to the food chain - emergency methods and tools
Scarcity and degradation of land and water: growing threat to food security
A fundamentally new way to freeze foods could cut carbon emissios equal to 1 million cars
Agricultural productivity is threatened by increasing pollinator dependence without crop diversification
Grain crops:
Oil palm - a modelled crop
The Corn and Climate Report
Future crop production threatened by extreme heat
The imprint of crop choice on global nutrient needs
New tools to breed cereal crops that survive flooding
Maize trade disruption could have global ramifications
Rice agriculture accelerates greenhouse gas emissions
Surface albedo following biochar application in durum wheat
When the chips are down: potato, maize and rice crop yields set to fall
Global grain production at record highs despite extreme climatic events
Multiple pathways of commodity crop expansion in tropical forest landscapes
Corn yield prediction model uses simple measurements at a specific growth stage
Global crop yield response to extreme heat stress under multiple climate change futures
Intensity of heat stress in winter wheat - phenoogy compensates for the adverse effect of global warming
Crop Additives & Fertilizers:
Earth-friendly pesticides
Do additives help the soil?
CO2 could reduce crop yields
Trading farmland for nitrogen protection
Fungi reduce need for fertilizer in agriculture
Harnessing beneficial bacteria for a sustainable future
Nitrogen-tracking tools for better crops and less pollution
A genetic tweak in crops could reduce excess fertilizer use
Phosphate: a critical resource misused and now running low
Research reveals how farmers could mitigate NO2 emissions
A tradeoff frontier for global nitogen use and cereal production
Synthetic nitrogen destroys soil carbon, undermines soil health
A widely available solution for decarbonizing fertilizer production
Modelling of global crop production and resulting N2O emissions
50-year trends in nitrogen use efficiency of world cropping systems
Traditional fertilizers beat out industrial chemicals in soil health test
Onsite ammonia synthesis from water vapor and nitrogen in the air
Nitrogen fertilization challenges the climate benefit of cellulosic biofuels
To save the Earth, better nitrogen use on a hungrier planet must be addressed
Regional disparities in the CO2 fertilization effect and implications for crop yields
Climate, crops and lacking data underlie regional disparities in the CO2 fertilization effect
Fertilizers and nitrate pollution of suface and groundwater: an increasingly pervasive global problem
Herbicide & fertilizers promote similar phylogenic responses but opposite functional responses in plants
Sustainable ammonia production via nano-second pulsed plasma oxidation and electrocatalytics reduction
Organic Farming:
Mountain farming is family farming
Organic Agriculture and Climate Change
Organic agriculture key to feeding the world sustainably
Growing crops on organic soils increases greenhouse gas emisions
GMO and other Crop Research:
Mystery atom helps plants grow
Studying crops from outer space
Plant research funding crucial for the future
Enzymes with agriculture and biofuel application
Two Evolutionary Histories in the genome of rice
Sttatistical model predicts performance of hybrid rice
Breakthrough offers promise of improved GMO testing
Brazil signals it may release terminator seed technology
Hope in new scientific insights to avoid global agricultural tragedy
Analysis of US genetically engineered crop regulation and litigation
Scientists complete chromosome-based draft of the wheat genome
Research raises concerns about future global crop yield projections
Filling the research gap under the Carbon Farming Futures program
Scientists identify thousands of plant genes activated by ethylene gas
New plant protein discoveries could ease global food and fuel demands
Maths study of photosynthesis clears the path to developing new super-crops
First observations of global and seasonal terrestrial chlorophyll fluorescence from space
Implications of regional improvement in global climate models for agricultural impact research
Agriculture, Food and Water:
EverGreen agriculture project
Irrigation's impact on clouds and climate
Global threat to food supply as water wells dry up
Satellite data can improve drought insurance models
Agricultural water storage in an era of climate change
Researchers tackle food waste and food taste in a single blow
Researchers reveal that organic agriculture can pollute groundwater
Water and food Nexus - trends and development of the research landscape
Hydrologic and land–energy feedbacks of agricultural water management practices
Irrigation and global change – new applications for integrated global land use modeling
Spatial organization and drivers of the virtual water trade: a community-structure analysis
Improvements in crop water productivity increase water sustainability and food security: a global analysis
Urban Agriculture:
Fresh city tomatoes, any time
The vertical farm: a keystone concept for the ecocity
Urban agriculture: a global analysis of the space constraint to meet urban vegetable demand
Changing World Diets:
Meat, to eat or not to eat
These traditional diets can lead to long lives
Summary report of the EAT-Lancet Commission
Human diet causing 'catastophic' damage to planet
7 charts that could convince you to become a vegetarian
Meat-eaters are the #1 cause of worldwide species extinction
