Digital Learning

Teaching the teachers 

How to make a good teacher

Women's leadership in resilience 

Don't let teacher's lecture notes rot

Teaching geoscience history in context

Revamping graduate biophysics education

Interview Marc Prensky - achievement based education

Everything you and your teachers need to know about the learning brain  

Responsible innovation: the role of ethics in an increasingly complex world

World context and implications for higher education systems and institutions


STEAM team education

What is STEAM education

Math and science done right

A new Silicon Valley narrative

4 benefits of a STEAM education

Algebra-based high school physics

Why should physicists study history?

Unearthing Enrico Fermi's geophysics

Math scares everyone, even physicists

Revolution in computer science at school

STEM education: tips from STEM experts

Will computers redefine the roots of math?

Streamlining computational science projects

The Zero Project - Inclusive Education and ICT

The secret link between pure math and physics

Increasing computer literacy with the BBC micro:bit

Its time to shift the emphasis away from code sharing  

Copernicus's revolutionary ideas reorganized the heavens 

With Category Theory, mathematics escapes from equality

Improving science education: it's not rocket science - it's harder!

A simple and affordable experiment to determine Reynolds number

Opening the instructional doors to computer science and IT - finally

Inspiring the next generation of scientists and engineers: K-12 and beyond

Robot model for infant learning shows bodily posture may affect memory and learning

Science communications:

Today's science

Data Classroom

Sally Ride EarthKAM

AGU sharing science

Mars webcam goes pro

Science and storytelling

FUNctional literacy for all

NASA's Open Science 101

NOAA's Science on a Sphere

An interview with James Burke

Stories from scientists, for everyone

GETSI - GEodesey Tools for Societal Issues

The role of TV in our understanding of Nature

Cash Kao: China's tutors earn fortunes online

Knowledge-based participatory action research 

Spice up learning with interactive visualizations

USA: Internet Trends, Education and Immigration

The ICES Foundation iCREST education Initiative

Teens and scientists come together at Science Cafes

S is for science: the making of '3-2-1 Contact'' in the 80s

To groom better scientists, harness the power of narrative

How videos are used in secondary school physics teaching

Physics education at home: DIY activities for home learning

Quantum Mechanics - part 1 Crash Course Physics #43

ESA learning resouces for students, scientists and the public

Grade-school students teach a robot to help themselves learn geometry

Extending student knowledge and interest through super-curricular interests 

Democratization of HPC: ninth graders tap HPC in the cloud to design flying boats

A global assessment of market accessibility and market influence for global environmental change studies

Online courseware:



Open Culture

IBM SkillsBuild



World Science U


MIT open courseware

The Open University (UK)

Surveying the MOOC landscape

Open Culture free K-12 educational resouces

edX online courses from the world's leading universities

Other learning resources:


Earth School

Next Gen Math

Discover Education

PBS LearningMedia

GEO knowledge hub

National Geographic Kids

US climate resilience toolkit

Digital Learning Network (UK)

Science for kids, edited by kids

US open-source textbook initiative

MIT report on the future of libraries

UNESCO's global education coalition

Navigating the Teach the Earth portal

A phenomena-based science curriculum

Fire and emergency services educational resources

National Digital Learning Resources Network (Australia) 

Young people for resilience: the global gathering resumes 

Special educational projects:

The Zero Project            

Leon Lederman and Project ARISE

Basic lesson materials from TED, YouTube, and other media:


Are we running out of clean water?

Planetary Health case studies: an anthology of solutions

What is a coronavirus?    Which is better: soap or hand sanitizer?    How do ventilators work?

Culture & History:

American history

The age of cathedrals

A family tree for humanity

Wonders of ancient Egypt

Curating humanity's heritage

The architectural imagination

Ancient and Medieval History

Photos of endangered cultures

The story of life in photographs

Dreams from endangered cultures

World geography and culture online

The worldwide web of belief and ritual   

Gorgeous portraits of the world's vanishing people


Art of the Italian Renaissance

European paintings: from Leonardo to Rembrandt to Goya

Curiosity & discovery:

How the compass unlocked the world

How to spark your curiosity, scientifically

How simple ideas lead to scientific discoveries 

Resilience, sustainability & the environment:


US climate resilience toolkit

Gale in context: Environmental Studies

Climate change: causes and consequences


Single cell VR

Why not eat insects? 

Inside the ant colony

How plants cool the planet

The loathsome lethal mosquito

A simple way to tell insects apart    

The emergent genius of ant colonies  

What ants teach us about the brain, cancer and the Internet

Bird life:


Birds and climate visualizer

Sea creatures: 


The survival of the sea turtle

My wish - protect our oceans

What really happens to the plastic you throw away?

The ocean:

How tsunamis work

Why do whales sing

How big is the ocean?

The physics of surfing

Life in the deep oceans

Sampling our ocean's DNA    

How do ocean currents work? 

Inside the killer whale matriarchy           

Why should you read 'Moby Dick'?

Deep ocean mysteries and wonders

How surfboards connect us to nature

Why you should care about whale poo?       

A new way to 'grow' islands and coastline

The Antarctic Icesheet - a sleeping giant?

The astonishing hidden world of the deep ocean

Are warm ocean currents melting the ice in Antarctica? 

Arond and around, up and down: motion in the Southern Ocean

Weather & Climate:  

Weather detectives

Youth climate toolbox

UCAR/NCAR learning zone

Unleashing the creativity of teachers and students to comnbat climate change



How do fosslis form?

Rocks - and how to identify them

The start of plate tectonics on Earth

Every rock has a story - teachers and parents guide 

Visualizing geohazards and risk with code (Geocode)

Continental rifts, new oceans, and passive continental margins

A brief introduction to minerals    Geodes: how nature creates beautiful mineral formations

The science of geology 1    Plate tectonics 2    Atomic nature of matter 3    Minerals and their properties 4

Igneous rocks 5    Origins of magma 6    Introduction to volcanoes 7    Weathering and erosion 8

Soils 9    Sedimentary rocks 10


Geography, Resources, and Environment of Latin America course (GRELA)


You are not where you think you are

Blue Coral guide to the Solar System

Disasters & challenges affecting education:

Anger as Iran bans women from universities

Children's environmental heath in the digital age

Using paired teaching for earthquake education in schools

The education crisis: being in school is not the same as learning

Australia: new school education pages focus on early intervention

Delayed disaster impacts on academic performance of primary school children

The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on education system in developing countries

Education disrupted: disaster impacts on education in the Asia Pacific region in 2015

National & private school systems:

Global education

Globalization and education

Implications of globalization on education


A case for Nature-based education

Higher education in the United States

ASU Center for Education through Exploration

Council for American Private Education (CAPE)

US Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

US National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES)

UChicago launches quantum concepts training at South Side high school



The International Baccalaureate

Piaget's theory of cognitive development

Development of education in Switzerland

Germany & Austria:

Waldorf school system

The German school system


Montessori education

Commonwealth Countries:

The House System


How does the education system in China comapre with other countries?