Astrobiology, Colonisation, SETI, Space Tourism, Health Risk, Propulsion, Navigation, Computation, Re-entry

The emerging space economy:

Can space save Earth?

Life in space:

Looking for life

Life, here and beyond

Astrobiology at NASA

NASA's astrobiology roadmap

A modern way to lookfor aliens

Intelligence as a planetary scale process

A sstep closer to solving the Fermi Paradox

What is life? Its vast diversity defies easy definition

Why extraterrestrial life may not seem entirely alien

In the hunt for alien life, this planet just became a top suspect

Searching for life where the Sun doesn't shine: Part 1    Part 2   Part 3    Part 4    Part 6

Searching for life on Mars:

Lichen on Mars

Ancient Atlantis on Mars

A yellowstone guide to Mars 

Asteroid sites hint at life on Mars 

New technique for finding life on Mars

Antarctica offers insights into life on Mars 

Mars scientists investigate life in Australia

Organic carbon from Mars, but not biological

Potential signs of ancient life in Mars rover photos

Studying meteorites may reveal Mars' secrets of life

Searching for life in NASA's Perserverance Mars samples

Ancient fresh water lake on Mars could have sustained life

Seeking signs of life and more: NASA's Mars 2020 mission

San Diego researchers hope to find evidence of life on Mars

Evidence of water in meteorite revives debate over life on Mars

How NASA's Perserverance will build on past Martian expeditions 

Is NASA looking at the wrong type of rock for clues to Martian life?

NASA's Perserverance's new instrument to search for life traces on Mars

Scientists find microbes in lava tube living in conditions like those on Mars

New research shows curretnt exploration techniques could eradicate life on Mars

Morphological biosignatures in volcanic rocks - applications for life detection on Mars

Laser blasts show asteroid bombardment, hydrogen make great recipe for life on Mars    

Mars could have enough molecular oxygen to support life, and scientists figured out where to find it

Colonization of Mars:

Death on Mars

The Mars Anthropocene

NASA's Journey to Mars 

Making Mars mutiplanetary  

Imagining humans on Mars

Colonizing Mars means contaminating Mars

NASA wants people on Mars within 25 years

A salty, Martian meteorite offers clues to habitability

Inside the high-risk, high-stakes race to the red planet 

Mars rock-ingredient stew seen as plus for habitability 

Mars One puts back planned colonisation of Red Planet

First to red planet will become Martians: Canada astronaut 

Study may help humans colonise Mars and hunt for alien life 

Study may help humans colonise Mars and hunt for alien life

NASA reveals winners of 3D-printed Mars habitat competition

Mars base camp: an architecture for sending humans to Mars 

NASA announces winning concepts to further its journey to Mars

Low gravity and high radiation: would humans remain humans on Mars?

Who owns Mars? Mining puts spotlight on out of this world property claims

'Space Brain': Mars astronauts could experience long-term cognitive damage

First Mars mission from UAE aims to inspire a new generation of space scientists

Sorry Elon Musk, but it's now cllear that colonising Mars is unlikely - and a bad idea

External communication of autonomous crews under simulation of interplanetary missions

Colonizing the Moon:

How to build a moon base

The toxic side of the Moon

What is the Declaration on the Rights of the Moon?

Astronauts maje concrete in space for the first time

SpaceX announces new plan to send tourist around Moon

Japanese billionaire businessman revealed s SpaceX's first Moon traveler

Moon 2069: lunar tourism and deep space launches a century on from Apollo?

The question of aliens:

Detecting DNA in space

Eavesdropping on aliens

A new strategy to search for aliens

SETI: the Search for Extra Territorial Intelligence

Space tourism:

Apollo in realtime

The new space age

Where does outer space begin?  

Countdown to a new era in space

First space tourist flights could come in 2019

Space tourism to accelerate climate change?

Cataloguing other worldly landscapes on Earth

A brief history of humans in space:1961-present

Is space tourism travelling faster than space law?

Launchspace training catalog for space professionals

A brief look at the history (and future) of humans in space

'Passengers' and the real-life science of deep space travel

NASA counting on humanoid robots in deep space exploration

Space tourism for the people: become a virtual reality astronaut

AI, space, and humanity's future - a conversation with David Brin

How the 'right stuff' to be an astronaut has changed over the years

World's first space hotel will have artificial gravity and open in 2025

NASA taps student teams to simulate human exploration of other world

A trip to Venus:

High Altitude Venus Operational Concept (HAVOC)

NASA wants to send humans to Venus - brilliant idea!

Interstellar exploration:


Interstellar: crossing the cosmic void

Will Starshot's interstellar journey succeed

Alpha Centauri: our first target for interstellar probes?

Interactive virtual space travel:

Space Engine

Interactive visualization of our stellar neighborhood

Europe creates universal 'language' for space science

Space Computing:

How SGI and Apolllo Computers are used in space

NASA advances human mission to Moon with supercomputer 

Preparing the ISS for NASA's Mars mission computing requirements

Interstellar exploration:


Interstellar: crossing the cosmic void

Will Starshot's interstellar journey succeed

Alpha Centauri: our first target for interstellar probes?

Health hazards in space:

Stop aging in space

The human body in space

The 'omics' of space travel    

Anticipating the dangers of space

Space radiation and astronaut health

Spaceflight consistently affects the gut

How to protect astronauts from space radiation

The radiation showstopper for Mars exploration 

Scientists quantify deep-space radiation hazards

How spacefllght ages the immune system prematurely

Quantifying radiation risks to the human brain in space

Cellular responses of human postural muscle to Dry Immersion 

Researchers find space radiation is increasingly more hazardous

A self-replicating radiation shield for human deep-space exploration

Study finds cosmic rays increased heart risks among Apollo astronauts

Apollo astronauts experiencing higher rates of cardiovascular-related deaths

Melatonin is a potential drug for the prevention of bone loss during space flight

Dry Immersion as a ground-based modeel of microgravity physiological effects

Herpes virus reactivation in astronauts during space flight and its application on Earth

Stress related shift toward inflammaging in cosmonauts afetr long-duration space flight

Longitudonal MRI-visible perivascular space (PVS) changes with long-duration spaceflight

Microgravity changes brain connectivity: what happens to the human brain in weightlessness

NASA should update astronaut radiation exposure limits, improve communication of cancer risk 

Galactic Cosmic Radiation (GCR) in the interplanetary space through a modern secular minimum

New concerns for neurocognitive function during deep space exposures to chronic, neutron radiation 

Propulsion systems:

Electric propulsion of spacecraft

Riding the booster with enhanced sound 

How rto start the massive F-1 rocket engine

Laser propulsion market-creating innovation

New thruster design increases efficiency for future spaceflight

Demonstration proves nuclear fission system can provide space exploration power


Impact of rocket launch and space debris air pollutant emissions on stratospheric ozone & global climate

Navigation systems:

GPS in space: research brings autonomous interplanetary travel closer to reality

Balloning satellite populations in low Earth orbit portend changes for science and society

Re-entry from space:

ESA reentry expertise