Globalized diet: more food, less diversity, more associated risks
Food shortages could force world into vegetarianism, warn scientists
Meeting climate targets may require reducing meat and dairy consumption
Global, regional. and national consumption of animal source foods between 1990-2018
Food substitutes:
How to brew a greener beer
Baker's yeast may be the unexpected solution to beer's sustainability problem
Cost-effectiveness of interventions for alternate food to address agricultural catastrophes globally
Animal Husbandry:
Animals in disasters
Modelling farm animal welfare
Cows are smarter when raised in pairs
Advances in farm animal genomic resouces
Cattle flatulence doesn't stink with biotechnology
Pastoralism to suffer most over rise in global heat
Greenhouse gas mitigation from livestock sector revealed
How healthy animals protect livlihoods and build resilience
The business of burps: scientists smell profit in cow emissions
Feeding seaweed to cows: Australian livestock methane research lights up
Livestock biodiversity must be preserved as vital tool against climate change
No sign of health or nutrition problems from GMO livestock feeds, study finds
Technology in agriculture and farming:
MSU lands first drone
The digital homestead
A model for digital agriculture
DRR technology for agriculture
AI algorithm improves crop yield prediction
How helpful is nanotechnology in agriculture?
Celebrating science and innovation in agriculture
Multispectral imaging flies high to help crop yields
Revolution to Evolution - Hort Technology in the 21C
Researchers develop drones for orchard management
Robot herder brings the cows in for milking in Australia
Data and monitoring needs for a more ecological agriculture
Soil moisture data sets become fertile ground for applications
Leaf sensors can tell farmers when crops need to be watered
Could the cloud and quantum computing help feed the world?
Satellite imagery could forecast food crises before they happen
New plastic electronics can greatly reduce food waste worldwide
How Business Intelligence and data make for a more efficient farm
Silicon to spinach: Japan tech helps farmers cope with climate shifts
For the first time scientists can observe the nano structure of food in 3D
Better technology could take agriculture halfway towards climate targets
The future of farming is utilizing data in an open source network of farmers
Under the sea: the underwater farms groowing basil, strawberries and lettuce
mAgri: Weather forecsting & monitoring - mobile solutions for climate resilience
Driverless tractors, drone crop dusters, automated milking: agriculture is most attractive robotics market
Quantifying vegetation biophysical variables from imaging spectrocopy data: a review of retrieval methods
Traditional Knowledge in Agriculture & Food:
Rainfed farming and disaster risk reduction
The origins of horticultural technology and science
Desperately seeking: a sustainable, climate friendly food system
Modelling the global dynamics of rain-fed and irrigated croplands
Improved harvest for small farms thanks to naturally cloned crops
Network connects indigenous knowledges in the Arctic and US Southwest
The powerful alliance between integrated science and traditional food systems
Comparative analysis of environmental impacts of agricultural production systems
Global versus local environmental impacts of grazing and confined beef production systems
Looking back to move forward on model validation: insights from a global model of agricultural land use
Plant cultivation identified in 23-year-old site in the Galilee, 11,000 years before earliest known agriculture
The role of dams in agriculture:
Global expansion of sustainable irrigation limited by water storage
EU agriculture not viable for the future
Netherlands: This tiny country feeds the world
EU lawmakers pass controversial GMO food law
Honeybee shortage threatens crop pollination in Europe
Europe's agriculture: how to make food affordable, healthy and 'green'
Science supporting abundant, nourishing food for a growing civilization
Climate change shifting wine grape harvests in France and Switzerland
Pesticide residues in European agricultural soils - a hidden reality unfolded
Domestication & early agriculture in the Mediterranean Basin: origins, diffusion & impact
Climate-induced changes in grapevine yield and must sugar content in Franconia (Germany) 1805-2010
Assessing agricultural systems & carbon cycle climate change in Europe dynamic global vegetation model
Middle East:
Agricultural drought challenges Arab world
Food in an uncertain future: Middle East & North Africa
How to feed Africa as the climate changes
Toward quantified small-scale farms in Africa
Africa's farmers 'need urgent climate-proof investment'
Weather info project aims to help African farmers adapt
Fertilizer nutrient imbalance to limit food production in Africa
Risk Atlas for Africa - pest distribution and risk atlas for Africa
Climate change impacts on crop productivity in Africa and South Asia
Impact of global warming on food security in vulnerable areas of Africa
Water, water - not everywhere: mapping water trends for African maize
Africa: the private sector, agriculture and climate change - connecting the dots
Not just maize: Africa's fall armyworm crisis threatens sorghum. other crops, too
Researchers find African farmers need better climate change data to improve farming practi
Transforming agriculture in the Sahel - what would it take?
Food seurity and disaster resilience through sustainable drylands management in North Dafur, Sudan
Feeding degraded soils in Ethiopia to feed the people and theenvironment
Factors influencing agbiotech adoption and development in sub-Saharan Africa
Green revolution Sub-Sahara Africa: implications of innovation for the well-being of rural smallholders
Kenya faces huge losses from armyworm
Kenya uses app in battle against desert locusts
Kenya, World Bank launch insurance program over agricultural challenges
East Africa:
A dynamic analysis of resilience in Uganda
East African agriculture and climate change
Climate change could crush East Africa's agricultural economy
The causes, processes of land fragmentation in the rangelands of Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda
Farmer perception, recollection, and remote sensing in weather index insurance. An Ethiopia case study
West Africa:
Improving food security in West Africa
Niger, Mali on alert to desert locust risk
West African agriculture and climate change
Are regional climate models relevant for crop yield prediction in West Africa?
Southern Africa:
South African agriculture and climate change
Zambia: from climate risk to climate resilience
Grapelook - water use efficiency in vineyards of South Africa
The complexities of climate change adaptation in South African agriculture
North America:
FDIC reforms
21st Centur US 'dustbowl' risk assessed
Impact of drought on California food growing
Wild bee decline threatens US crop production
US: Agriculture adaptation to a changing climate
Changing climate is affecting agriculture in the US
Satellite shows high productivity from US corn belt
Big drop in wintertime fog needed by fruit and nut crops
Climate change poses risks to food, beyond US drought
Climate change, global food security and the US food system
After 4 centuries, Southwest US irrigation system faces decline
The impact of climate extremes and irrigation on US crop yields
Climate change and agriculture in the US - effects and adaptation
Farmers plant for hyper-local forecasts with IBM's 'Deep Thunder'
Sinking land, poisoned water: the dark side of Calfornia's mega farms
USDA announces creation of foundation for food and agriculture research
Strengthening food resilience through the US President's Climate Data Initiative
Daily cost of consumer food wasted, inedible, and consumed in the US 2001-2016
Hot spots of opportunity for improved cropland nitrogen management across the US
The impact of climate, disease and wheat breeding on wheat variety yields in Kansas, 1985-2011
Managing weather and climate risks to agriculture in North America, Central America and the Caribbean
Central & South America:
Sustainable land-use concept for South America
Central America's food security threatened by drought
Balancing food security and environmental quality in China
China's rising soybean consumption reshaping western agriculture
China has made a shocking food production discovery - electro culture
Food benefit and climate warming potential of nitrogen fertilizer uses in China
Key role of China and its agriculture in global sustainable phosphorous management
A way to sustainability: perspective of resilience and and adaptation to disaster (China case atudy)
India caterpillar attack flags risk of climate-linked farm pests
India: Icrisat and DST launch centre of excellence in climate change research
ASEAN banks need to better manage climate risk to ensure region's food and water security
Food security in Indonesia
Timor: Food, water, rain, risk - the uphill strugle to adapt
Indonesia: irrigation infrastructure prone to climate change, catastrophes
Linking food security, climate adaptation and carbon management: a case study from Indonesia
National food security, food safety and nutrition policy in the Solomon Islands
Boost for Australia's grain industry
Adapting agriculture to climate change
CSIRO: Sustainable Agriculture Flagship
Australia aims to become Asia's food bowl
Australia: climate change will force farmers to adapt
As risk of drought rises, Australian farmers struggle to invest
Australian agriculture needs to adapt, not simply shift to meet climate change
Australia: hotter, harder times forecast for the farm as climate changes food production
Satellite data help Australian ranchers meet rising demand for meat in a changing world